The official CaliforniaFords.com FAQ
What if I can't log in or lost my password?
Follow the steps here: CaliforniaFords.com/help/
Where can I get information on Northern California Ford car shows?
Click here for information about the largest late model Ford car show in Northern California cafords puts on every year.
Here are 1000's of pictures from previous CaliforniaFords.com car shows
Here is information about the next CaliforniaFords.com Ford car show and cruise
How do I use UBB Code?
Complete details on UBB Code are listed here.
How can I change my registration profile?
You may easily change any info stored in your registration profile, using the "profile" link located near the top of each page. You must be logged in in order to update your profile.
How can I clear all cookies set on this board?
If you ever experience login problems, you may have a problem with the cookies that have been set in your browser. If this happens, you can try clearing all cookies set on this message board by clicking here
What do those icons next to each topic mean?
These icons provide information on the state of each topic:
New Posts |
Old Posts |
![[new] [new]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/closedb.gif) |
![[old] [old]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/closed.gif) |
An open topic |
![[new] [new]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/pin_green.gif) |
![[old] [old]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/pin_green.gif) |
An important topic |
![[new] [new]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/poll_new.gif) |
![[old] [old]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/poll_old.gif) |
An open poll |
![[new hot Ford Topic] [new hot Ford Topic]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/hotclosedb.gif) |
![[old hot Ford Topic] [old hot Ford Topic]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/hotclosed.gif) |
Topic with more than 26 replies |
![[new closed]] [new closed]]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/redlockfolder.gif) |
![[old closed] [old closed]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/yellockfolder.gif) |
A closed topic or poll |
![[new closed]] [new closed]]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/moved_new.gif) |
![[old closed] [old closed]](https://californiafords.com/ubb/moved_old.gif) |
A moved topic or poll |
Can I edit my own posts?
You may edit or delete your own posts at any time. Look for the edit icon on the post to be edited. No one else can edit your post, except for the forum moderator(s) or the message board administrators. A note is generated at the bottom of each post that is edited so that every one knows when a post has been edited. Note that if your post was the start of a new topic, deleting your post will result in the removal of the entire topic (all replies after your topic will also be deleted). Please note that your board administrators may disable the ability of members to edit or delete posts. Only registered members can edit or delete their posts.
Can I use a signature?
You may use a signature (commonly used in email messages) on your posts. You may set your signature in your member profile. Once you have a signature stored, you can choose to include it with any post you make by checking the "include signature" box when you create your post. This message board's administrator may elect to turn the signature feature off at any time, however. If that is the case, the "include signature" option will not appear when you post a note, even if you have stored a signature. You may change your signature at any time by changing your profile, unless a message board administrator locks your profile.
Note: You may not use HTML in your signature file, but you may use UBB Code. Note that the board administrator may disable the UBB Code Image tag.
Can I search?
You may search for specific posts based on a word or words found in the posts, by a particular registered member, by date, and/or by forum. Just click on the "search" link at the top of most pages.
What are direct messages?
The administrators of this message board may permit members to send direct messages to each other. A direct message is not email. Direct messages are one-to-one communications that can only be read by the recipient. You can read direct messages in your profile section. You can also elect to be notified by email whenever someone sends you a direct message (you can set this in your profile). You can also prevent anyone from sending you a direct message (also configurable in your profile). Only registered members may send direct messages. This option can be disabled by the board administrators.
To send someone a direct message, look for the direct message icon on a post a person creates. You can send a direct message through the person's member profile, or from your Buddy List, if you have added the person to your Buddy List.
Any links to other pertinent websites?
Check out California Ford Links
What do I do if I forget my login ID and/or password?
Have your lost password emailed to you here
What is an Ignore List?
Ignore lists apply to direct messages only. Anyone you add to your ignore list can no longer send you a direct message. You can put someone on your ignore list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the "add to ignore list" link. Direct messaging must be enabled on this site in order to use buddy lists.
What is a Buddy List?
Buddy lists apply to direct messages only. Anyone you add to your buddy list is stored in a handy location, so that you can easily send the person a direct message. You can put someone on your ignore list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the "add to ignore list" link. Direct messaging must be enabled on this site in order to use buddy lists.
Can I be notified by email if someone responds to my topic?
If you create a new topic, you have the option of receiving an email notification every time someone posts a reply to your topic. Just check the email notification box when creating a new topic, if you want to use this feature. Only registered members can use this feature.
What are Today's Active Topics?
When you visit this message board, you will see a link at the top of the list of forums called "Today's Active Topics". Clicking on this link will provide you with a list of topics in all open, public forums that have been posted to during the current day. Private forums posts are never included in this listing.