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Posted by FasterDamnit (Member # 442) on
Pics on Yahoo- LikeIke, bunchmyfunky, John Giasi, 90GT
Posted by st5150 (Member # 51) on
Thanks for posting the pictures so quickly....
so what did everyone run?
Posted by FasterDamnit (Member # 442) on
Not going to steal anyone's thunder- Since I just watched...
Posted by bunchmyfunky (Member # 360) on
Thanks for posting the pics Jim.
I let Drew drive the car and he ran a best ET and MPH in it.
Times worst to best
60ft I3mph ET MPH
2.06 79.59 13.77 101.44
1.94 80.08 13.55 101.92
1.90 79.83 13.53 101.67
1.91 80.28 13.50 101.90
1.88 80.00 13.49 101.32
1.99 81.88 13.41 102.95 (Drews Run)
I need to work on my shifting. If I could have drove the car as well as Drew did with my 1.88 60ft It would have been a high 13.1X to a low 13.2 Hopefully next time out I will do better.
Posted by bunchmyfunky (Member # 360) on
Hey what happend to the pic of the smokey burnout.
Posted by st5150 (Member # 51) on
I know, I wasn't asking you what everyone ran... I should have been more clear
Posted by Yellow94GT (Member # 431) on
It was a freek accident
Posted by Yellow94GT (Member # 431) on
Oh yeah, thanks for the pics Jim...Hope to see ya tomarrow
Posted by John91coupe (Member # 18) on
I got one run in (9.74). Next time I got to the staging lanes I was told (Dave Sr?) I didn't have the proper safety equipment to run in the nines so I would need it the next time. Got to line and did my burnout and was told by the staging person that I would not be allowed to run.
Since I usually start out in the 10's for the first couple of runs and last night it was 9.7, I was hoping for some good times as the air got cooler. Oh well...... Time to get legal.
Posted by cobraman_1994 (Member # 467) on
Posted by Yellow94GT (Member # 431) on
John - It was probably for the better. Did you really want to run after that other mustang went and blew his motor all over the track? I know I wouldn't want to.
So now what is the game plan? What's involved in getting legal?
I did her the girl who was pulling lanes say something about a white or tan mustang running 9's w/o the right safety stuff....or cousre we all new who she was talking about
Good luck John, hope to see you back at it real soon, Drew
Posted by FasterDamnit (Member # 442) on
Originally posted by bunchmyfunky:
Hey what happend to the pic of the smokey burnout.
I just put it up- too dark. Sorry. Couldn't improve it w/ Adobe...
Posted by youl luz (Member # 53) on
Originally posted by John91coupe:
I got one run in (9.74). Next time I got to the staging lanes I was told (Dave Sr?) I didn't have the proper safety equipment to run in the nines so I would need it the next time. Got to line and did my burnout and was told by the staging person that I would not be allowed to run.
Since I usually start out in the 10's for the first couple of runs and last night it was 9.7, I was hoping for some good times as the air got cooler. Oh well...... Time to get legal.
John, I would not trip off it to much. Dave SR. is always a dick about all the legal stuff. Next time your out have a talk with Dave JR. and everything will be ok ..
Posted by John91coupe (Member # 18) on
Originally posted by Yellow94GT:
John - It was probably for the better. Did you really want to run after that other mustang went and blew his motor all over the track? I know I wouldn't want to.
So now what is the game plan? What's involved in getting legal?
I did her the girl who was pulling lanes say something about a white or tan mustang running 9's w/o the right safety stuff....or cousre we all new who she was talking about
Good luck John, hope to see you back at it real soon, Drew
Yeah, I wasn't crazy about running in that lane after that. They weren't even that crazy about my suggestion to just do 1/8 mile runs in the other lane so I took a rain check. Man that "lane girl" sure has become a hard ass now that she's got here NHRA license to tech cars.
