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» Northern California Ford Owners     » Commerce   » FOR(D) SALE:   » Read This Shit It's Funny As Hell

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Author Topic: Read This Shit It's Funny As Hell
86 Maier
Member # 9668

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The topic is from Phonso302 “don’t want to knock anyone’s hustle”
Basically Phonso (isn’t that a Muppet’s name?) anyway he want’s to tell everyone BUT ME that I’m fuckin up the sight because I don’t know how to bump my posting so I just repost. In short he is Cock Blockin my hustle like a good hatter should. Here are all the postings.

Phonso302 #9260; “this shit is annoying as fuck...I understand everyone has shit for sale and it might not sale fine ttt,bump your thread dont go copy and post up a new thread...”
*Answer; Then say something directly to the person you have a problem with. Not to any queer who might be listing to your bycurious gay thoughts.

Yaterstang #7659; “Assclowns probably causing the server crashes with all these bullshit posts. Move your shit to the top, dont continue doing that. Mutherfucker should be IP banned.”
*Answer; I bet money you are a bitch in person and never talk like that to actual people. Just to see, send your number to arrange getting socked in the mouth. Faith tells me you won’t come here to say any thing to my face. Don’t be a bigger bitch and send a bunk number either.

Svt306snake #1967; “damn thats smooth busted good work homie”
*Answer; Still living in the hood on mommy’s welfare money?

89foxlx #7193; “Has anybody bought from this guy before? I first noticed him on craigslist and I guess he found the site. His first post ever was a for sale add and I believe every post after that as well. Just wonderiing if anybody has even bought from him...”
*Answer; Plenty have bought from me that’s what’s funny. Almost as funny as still no one saying “repost correctly dumb ass”. In fact your mom bought a motor with a t-5 swap and installed it in her 6” dildo with a chrome kick stand so it won’t tip over. You know the one I’m talking about? Yes, the one you plug in her ass momma’s boy.

silver and black #8369; “I know iv seen his stuff on CL. TRU TRU to what all u guys r sayn.”
*Answer; Is that English? Agree with out any thing to add. You must be a scholar, a straight A student. Your mama must be proud.

95oundces #9555; “ive sent him pms but never get replies”
*Answer; I don’t even know what a pms is. That proves what I thought; all chatters are “pms” ing bitches. Stick a tampon in it and go sit in a corner.

warhorse58gt #7702; “if you guys haven't noticed. most of the new members just go to straight to the ford sale section! ”
*Answer; With a name like “warhorse” the little smiley face might not be appropriate. Just can’t hide the queer in you even with a cover like warhorse. The smiley face says gaypony.

siri95 #2840; “+1 I cut back going onto the FordSale section bc of that. I just filter thru for creditable SN's that post in that section.”
*Answer; Thanks for the useless info lonely guy. No one cares about what you do. Go kill your self.

302n/a #1465; “what pisses me off and is quite ridiculous is how people put cars for sale without any pictures.That doesn't make any sense the first question people ask is any pics?”
*Answer; True, but the loading of pictures on Ca.Fords seamed to be a hassle to set up. Couldn’t figure how to send them in reply either but sending them by e-mail reply is easy. C-list is easy to load pictures.

WildFire532FB #1482; “Wonder if those parts are legit or stolen.”
*Answer; I have never sold any stolen parts. I have friends who are in the sheriffs department that come to BBQ etc here. This is definitely the wrong place to have stolen shit. I tell you what though you send your location of your 5.0 and I guarantee I steel your shit and part it out right here on Ca.fords. Bet you don’t send your address coward.

04 S281 #9229; “ban”
*Answer; Is that a request for a gay mans under arm deodorant. Quit wearing women’s deodorant queer boy.

asskickin88 #4957; “I just checked his post history, every single post from 1-1-10 is in the Ford sale section and every single one is post 0. He never posts in any other section, never adds to his for sale post or contributes anything to this site..... I guess the upside is he doesn't post any donut video's. Everyone should keep his PM inbox flooded with total BS messages, maybe he'll get the point that we aren't happy with him spamming this site. If you don't contribute SOMETHING and are treating it like Craigslit you should be gone.”
*Answer; “asskickin88” Did some 3 year old help you pick out that name? You act like you have a reason to be pissed. This lame has “Officially Stangless!!” on his post. WHAT THE FUCK???? I’m being questioned about what I’m doing here and this mother fucker is stangless. Realy……..Realy??????

