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» Northern California Ford Owners     » Automotive   » General Talk   » I was SCAMMED by T-TOP50!!! WHERE'S MY MONEY AND CAR? (UPDATE 7/11) (Page 3)

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Author Topic: I was SCAMMED by T-TOP50!!! WHERE'S MY MONEY AND CAR? (UPDATE 7/11)
Member # 8418

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Crying don't get you anywhere you fucked up chalk it up as a loss learn from the experience and move on

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Originally posted by 93coupessp:
Crying don't get you anywhere you fucked up chalk it up as a loss learn from the experience and move on

So what you're saying is it's ok what Dan did to everyone? I'm not chalking this up as a lost. This doesn't involve you so why don't you chalk this thread up as a loss and stop posting? Unless you love Aaron so much that you must defend him.

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When did I ever mention dan in this thread smart guy? It's coo I won't post on your thread that is making you look so good anymore.

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Posts: 1919 | From: Hell | Registered: May 2008  |  :
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Originally posted by FRC_Kid:
Originally posted by 93coupessp:
Crying don't get you anywhere you fucked up chalk it up as a loss learn from the experience and move on

So what you're saying is it's ok what Dan did to everyone? I'm not chalking this up as a lost. This doesn't involve you so why don't you chalk this thread up as a loss and stop posting? Unless you love Aaron so much that you must defend him.
Why you saying it dont involve him? You put your business on a public forum and you cry when people tell you there opinion. If you don't want any negative feedback then keep your shit private. Or put no bad comments about me on my thread so I dont get my panties in a bunch and cry like a little bitch. Sounds like your plan to bash him didnt turn out they way you thought it would.
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Dans never responded and he's ducking and dodging. Aaron seems to be well grounded in the situation, also it seems like you took advantage of his kindness by leaving your hunk of junk at his house. Nigga should be charging you for storage. This seems more of a disagreement vs the cafords community having to watch out for a certain member. I think the lesson is to not do business with Ralph vs anybody else, he seems to want to be a bitch and threaten people with snitching on cafords. You chose to do business with Aaron, he's not coming through as fast as you'd like but he's not ducking or dodging you, this goes back on your decisions on how you treat people and interact with them ralphie boy
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I question the if some of you have a brain. I NEVER left my car there. I sold him my car with a promise of good faith from him that he'd pay me my money. He already admitted to selling the parts for way more than $750 and not giving it to me. Why???? Also what do you geniuses have to say about the PayPal situation? Let me guess he's a good guy huh? You guys are all tools here. The few that agree have already spoken up.

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Originally posted by FRC_Kid:
Originally posted by 93coupessp:
Aaron's a straight up dude. Seems to me Aaron was extending his willingness to help this dude out on his car while dude was completely indecisive about the whole thing. Sounds like someone's been fucking confused and Aaron tried multiple times just to get the car out of his possession. If it was that big if a deal you would have came and got your car but judging by the fact that you used your buddy's plate just to have aaa tow it to Aaron's says a lot about where your at on the food chain. You win some you lose some don't come on here crying cause you made a mistake with your own car. Should have picked the fucking thing up.

Why would I come get the car? he already had sold everything valuable from the car. He was going to put a 4-lug rear end with drum brakes on it back in there. That's stupid. If all the parts were still on the car I would have gladly picked it up.

If you sell someone a roller with parts on it then why take it back as a shell with no parts and no money? that's called being scammed.

You could be his cheerleader all you want. I still don't have my money.

What mistake did I make?? Other than trusting this guy to keep his word and send me the money as he parted it out. Instead he kept the money.

He did all kinds of work for you, he installed a ton of shit, then you flopped and didn't pay him for his time. You had him remove the shit he installed, and when you wanted to get rid of it you didn't do anything to lift your ass and make it happen. So he got rid of it for you.

Me personally, if I tell someone to come get their shit from my house. They better come get it, because if a week goes by and it's not gone, the next text message will be a picture of it on a tow truck. I'll tell ya which junkyard to find it at!

Times not free homeboy.

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This is not a scam, my situation is a scam. From what I read I never heard of a set date for it all to be paid off so technically he can still pay you back what he "owes" you. I also didn't read about you paying him for his time and labor on taking out your motor and all that, in which is no quick little thing to do.

Oh and we're still waiting on these text messages. I can post Dans all day.