To be legal I need some fire proof stuff (gloves, shoes, pants and jacket) and a neck collar. Also need the forward bars (through the speaker holes) and a window net. Need to find a place that can do the bars in one day or close enough for me to drive it back and forth each day if it takes a couple of days. I ain't leaving this car overnight anywhere.
Talk to you later.
Posted by John91coupe (Member # 18) on
Originally posted by youl luz:
Originally posted by John91coupe:
I got one run in (9.74). Next time I got to the staging lanes I was told (Dave Sr?) I didn't have the proper safety equipment to run in the nines so I would need it the next time. Got to line and did my burnout and was told by the staging person that I would not be allowed to run.
Since I usually start out in the 10's for the first couple of runs and last night it was 9.7, I was hoping for some good times as the air got cooler. Oh well...... Time to get legal.
John, I would not trip off it to much. Dave SR. is always a dick about all the legal stuff. Next time your out have a talk with Dave JR. and everything will be ok ..
Actually, the impression I got was.....don't come back until you are legal. I know for sure that the "lane chick" won't let me out on the track until then. Not sure who has the last word on it but I'm not going to risk the trip out there again just to have them tell me to go home.
Posted by StoplightWarrior (Member # 211) on
Posted by 99FLYER (Member # 1528) on
Originally posted by Yellow94GT:
It was a freek accident
Hey Drew is your rear end fixed? (on your car)
My motor is out , but hoping to have it back in by WED nite.
Posted by 90GT (Member # 3) on
Thanks for the picture Jim.
My outing didn't go to well but here are the results.
1.92 15.63
2.16 12.99 110.4
1.90 12.68 110.3
1.90 16.43
Next time I should let Drew drive, he would actually get into every gear. I guess there is always next time.
Posted by Team SOLO (Member # 722) on
John, Greg here...good to finally meet you. If you need that hook up on finishing the cage, let me know. Good to see you got everything all set on your license. I wouldn't recommend going back there until you get the necessary safety features taken care of. Email me anytime at
Posted by yellow67stang (Member # 903) on
Hey John, if you want your car legal and want it done quickly, like in a day or two then e-mail me and I will get you hooked up with about the best chassis guy in the bay area. He does incredable work!
Posted by kobrasucks (Member # 1700) on
ugly pics
sorry guys
Posted by bunchmyfunky (Member # 360) on
ugly pics
sorry guys
Blow me BITCH. Take your Hater attitude and go somewhere else.
Posted by FasterDamnit (Member # 442) on
Originally posted by kobrasucks:
ugly pics
sorry guys
ugly typist. no apology.
Posted by Yellow94GT (Member # 431) on
I guess some people are just naturally assholes
Posted by John91coupe (Member # 18) on
Nice to meet you also and thanks for hooking me up with that final signature for my license. How did things go for you in that beautifully done car?
Is the chassis guy close by? I'll email you for details.
Posted by Yellow94GT (Member # 431) on
99FLYER - Hey Carlo, I have the rearend up and going. Going good enough for a 1.686 60ft. anyway
As soon as I get a hold of some new upper and lower control arms I'll be back at the track every week
Posted by Team SOLO (Member # 722) on
Hey John, anytime...we are still working out the bugs, best of day was a 9.85 on a shakedown run. That guy that did your last sig was Jeff Simpson with a blown first gen Camaro in the mid seven range...very very fast and good looking car.
Posted by st5150 (Member # 51) on
I see Ike's car in the pictures... what times was he running? I haven't seen him posting much lately.
Posted by Yellow94GT (Member # 431) on
Hey Sawson, I'm not sure why Ike hasn't been posting much. But I know he was running some 14.1's last time out.
Posted by FasterDamnit (Member # 442) on
14.0 on radials. Usually 2.1 60ft.
Posted by Jimbo (Member # 1456) on
John- If you want even more people to talk to give Mike over at Maier racing a call, he is in Hayward so it might be closer than the other guys, he does really nice work as well. Maier Racing-510-538-2364. I have never seen your car run at the track before, looking foreward to when you get your car legal
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