90fox50 #9338; Originally posted by 04 S281:ban “+1”
*Answer; +1?...+1?….Someday when you are a big boy you might get a opinion of your own and wont have to jump on the band wagon just to feel included.

RODRIGUEZ #9104; “Originally posted by 89FoxLX:Has anybody bought from this guy before? I first noticed him on craigslist and I guess he found the site. His first post ever was a for sale add and I believe every post after that as well. Just wonderiing if anybody has even bought from him...
“I actually bought my 5 spd swap from this guy, had to go all the way to Pescadero over by halfmoon bay to get it.
Yeah he has two rollers that he's been trying to sell for the fucken longest, dude needs to realize that those pieces of shit are never going to sell and just chop them up or post them up for free.”
*Answer; that makes you the biggest lame on the posting. You come to buy parts, stick $550 in my pocket, and then jump on the bitch wagon. I have some really nice rollers for sale. Yes, the same pieces of shit you got your trany from. That makes your Mustang the same piece of shit dumb ass.

JohnB #969 Originally posted by asskickn88: Originally posted by 89FoxLX:
His first post ever was a for sale add and I believe every post after that as well. I just checked his post history, every single post from 1-1-10 is in the Ford sale section and every single one is post 0. He never posts in any other section, never adds to his for sale post or contributes anything to this site..... I guess the upside is he doesn't post any donut video's. Everyone should keep his PM inbox flooded with total BS messages, maybe he'll get the point that we aren't happy with him spamming this site. If you don't contribute SOMETHING and are treating it like Craigslit you should be gone.
“If we did this, 2/3rd's of the folks on this site would be gone. We have LONG time members who post nothing but parts for sale.”
*Answer; You forget you are talking to “asskickin88” a 3 year old want to be with no mustang but still is on the sight. What a looser. What will I ever do without a customer who has no Mustang? JohnB I only have one request; get rid of the stangless want to be Camaro drivers to make the sight more legit.

Phonso302 #2960; “Originally posted by JohnB: Originally posted by asskickn88: Originally posted by 89FoxLX:His first post ever was a for sale add and I believe every post after that as well. I just checked his post history, every single post from 1-1-10 is in the Ford sale section and every single one is post 0. He never posts in any other section, never adds to his for sale post or contributes anything to this site..... I guess the upside is he doesn't post any donut video's. Everyone should keep his PM inbox flooded with total BS messages, maybe he'll get the point that we aren't happy with him spamming this site. If you don't contribute SOMETHING and are treating it like Craigslit you should be gone. If we did this, 2/3rd's of the folks on this site would be gone. We have LONG time members who post nothing but parts for sale.
“Im not knocking him for trying to sell his parts,I could care less if he bumped his thread daily,but make a whole new post of an old post come one.It would take him less time to look up his old thread and bump it and make it a lil more organized.Most people who i have seen that sell stuff make 1 thread and bump it they dont make the same thread every 2-3 days...”
*Answer; I’m “not knocking your queer hustle” but aren’t there better sights to try and find the answers to why you only have an internet chat life. Like gay porn sights. If you are scared of coming all the way out there are plenty of Bycourious sights that might show you how to properly fondle your fuck hole.

Maxoctane #1466 “What's wrong with joining the site just to sell parts? If no one sold parts we would all be driving stock stangs...”
*Answer; It’s not what I’m sellin it’s how I’m posting. We will try and talk slower next time so you can keep up. Get a better name “Maxoctane’?......just a little queer. Not all the way just a little.

Phonso302 # 2960; Originally posted by Maxoctane: What's wrong with joining the site just to sell parts? If no one sold parts we would all be driving stock stangs...
“no one is bitching about him selling parts but rather the way he chooses to post his fs ads...rather then making a single thread and bumping it he just copies and paste's a new one 50+ times when it could all be just 1 thread”
*Answer; I like the way I said it better. Your answer just has tears, Kleenex, and waaa waaa waaa all over it.

