Member # 1849
Hey, i have steeda underdrive pullies. when i used 2 have my old stereo (2 comp vr 12's and 760 watt amp) my lights used 2 dim, but i never had a problem with power. I'm stepping it up a little now (3 punch hx2's and a 1000+ watt amp) i'm going to get a capacitor for sure. I think imma get a 2 farad. do you think that will be enough even tho my alternator is underdriven> or should i put my stock pully back on? can u have the other 2 underdriven with the stock alternater pully? thanks.
Member # 51
I'd start out with putting on the smallest alternator pulley you can find.
Member # 2314
u should be coo even if u had a 1 farad but try looking at getting a deep cycle battery optima yellw top preferred i run them in all my cars with 2000 watt systems because your alternator is pretty powerful
Member # 1849
quote: Originally posted by st5150: I'd start out with putting on the smallest alternator pulley you can find.
can i? since its a 3 pully set, i thought maybe u have 2 have em all on....? cuz i still got my stock pully.
Member # 2559
Your belt is going to move the same speed regardless of your pulley. Its like changing a blower pulley. When you go to a smaller pulley you don't change the speed of your belt, you change the speed of that one component. All the pulley manufacturers reccomend NOT using their alternator pulley if you have a system like yours. Dont try to go to a smaller then stock one either. The pulley that it came with was meant to turn at that speed. To underdrive it is fine but to overdrive it causes it to work harder than it was meant too.
Member # 1849
quote: Originally posted by Fast472Mach1: Your belt is going to move the same speed regardless of your pulley. Its like changing a blower pulley. When you go to a smaller pulley you don't change the speed of your belt, you change the speed of that one component. All the pulley manufacturers reccomend NOT using their alternator pulley if you have a system like yours. Dont try to go to a smaller then stock one either. The pulley that it came with was meant to turn at that speed. To underdrive it is fine but to overdrive it causes it to work harder than it was meant too.
alright cool thnx. i still got my stock pully imma through back on there.
Member # 1689
Talk to Purple Notch, he's the stereo expert
Member # 2811
You may want to consider going to a dual Optima yellow top set up. You may not notice a drop in power but if your blasting the stereo and punch it your fuel system may not get enough juice, This can cause your motor to lean out which leads to detonation. Of course you wouldn't hear it detonating!
Member # 1849
quote: Originally posted by Red97SVT: You may want to consider going to a dual Optima yellow top set up. You may not notice a drop in power but if your blasting the stereo and punch it your fuel system may not get enough juice, This can cause your motor to lean out which leads to detonation. Of course you wouldn't hear it detonating!
i might have to look into that... i def dont want that happening without me knowing, haha.