Member # 5555
Hey gang, I have been organizin' driving tours for some time now that are open to all makes and models. In the past, we have tore it up on the twisties, winery tours, poker runs and the like. I have started up this seasons gatherings and wanted to extend an invitation to my fellow ford bretheren. Here is information on the meet spot and links to the online information. If you are interested, shoot me an email or just show up!
1st and 3rd Saturday of each month @ 8:30 am in , CA.Concord
more information
The Donut Derelicts were originated in Southern California. Since it's inception, there have been other locations started up across the states. The purpose of these meeting spots are simple. Enjoy the toys we own. All makes and models are welcome...4 wheels, 2 wheels.....1 matter.
Bring it out!
The meeting starts at 8:30 am in Concord. If the gang is interested in taking a drive we will leave by 9:30 am to allow for the late risers to join in on the fun. If a driving tour is not in the cards the gang will hang out and kick the tires and eat fat pills until we are done or, until the chores can wait no more!
The meeting of the "East Bay Donut Derelicts" will be held at:
Renaissance Caffe 5100 Clayton Rd Concord, CA 94521-3139