50Reasons #6452; “Free post ”
*Answer; I can’t say it any other way…. The smiley faces prove that chatting is for tee bagging homos.

Drop88stang #9650; “What a Jackass All his parts are overpriced anyway”
*Answer; The only reason Ca.Jew.Fords come to buy parts is when they are the cheapest Jew prices on the planet. Apparently that describes my pricing better because all the Ca.Jew.Fords came out of the temple to buy my used Jew parts.

JohnB #969; “Individual has been contacted on this. If it occurs again, we'll deal with it as we see fit. ”
*Answer; this is what should of happened in the first place from every person who replied to this add. So simple just say “repost the right way dumb ass”. Done, problem solved. Sorry to simplify your job. No more smiley faces John. It’s just gay.

Asskickin88 #4957; Originally posted by JohnB:Individual has been contacted on this. If it occurs again, we'll deal with it as we see fit.
“ ”
*Answer; I just knew it…. I just fuckin new it. The smiley face finely shows up. You just couldn’t keep the queer within you from not using the smiley faces. They just tease you 24/7 to use them with all your replies. Maybe JohnB can set up some hearts to dot your “i’s” with and some butterflies to border your name “Asslickin69”.

gtowned. #8156; Originally posted by JohnB:Individual has been contacted on this. If it occurs again, we'll deal with it as we see fit.
“Can you work on all the jackasses that spam the gen telk section now. Spring cleaning”
*Answer; JohnB has opened a whole can of snivel repair of the sight now. Good luck with your “Spring cleaning” because I’m sure you have nothing else to do. Like JohnB is just sitting at home waiting for complaints to fix. On this sight that might be a never ending job. JohnB time to hire new people to help you with your work load.

04 S281 #9229; Originally posted by JohnB:Individual has been contacted on this. If it occurs again, we'll deal with it as we see fit.
“He's not the only one doing this... we should call everyone who does this out as well if he's gonna be put out like that.”
*Answer; Don’t hide on the chat wagon, send the message to the person directly. They probably like me had no idea what the fuck they are doing.

Cobraracer46 #1142; “For sure 86 Maier is doing a good gob fucking up the CA for sale section, but in my opinion there are a lot of dip shits in the CA fords for sale section doing far more irritating shit than 86 Maier.
Example: Thread headings that simply read; parts for sale, mustang parts for sale.
How about you dip shits write a heading that lets people know exactly what you are selling right off the bat?
For sale ads with no price. There should be some rule that for sale posts without a price will be deleted.
Parts For sale posts with no pics. Vehicle for sale post with no pics.
No description of the part or vehicle being sold. I swear to fuckin god, I've seen a dip shit write a for sale thread for a vortech blower and the tread had no info about the blower at all. Is it a V1,V2, V3?
is it a S, SQ, SC or T trim? is the blower CCW?
Ford Factory trained tech. PM for info on side job services such as reprogramming Pats keys, diagnosing check engine lights,welding and more.”
*Answer; Daaaammmmn, there’s a lot of tension in your reply. A lot more than the rest. It’s not a perfect world but therapy might make the world seem like we are all not trying to personally piss you off. We are all trying to piss you off any way but a therapist can fuck you up even more and it will be funnier when you ramble in your replys about how the whole world is after you.