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Let me clarify this. I paid for all of his time before I decided to sell him the car. I think you all believe I had him perform a ton of work and I didn't pay a dime. When I dropped my car off to him to have him perform the install I paid him for the labor. He lagged it for months and didn't complete it. Every time he hit me up saying I needed a part I would have it shipped or PayPal him the money the same day. Even when he needed a saw blade to cut my fender well I paid for it (didn't make much sense that I buy tools but whatever).

I've never short changed anyone in my life. Our deal was he would part the car out. As he did he would send me all the cash untill he paid off the balance. Once the balance was paid off he'd be free to keep everything else. He obviously sold the parts but never sent my money. We set over 5 different pay dates and he never made one. I know what he did with the money but again I'm not here to bash and post up his personal business. I'm not some two-bit loser. I waited patiently for him to complete the work on my car which he didn't. He was nowhere near done with my car as he says. I have multiple witnesses to verify my story.

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t top has always been right by me for the longest time, but on the other hand if i owe money, im broke till i pay u off. thats how i roll. if he made that money which he already said he did, for me there's no excuse why he couldn't of paid u then. a job? that car was a job, a wedding has nothing to do with your car or arraigment, and u didn't get paid for parts on your car being sold. for me personally i would want interest. for bein if what he said was true about u constantly changing your mind on the car from being built to part out would sound annoying as hell too, i would of said come get your car as well, but all work takes time and time is money, if that wasn't discussed then it sounds like this was a messy deal on both ends. gd luck. t top was one of the first guys ive ever met on here or dealt with, and he has always held his word or done as he says.
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Originally posted by 69stangin:
Originally posted by Venomousnotch:
Originally posted by SIC9250:
Originally posted by 93coupessp:
Aaron's a straight up dude. Seems to me Aaron was extending his willingness to help this dude out on his car while dude was completely indecisive about the whole thing. Sounds like someone's been fucking confused and Aaron tried multiple times just to get the car out of his possession. If it was that big if a deal you would have came and got your car but judging by the fact that you used your buddy's plate just to have aaa tow it to Aaron's says a lot about where your at on the food chain. You win some you lose some don't come on here crying cause you made a mistake with your own car. Should have picke
d the fucking thing up.

+2 Aaron is a good dude...He always has gone out his way to help others.. [patriot] [patriot]
+3 on Aaron being a good dude, he has always helped me out... Posting on here ain't going to help you, it will only hurt because your making yourself look bad and pissing off a guy that owes you money (supposedly)....but I don't see Aaron not making it right if he didn't have a good reason
Regardless guys Aaron himself (yes I would say he is a honest guy) posted that he agreed on the price of the car. Aaron bought a roller as is, therefore he owes the dude his money.
I could see Aaron deducting the 2 years back DMV fee since the car had wrong plate on it and it was misleading.

SO deduct the two years back DMV fees, from the $750.00 and than pay him the rest!

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The dude even said he owes the guy 750$. How can you make any excuses for him. He knows he does and that should be the bottom line.

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Its All Stock
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Originally posted by t-top50:
Ok I'm not disputing much of what he said. First he brought me a 95GT that he wanted a blower installed, motor installed, tranny installed, and misc stuff. And at that time we were friends and I don't remember the exact number I charged him for all that work, but it was real cheap. Maybe $750. So during this process he had a blower that he claims he had all the parts and he didn't. So I took time out of my days to track parts down for him and get them. He paid for them. Actually I paid for them and he paid me back. So one day I call him to let him know what other misc BS parts he needed for his build and he got frustrated with the project and said him wanted to part the car out and buy a vette. At this point the car was done. Needed belts and various little things. He calls me the following week and says hey pull the motor and blower out I have someone coming this weekend to buy it. At that point I shoulda give him his car back and told him to take care of it himself. But I helped him out and did what he asked. I was kinda irrated with the whole situation and to top it off the guy he sold the motor to dropped about a half a quart of oil in front of my house on the street. It was a mess and that stain never came out. So Ralph and I talked and we discussed what was gonna happen with the rest of the car. He had no money to give me at that time cuz he was shopping for a vette and whatever. I was interested in buying the roller in exchange for labor plus cash. His figure was $2100 which I thought was outrageous. But yes I agreed to the price. At this point I didn't know the car was out of registration for 2 years. I didn't find this out till a month later when he called me and said "hey I need the license plate from this car". It's not his, he used it from his buddy so AAA would tow it to my house. Now all this has happened over about 6 months maybe. I could go on and on about how I've been just as patient with Ralph on this car. I could write pages of how for over a month I HELPED him work out that whole situation, how he sold a Corral member a "complete" blower kit that was not complete and than pretty much told the guy FU I'm not refund you the money the kit was complete. But it was not a complete kit. I can write pages of the 2 or 3 times I told him to come get his car. Never once did he do that. And this was before I started parting it out. And yes he knew I was parting it out and yes I have him a payment or two. I could write pages of how when I moved I told him to get his car but since I sold the rearend he didn't want it, but I told him I would make it a roller and it would be fine. But yet he still never came to get it. As for the parts I sold:

