This is topic any of the girls going to the cruise on saturday... in forum Events/Shows/Cruises at Northern California Ford Owners .
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Posted by Snake98Girl (Member # 452) on
Hey im kind of in a delima flying up north for the cruise this weekend...but sad to say, me and matt have goine out seperate ways. I'll be at my aunts house in Lafayette, so I was wondering if I could cruise out to Dublin with someone for the day. I could get a ride to meet up with anyone that would go out of their way for this, and Lunch or whatever would totally be on me. e mail me, reply on here, or call me if you can help me out. Thanks chicas!!!
home - 562-402-4427
work - 714-739-4885 x 272
Posted by WYLD VRT (Member # 526) on
Ya know I've got room in my car for ya if ya need it... Haven't hit one of these up in awhile so I think I'm going... you're also more than welcome to crash at my place if you don't want to head all the way down from Lafayette... just lemme know chicky
Posted by Cobra-Jeep (Member # 1482) on
Hey Christina,
Mustangcutie and i will pick you up if you need a ride. The Jeep is cramp (kinda) in the backseat and my friends complain its not comfortable. i might drive the truck out to layette and then come home and get the jeep but your more than welcome. Our Supercharger isn't on our 98 at the moment cause we're doing headers but thats why i am not taken it.
Posted by 98cobraGUY68 (Member # 1505) on
where u fly to and when...i work for southwest.., i might be able to help u out....BRIAN email me
Posted by nitrousracing (Member # 1346) on
98cobraguy. You wouldnt be able to help me out with a little plain ride would ya? =) THANKS
Posted by svt fan (Member # 959) on
Thats nice to see some Stangs up there! I recall hardly seeing any of them when I lived in Lafayette a couple of years ago while going to school.
Posted by svt fan (Member # 959) on
Actually, I lived on Acalanes Rd. I went to Saint Mary's graduated in 2000.
Posted by LaserStang (Member # 353) on
OMG - you mean after all this year, I'm *finally* going to get to meet you? Cool!
hahah! Hey, I'm flying solo to the meet - let me know if you still need a ride. Hit me up on my cell: XXX-XXX-XXXX and let me know (call to just say "Hi!", too!). Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
Talk to ya then...
[ December 14, 2005, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: LaserStang ]
Posted by Snake98Girl (Member # 452) on
Hey everyone...Thanks for being so and matt worked things out. we are at my aunts house, we got here this morning...were trying to find some races to go to tonite...if anyone knows of any give us a call 562-400-9992
Posted by Cobra-Jeep (Member # 1482) on
ok see you tomorrow.
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