Cobraracer46 #1142; “Ah, if CA fords had these rules in place, the bull shit and stupidity that takes place in the For sale forms would be cut significantly.
This particular section of the board is unique, IMO. If you buy or sell something from the Sale / Trade section, you know you're not going to get ripped off. This site takes a dim view of folks making an illegitimate buck off its members. We will police our own.
Don't force me to be a forum Nazi. However, I will be happy to dump a thread or show someone the door when needed.
Basic policies:
Newbie Retards/Fresh Meat - are NOT permitted to post on this forum without approval from the mod.. If a FM posts an ad without approval, it gets deleted - no warnings, no's gone.
Ebay listings - if it's your own Ebay listing, you can list it here. If you've found something that is beneficial to the general membership ( 93 Cobra MC or Booster, 17" rims for cheap, etc ), post it. However, it then becomes the original posters responsibility to update the thread. If it's a "Hey, check out this asshat selling his mother's Yugo with the AOL green flashy-thing on the hood", keep on walking. Post that in GD so LT can toss your ass around for awhile.
Selling items - start your thread with a simple FS:, or For Sale:, or WTS, followed by a description of what your selling.
Buying/looking for items - start with WTB, or Want to Buy, or WTT, Want to Trade, etc. By doing this, someone perusing the forum knows exactly what's going on at a quick glance.
Pricing - if you post something, put a price on it. Please, don't do the, "Hey, I'm thinking about selling my case of synthetic blinker fluid, how much do you guys think it's worth?" No price, no more thread.
Contact information - include any pertinent contact information. If you want to sell your stuff, shouldn't people be able to contact you? How about letting people know where the item you're selling is located?
Regular updates - be sure to check your thread regularly (do I really have to say this?) to see if, heaven forbid, someone wants to buy your stuff. If you have a garage full of things to sell, and little by little things go to new owners, update your thread. Once all your stuff is sold, an update is required. Something simple like, "All items have been sold."
Common sense - include as much relevant information about your stuff as possible,
like part numbers, year/make/model, the parts and equipment it fits, location - it helps reduce the number of PM's, emails, and phone calls from people asking questions. Don't ASSume that your user location is enough - put the actual location of the parts in the post.
Edits - this will be the same as any other section of this site. You edit, you explain.
Grammar, punctuation, spelling - I'm the first to admit I make grammatical and spelling errors from time to time. However, horrific mistakes that can be corrected with a simple check via MS Word won't be tolerated. The more articulate and clear your post is, the more clout it will carry.
Hijacks - let's try to keep this to a minimum. I understand that a sale item may attract questions from other board members. PM'ing would be considered good etiquette, but that could exclude possible good tech for other folks. If the questions get involved, consider starting a new thread in the appropriate forum, with a link to the S/T section for additional clarification.
TTT/Bump - using TTT/bump is sooo unimaginative. If you want your post brought back to the top so people can see it, be creative about it. If you can't be imaginative and only know how to use TTT, maybe you should rethink your advertising sKilLZ, y0. If you abuse the TTT thing, your thread will get deleted. And before someone jumps my ass about using TTT on another board - it's acceptable elsewhere. It isn't here.
Commercial/business - this hasn't changed. No commerical or business postings. Private sale only.
Deleting old threads/listings - there are several threads in the S/T section that have significant tech and are beneficial. Many people like to see what a similar part/product has sold for in the past. The majority of the threads will stay, especially if they contain tech. Some threads ( plug wires that either sell, or never get a response ) will get deleted. Kapeesh?
Sale of weapons and weapons related items - The sale of handguns, rifles, and related items are NOT permitted on Non-negotiable. Period, end of statement.
As surprising as this may be, we've had a few recent incidents in the Sale/Trade section that required the mods to get involved. And, no one is pleased about it. It's gonna get ugly if this trend continues.
So, here's the skinny - if you have sold some widget to a cc'er, and that person has paid you....ship the damn thing, and email/PM the tracking number. Don't fuck around, wait 30-some-odd days, ignore the buyer, etc, etc. Get on the stick, and complete the transaction. Likewise, if you're the buyer, and the widget hasn't shown up, contact the seller in a timely manner to work out the details. The longer each party waits, the harder it is to resolve the issue. Be timely in all your correspondence. Seriously?? We have to say this???
If you're having trouble with a transaction, contact a mod right away. We'll help you get it straightened out.
Ok, post away, you sell'n fools.....
Ford Factory trained tech. PM for info on side job services such as reprogramming Pats keys, diagnosing check engine lights,welding and more.
*Answer; Holly fuckin shit!!!! Did you just answer you own reply? Dude…. You are a friggin cereal killer who eats the soles of little children aren’t you? Did the voices tell you to write all that shit? I could barely read the whole thing…. Boring. Take the human brains out of the freezer and eat a little to calm the voices a some or just take your get right pills the doctor started you on when you were 3 years old.