- cheap SN95 cowl hood $300
- chrome wheels with poor tires $450
- rearend $250
- spindles $125
- clutch $150
- fuel pump $80
Hell yes I kept all that money. But to be honest I felt I was entitled to that considering everything that has happened. Bottom line is we both have had issues over the last year and while Ralph has been patient I have tried to make things right. I don't avoid his calls. I try and update him and we have even interviewed for a job together at the same time. This was a good friendship that has soured over the last 6 months, mostly because I have not had a job since December. I recently got hired but it's gonna take time for me to get back on my feet. Plus I had a wedding to pay for in May. Everyone can say what they want but I haven't stole, cheated, or mislead him at all. He feels I'm giving him excuses but I can't control how he feels.

So when you are going to pay him the money that you owe him?

You and him both AGREED to $2,100 and only paid him a certain amount.

Where is the payoff of the remaining amount?

If you don't feel like you owed him anything, why did you even agree to sending the PayPal or committing to payment via text messages (I'm assuming RALPH has copes if the texts).

.:: FANATICS ::.

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Originally posted by cpthowdy:
Originally posted by Secnd2nun64:
You need to pay the dude his money. Regardless of everything else that happened, you agreed to a price for the car and shorted him. Feeling entitled does not renegotiate what you initially agreed to. Neither does the excuse that you had a wedding to pay for. Sorry man, I feel that you are in the wrong on this one. At least that's my .02. Good luck with the job! Maybe work out a payment plan with him.


Pay the guy the MONEY you owe him, the money you AGREED to pay him.

.:: FANATICS ::.

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Originally posted by Z06-FTMFW:
Originally posted by 69stangin:
Originally posted by Venomousnotch:
Originally posted by SIC9250:
Originally posted by 93coupessp:
Aaron's a straight up dude. Seems to me Aaron was extending his willingness to help this dude out on his car while dude was completely indecisive about the whole thing. Sounds like someone's been fucking confused and Aaron tried multiple times just to get the car out of his possession. If it was that big if a deal you would have came and got your car but judging by the fact that you used your buddy's plate just to have aaa tow it to Aaron's says a lot about where your at on the food chain. You win some you lose some don't come on here crying cause you made a mistake with your own car. Should have picke
d the fucking thing up.

+2 Aaron is a good dude...He always has gone out his way to help others.. [patriot] [patriot]
+3 on Aaron being a good dude, he has always helped me out... Posting on here ain't going to help you, it will only hurt because your making yourself look bad and pissing off a guy that owes you money (supposedly)....but I don't see Aaron not making it right if he didn't have a good reason
Regardless guys Aaron himself (yes I would say he is a honest guy) posted that he agreed on the price of the car. Aaron bought a roller as is, therefore he owes the dude his money.
I could see Aaron deducting the 2 years back DMV fee since the car had wrong plate on it and it was misleading.

SO deduct the two years back DMV fees, from the $750.00 and than pay him the rest!


If Aaron feels like he was misinformed or mislead WRT DMV backfees for the vehicle, he should deduct the backfees and pay the remaining amount.


.:: FANATICS ::.

93 Cobra Teal
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He had a WEDDING to pay for!!! Geezuz H christ people!!!


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Ive known Aaron for years and have done countless transactions with him. Whether it was me owing him and paying him when I could and aaron always being understanding.. he always made sure to be squared away with me and anyone else I've known for him to deal with

I find it funny this KID is the only one in here saying he's a scammer lol pack your lunch and go home bud your making yourself look stupid

You should of handled it like an adult and got your Car if it was a big you bring it to cafords? Lol class act move

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Originally posted by Broke4.6:
Ive known Aaron for years and have done countless transactions with him. Whether it was me owing him and paying him when I could and aaron always being understanding.. he always made sure to be squared away with me and anyone else I've known for him to deal with

I find it funny this KID is the only one in here saying he's a scammer lol pack your lunch and go home bud your making yourself look stupid

You should of handled it like an adult and got your Car if it was a big you bring it to cafords? Lol class act move

There was nothing misleading about the registration of the car. Do you guys find it odd that he's constantly been asking me for the pink slip and license plate for the car? So that he could move it or something.

