This is topic 5.0 intake ideas in forum Tech Talk at Northern California Ford Owners  .

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Posted by MilesMerk (Member # 27) on :
I need an intake for my TT coug, but wanted to ask around before i went and spent the money. The motor is basically a 306, with slightly ported early 351W heads, and a small cam(204/214@050. Its turbo, and makes max boost real early, say arounf 2500-3000 rpm. What intake would YOU run??? I leaning more toward a Cartech box upper, with a ported truck lower. I dont think i really need a long runner intake, since boost kicks in early enough to take care of the torque issue, but what does everybody think? I was also thiknin about the Spyder intake, for the same reasons. Any ideas???
Posted by PunkINa5.SLOW (Member # 10) on :
Spyder EFI victor Jr. converted.

That would be NICE

I always say I have all the low end torque I want in my blue bottle.

You have all the low end torque you want in the form of Turbos.

Let Sawson and all those 10 to one and under guys worry about intakes with "good low end torque"

Posted by st5150 (Member # 51) on :
I'd just get the TFS street heat for the price:

Your heads probably flow 220ish cfm on the intake side. The TFS intake will make a nice match for it.

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