Bigjerry #6033;Originally posted by cobraracer46:Ah, if CA fords had these rules in place, the bull shit and stupidity that takes place in the For sale forms would be cut significantly.
This particular section of the board is unique, IMO. If you buy or sell something from the Sale / Trade section, you know you're not going to get ripped off. This site takes a dim view of folks making an illegitimate buck off its members. We will police our own.
Don't force me to be a forum Nazi. However, I will be happy to dump a thread or show someone the door when needed.
Basic policies:
Newbie Retards/Fresh Meat - are NOT permitted to post on this forum without approval from the mod.. If a FM posts an ad without approval, it gets deleted - no warnings, no's gone.
Ebay listings - if it's your own Ebay listing, you can list it here. If you've found something that is beneficial to the general membership ( 93 Cobra MC or Booster, 17" rims for cheap, etc ), post it. However, it then becomes the original posters responsibility to update the thread. If it's a "Hey, check out this asshat selling his mother's Yugo with the AOL green flashy-thing on the hood", keep on walking. Post that in GD so LT can toss your ass around for awhile.
Selling items - start your thread with a simple FS:, or For Sale:, or WTS, followed by a description of what your selling.
Buying/looking for items - start with WTB, or Want to Buy, or WTT, Want to Trade, etc. By doing this, someone perusing the forum knows exactly what's going on at a quick glance.
Pricing - if you post something, put a price on it. Please, don't do the, "Hey, I'm thinking about selling my case of synthetic blinker fluid, how much do you guys think it's worth?" No price, no more thread.
Contact information - include any pertinent contact information. If you want to sell your stuff, shouldn't people be able to contact you? How about letting people know where the item you're selling is located?
Regular updates - be sure to check your thread regularly (do I really have to say this?) to see if, heaven forbid, someone wants to buy your stuff. If you have a garage full of things to sell, and little by little things go to new owners, update your thread. Once all your stuff is sold, an update is required. Something simple like, "All items have been sold."
Common sense - include as much relevant information about your stuff as possible, like part numbers, year/make/model, the parts and equipment it fits, location - it helps reduce the number of PM's, emails, and phone calls from people asking questions. Don't ASSume that your user location is enough - put the actual location of the parts in the post.
Edits - this will be the same as any other section of this site. You edit, you explain.
Grammar, punctuation, spelling - I'm the first to admit I make grammatical and spelling errors from time to time. However, horrific mistakes that can be corrected with a simple check via MS Word won't be tolerated. The more articulate and clear your post is, the more clout it will carry.
Hijacks - let's try to keep this to a minimum. I understand that a sale item may attract questions from other board members. PM'ing would be considered good etiquette, but that could exclude possible good tech for other folks. If the questions get involved, consider starting a new thread in the appropriate forum, with a link to the S/T section for additional clarification.
TTT/Bump - using TTT/bump is sooo unimaginative. If you want your post brought back to the top so people can see it, be creative about it. If you can't be imaginative and only know how to use TTT, maybe you should rethink your advertising sKilLZ, y0. If you abuse the TTT thing, your thread will get deleted. And before someone jumps my ass about using TTT on another board - it's acceptable elsewhere. It isn't here.
Commercial/business - this hasn't changed. No commerical or business postings. Private sale only.
Deleting old threads/listings - there are several threads in the S/T section that have significant tech and are beneficial. Many people like to see what a similar part/product has sold for in the past. The majority of the threads will stay, especially if they contain tech. Some threads ( plug wires that either sell, or never get a response ) will get deleted. Kapeesh?
Sale of weapons and weapons related items - The sale of handguns, rifles, and related items are NOT permitted on Non-negotiable. Period, end of statement.
As surprising as this may be, we've had a few recent incidents in the Sale/Trade section that required the mods to get involved. And, no one is pleased about it. It's gonna get ugly if this trend continues.
So, here's the skinny - if you have sold some widget to a cc'er, and that person has paid you....ship the damn thing, and email/PM the tracking number. Don't fuck around, wait 30-some-odd days, ignore the buyer, etc, etc. Get on the stick, and complete the transaction. Likewise, if you're the buyer, and the widget hasn't shown up, contact the seller in a timely manner to work out the details. The longer each party waits, the harder it is to resolve the issue. Be timely in all your correspondence. Seriously?? We have to say this???
If you're having trouble with a transaction, contact a mod right away. We'll help you get it straightened out
Ok, post away, you sell'n fools.....
“Thats like looking at fine print aka SKIP and move on”
*Answer; To late to try and calm down crazy boy, he has something to fester on. It makes all the voices quieter when he releases on the chat line. Did you actually read all that? I fell a sleep about half way through and I’m the main subject. I read all the replies but that one. I lost interest around the part tat said bla bla bla I like to eat my own shit bla bla bla I tazer my penis to calm the voices bla bla bla……