I would have got my car genius if it still had all the damn parts on it. He sold them all. So why pick up a shell.

To clear things up folks Aaron only told me to come get my car when I'd call him and sweat him about finishing the work. All of which is irrelevant to the current situation. He only posted that part to confuse the simple minded folks.

I find it funny that you think it's ok for a guy to not keep his word and pay someone. What do you have to say about his shady Paypal dealing? Since you are his friend and all.

I still don't have my money nor have I heard from him. Now I'm about to refund the guy the $150 that Aaron took from him. Since he never shipped the parts.

Atleast I know Aaron has a lot of friends. I have plenty of texts, and have witnesses as to the entire situation. Pay me my money!

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If someone you know owes you money, why bring it to forums?..Handle it like a man person to person. [Roll Eyes]

Also, it seems these days people want HELLLLLA shit done to their cars for practically nothing. Im sure you didnt really pay him for all the time he had into this car. And you illegally switched plates on the car? says lengths about the kind of person you are. just my opinion, Also your getting mad at peoples opinion when YOU brought it to a public forum.

Aaron TT50 already said once he gets back on his feet he will pay you, so keep in touch set some dates and handle it. What does upping your post count about the matter really going to fucking solve lol...just read the dan threads, that made no progress.

Money does ruin friendships though..shits evil!

And by the way, since what your saying is basically against what everyone has seen or known from Aaron in these "Texts".. Post up your proof.. or GTFO

[ 2014-06-17, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Vndcatr ]

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Originally posted by Broke4.6:
Ive known Aaron for years and have done countless transactions with him. Whether it was me owing him and paying him when I could and aaron always being understanding.. he always made sure to be squared away with me and anyone else I've known for him to deal with

I find it funny this KID is the only one in here saying he's a scammer lol pack your lunch and go home bud your making yourself look stupid

You should of handled it like an adult and got your Car if it was a big you bring it to cafords? Lol class act move

The only person handling anything like an adult should be the person keeping his word about paying. MAN UP AND PAY WHAT YOU OWE! Don't pull a Dan
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Dan moved out of the state in the middle of the night without anyone knowing. TTop50, as far as I know still lives in cali. in the same city. There is no comparison in that aspect.
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This dude contradicts himself over and over again

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Anytime anyone on this forum says "so and so is straight, or so and so is a man" you'd better be prepared not to get your money or parts back.
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Originally posted by Vndcatr:
If someone you know owes you money, why bring it to forums?..Handle it like a man person to person. [Roll Eyes]

Also, it seems these days people want HELLLLLA shit done to their cars for practically nothing. Im sure you didnt really pay him for all the time he had into this car. And you illegally switched plates on the car? says lengths about the kind of person you are. just my opinion, Also your getting mad at peoples opinion when YOU brought it to a public forum.

Aaron TT50 already said once he gets back on his feet he will pay you, so keep in touch set some dates and handle it. What does upping your post count about the matter really going to fucking solve lol...just read the dan threads, that made no progress.

Money does ruin friendships though..shits evil!

And by the way, since what your saying is basically against what everyone has seen or known from Aaron in these "Texts".. Post up your proof.. or GTFO

You guys act like switching plates on a car to use AAA towing is some insane crime. It's not like I don't pay for the service. AAA started a new policy and won't tow a car without current registration. Stop acting like you are some perfect citizen or that you don't bend the rules ever. Do you go over 65mph on the freeway? Is your car smog legal?

When it comes to waiting on the guy, I have. He says he's not on his feet yet he's taken a vacation to Florida????? Things don't add up do they. He was on his feet supposedly when he first made the agreement with me. He reasoning for not being able to work on my car was that he was so BUSY at work.

I'll post some examples up later.

Also it doesn't matter how much work I want done and at what price. He set the price so if later on he feels he's underpaid then that's his own fault for setting a price too low. That's like financing a new car and a month later the dealership ups your monthly payments. They justify it by telling you they feel the car is worth more. Would that be fair genius? a deal is a deal

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This is an example of how our friendship was. I would only ask when he'd have money to send me and he'd set dates and never make them.

So I never received the money at the end of the month as he said. This was not the first time this had happened. Why would he need the pink or License plate??? to junk the car? So everything is already sold by then and Is till hadn't got paid. Just one example. More to come.

Pretend Racecar Driver- C5 FRC

Ford, GM, & Dodge is what I'm all about

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