*****THE APOLOGIE*****

I apologize to CA.FORDS for loading up the sight. I’m new to this chat sight and have never been on any chat sight before. I’m sure it sounds imposable to the chat line vets but I had no idea that you could repost that way. It would be way easer to do it that way. I will repost this posting that way every day so all can read it. Out of the 25+ replies to Phonso302 posting if one, just one person said something to me directly this would have been taken care of a long time ago. That might be true for all the people who do the same as I do as you said in your replies. Talk to them directly and I’m sure most will stop and repost the correct way.
I had the intention of never going to an internet sight that consisted of chatting. Do real men chat? I always thought bitches chat. I guess I’m a bit old school that way. Chatting to me is just shit talking behind some ones back while being protected through a computer screen. Like a punk ass snitch in protective custody yelling insults at all those who can’t touch him but stays in P.C. by choice for protection. I always viewed chatters as the same people on MSNBC on a show called “To Catch A Predator”. You know the chatters I’m talking about, hiding behind a screen, never having to face their fears, and staying in the closet with the rest of the fagets their whole computer life, praying on the innocent who happen to talk to them in their lonely chat line life, it’s just not for me.
Did any of the lames who replied ever think of being a real man and saying something to me about their issues? Has the internet chat world become a place for sniveling little girls that can’t confront people like a man? That’s how you do it? You talk like a circle of 80 year old bitches. Squawk, Squawk, Squawk, my dentures, Squawk, Squawk, Squawk, my sagging boobs, Squawk, Squawk, Squawk, FFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKK SHUT THE HELL UP YOU SNIVILNG PUNK BITCHES!!! God it’s depressing and embarrassing for the rest of the male population that friendless internet chat queers even exist.
You can kind of tell a little about the chatters by the Ebonics they speak in there replies. You can tell; still living jobless at mommy’s house, uneducated, unhireable, needing to get fucked (for most butt fucked), and destine to generate lots of tax dollars while in prison. The only success they might achieve in life would be in gay porn. You know the pants saggin around the knee cap style. So low you can see the bottom of their boxers, some skin, and then the pants. I wish they would at least pull their pants up high enough so the rest of the world doesn’t have to see the bloody ass tampon skid marks from the night before of street walking.
As you can tell I didn’t join this sight to chat. Chatting is for queers and that’s all there is to it. I joined to put your cash in my pocket. Straight the fuck up. Now calm down queer chatting community. Don’t get your panties in a bunch. Yes, I joined to sell 5.0 parts. Plain and simple. I figured Ca.Fords could use them. I was right, a lot of you who e-mailed me got a lot of parts from me. To those who don’t chat and still want parts you know where I’ll be. Collecting cash for 5.0 parts on C-list without chatting. That’s where I get 10 times the responses and sell 95% of my parts. Without the Ca.Bycurious.Ford chatters I’m sure my parts will sell just as they always have. I won’t even feel a hiccup in my cash flow. I have parted over 20 5.0 on C-list over the last few years. I’m not only doing this for the new customers that come and go but because of the return customer also. They come from all over, from Sac to Santa Rosa to Monterrey. I not only want you money today I want your money next month also. The only way to get return customers is being as straight up as you can about the parts you sell and having prices that are fare. The money in my pocket doesn’t lie. Just that I have a lot of return customers shows that I’m the dude to go to for 5.0 parts.
Well this is my first and last chat. In the end there were 2 pages of replies but not 1 word to me. Straight cowards, no other way to put it. I almost don’t want to send this because all the chat queers will be masturbating their fuck holes in replies to this. Going on about how tuff they are and how they are going to kick my ass. When in reality they are scared shitless in the real world, hide in chat rooms, and will never bust a grape in there sorry existence. So reply all you want I’m not even going to read any of it so you are safe to stay in your cubical coffin and say how big and bad you are, fan out your peacock feathers, puff up your chest, and Squawk, Squawk, Squawk, my menstrual cycle, Squawk, Squawk, Squawk, my feet are swollen Squawk, Squawk, Squawk. Now I’m off, back to the real world, with real people, make believing that internet chat queers, transvestites, child predators, and other Charles Manson types don’t really exist. The end times have officially begun, I have been suckered into the chat world. Because I chatted does that make me gay? I’ll have to talk to the priest this Sunday about that one. Who am I kidding even he knows chatters are faggots. That’s how they catch the priests who are child predators…..they chat on line.

P.S. Don’t forget to mention when getting parts from me that you are a CA.Fords member to get a 50% increase in parts cost for being a queer.

Posts: 84 | From: La Honda 94020 | Registered: Dec 2009  |  :
Member # 6995

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made it in before the lock. [Whoo Whooooo!]

want something old and japanese

Posts: 1609 | From: Brentwood | Registered: Aug 2006  |  :
Duncan Motors
Member # 7045

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hahahahahaahahahaomgomgogmogmgogmogmgogm! lololol!!!!!!!!! off the fucking hook! and dont be afraid to admit lol!
Posts: 6310 | From: Vallejo | Registered: Sep 2006  |  :
CAFords OG
Member # 3960

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89 Gt
98 Cobra
88 Notch
05 GSXR 750 Blk/Yel

Posts: 1782 | From: Sacramento, Ca | Registered: Jan 2004  |  :
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When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes the duty. -Thomas Jefferson

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Wow. I dont think ive ever read that much at onevtime in my life. Drama, drama, drama. Whats the world coming to? Lol.

2010 Genesis 2.0T

If you can read this, then it's burrito time

Originally posted by 2T0NE
Niners deserve to lose

Raiders Lakers A's

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Mustang Messiah
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"If a man hasn't found something worth dying for, he isn't fit to live." - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Originally posted by wilit:

man that fits this just perfect. great find




Posts: 5841 | From: SACRAMENTO "916" YA KNOW | Registered: Oct 2002  |  :
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Originally posted by 85notch5.0:
Wow. I dont think ive ever read that much at onevtime in my life. Drama, drama, drama. Whats the world coming to? Lol.

Hes got alot of time on his hands , since no one is buying his junk. All junk and salvage no one wants that crap.




Posts: 5841 | From: SACRAMENTO "916" YA KNOW | Registered: Oct 2002  |  :
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back to what we all like!

[ March 23, 2010, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: CHUGGABREW ]

Savage Habits
instagram @2cheezen

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Le Blanc
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Originally posted by CHUGGABREW:
back to what we all like!


3 valves per

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I bought it for $500 shithead.

And what kind of fagetass name is 86 Maeir [Eek!] [Eek!]

Look at that Vert you have on Craigslist, strait piece of shit and you will never sell those piece of shit rollers, mark my words queer.

And who the fuck spends the time to do all this shit, what a fucking low life [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]

I've met a lot of guys on this board and I've met you aswell, and trust me, you wouldn't talk half the shit you are now in front of them you little bitch.

[dance] [dance] [dance] [dance] [dance]

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Free post Bitch! [Big Grin] what are you. Going to do say bad things about me boo hoo thanks though now I will make it my mission to flag the hell out of your adds on cl dummy time for ya to find a new hustle

50Reasons Car Club President

Posts: 9483 | From: Sacramento Ca | Registered: Jan 2006  |  :
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What a bitch. u so coo homies. i bet yo mommy proud of uz that u seel craapy parts on dis sight den tulk sheet after nobody buysss yours sheeet.

Also smart one. Im sure you just killed any chance of you selling parts on this website. back to the flea market you go.

and i just noticed that youre talking about people spending too much time hiding behind a monitor when you just completely contradicted that by writing a book. in fact i think you just wrote the longest post in CAfords history. Do you still live in your moms basement?


[ March 24, 2010, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: BladeX10 ]

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