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Posted by 93 5.0 (Member # 12418) on :
So I just found out last night my girl PREGO and it will be my first kid she a month or so so we don't know what it is yet but any good tip on been a new dad ??????
Posted by GOT 50 (Member # 1960) on :
Tip #1 Dont start telling people until you get through the first trimester.
Tip #2 Whatever you think a kid will cost in your head multiply it by 10
Tip #3 Do not ask for clothes at the baby shower. Diapers trump clothes as your kid will grow out of clothes on a monthly basis.
Tim #4 Do not tell people what names you are thinking of for your kid as everyone will have an over critical opinion.

Tip #5 the most important. Have as much sex as possible because she aint gettin more pregnant than she already is.
Posted by SVTGhoust (Member # 20) on :
Save your money. You will need it. Say goodbye to sleep. Ain't no such thing.
Posted by fredfifty (Member # 10320) on :
costco is the spot for diapers and wipes. oh, and for some reason, prego girls are hornier.

[ 2014-05-02, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: fredfifty ]
Posted by Vndcatr (Member # 2343) on :
All great tips in here.. I used costco to stock up on the diapers,wipes and formula. But wait until after your guys baby shower to know what you will need. If/when you register at places for the baby shower, SCAN EVERYTHING lol..friends and family usually are generous.

The first few months are rough but it gets better lol.. Congrats!
Posted by 70stang351w (Member # 9948) on :
My Daughter is coming up on 18 months old and everyone's advice above is correct.
Posted by adower (Member # 5955) on :
Originally posted by Vndcatr:
All great tips in here.. I used costco to stock up on the diapers,wipes and formula. But wait until after your guys baby shower to know what you will need. If/when you register at places for the baby shower, SCAN EVERYTHING lol..friends and family usually are generous.

The first few months are rough but it gets better lol.. Congrats!

Just went to my buddies coed baby shower. They scanned 4 things for the registry. Diapers formula wipes and something else. Never seen so many packs of diapers. It also made it super easy to buy for them.
Posted by blackfifty (Member # 9023) on :
Just like someone else said above don't tell anyone about the pregnancy until the first trimester is over. My wife and I made this mistake and we found out at five months that the baby had no heart beat and she had to have surgery to get the baby removed, hardest thing I've every had to go through in my life. She got pregnant again and we didn't tell anyone until she was in the clear. Buy a ton of diapers, wipes, and don't bother too much on clothes as they grow faster than you can keep up with. Also my biggest advice for you is learn patience, your life will never be the same but it will change for the better and you'll feel things you've never felt before and enjoy it bro, congrats I wish you all the best luck in the world.
Posted by mikeP (Member # 4489) on :
Originally posted by SVTGhoust:
Save your money. You will need it. Say goodbye to sleep. Ain't no such thing.

BooYah!!!! hit that shit a mile away...sleep when your dead.....just had my first and oh do i miss my zzz' happy regardless but man o man i miss the sleep...
Posted by 510.86.notch (Member # 9892) on :
It's a great feeling.i just had my first last Tuesday.a lot has changed since I found out my girl was prego.enjoy your peace and quit now.because there isn't goin to be much of that after he or she is born.congrats.
Posted by 1FAST93NOTCH (Member # 10722) on :
Welcome to RB's.
Posted by 50Reasons (Member # 6452) on :
Posted by fiftwyz (Member # 8351) on :
Originally posted by 50Reasons:

Posted by 135.0 (Member # 4992) on :
Originally posted by fiftwyz:
Originally posted by 50Reasons:

+2 Being a dad is a fun, scary and rewarding experience. Diapers don't last that long nor does the endless nights. You'll make it through no prob
Posted by 93 5.0 (Member # 12418) on :
Thanks guys Ya I know they cost a lot and no sleep smh I just don't want to f-up as a dad you know just want tip to not going off so ez if that makes since ???
Posted by red5o (Member # 12651) on :
Originally posted by fredfifty:
costco is the spot for diapers and wipes. oh, and for some reason, prego girls are hornier.

Posted by wilit (Member # 3367) on :
Originally posted by GOT 50:
Tip #1 Dont start telling people until you get through the first trimester.
Tip #2 Whatever you think a kid will cost in your head multiply it by 10
Tip #3 Do not ask for clothes at the baby shower. Diapers trump clothes as your kid will grow out of clothes on a monthly basis.
Tim #4 Do not tell people what names you are thinking of for your kid as everyone will have an over critical opinion.

Tip #5 the most important. Have as much sex as possible because she aint gettin more pregnant than she already is.

Probably the best advice ever given on CAFords. All of it is 100% true.
Posted by KARATExxCHUCK (Member # 12851) on :
Originally posted by GOT 50:
Tip #1 Dont start telling people until you get through the first trimester.
Tip #2 Whatever you think a kid will cost in your head multiply it by 10
Tip #3 Do not ask for clothes at the baby shower. Diapers trump clothes as your kid will grow out of clothes on a monthly basis.
Tim #4 Do not tell people what names you are thinking of for your kid as everyone will have an over critical opinion.

Tip #5 the most important. Have as much sex as possible because she aint gettin more pregnant than she already is.

All GREAT tips!! lol

COSTCO "IS" THE PLACE FOR DAIPERS AND WIPES!! And if you do not have a membership i will be more then happy to meet up with at Costco to shop. I LOVE THAT PLACE!! lol

Just a little advice, if your girl decides to NOT breast feed. DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT go with a formula and then switch it later on down the road. You will hate yourself. My bestfriend did that with his kid and his baby was constipated for weeks and was always crying because the poor little guy was constipated!!

Another FORD lover to fight against the FORD HATERS!!

Charles [patriot]
Posted by hidnn.o.s. (Member # 1219) on :
Originally posted by 93 5.0:
if that makes since ???

Posted by moeofit32 (Member # 10393) on :
Congrats on that man my lady is 5 months preggo with my 1st kid.....found out its a girl...shits crazy watching the baby grow and because imma bigger guy 6"3 238 my girls huge for how far along she is lol
Posted by 89point. (Member # 6078) on :
sorry to hear about that bro, but yes #1 was the most important to me too because my girlfriend was also pregnant and we told people and we ended up also losing that baby.. i now have a 7 month old daughter and were extremely happy... so to the op all the above are spot on, good luck and you are gonna love being a dad!!!
Originally posted by blackfifty:
Just like someone else said above don't tell anyone about the pregnancy until the first trimester is over. My wife and I made this mistake and we found out at five months that the baby had no heart beat and she had to have surgery to get the baby removed, hardest thing I've every had to go through in my life. She got pregnant again and we didn't tell anyone until she was in the clear. Buy a ton of diapers, wipes, and don't bother too much on clothes as they grow faster than you can keep up with. Also my biggest advice for you is learn patience, your life will never be the same but it will change for the better and you'll feel things you've never felt before and enjoy it bro, congrats I wish you all the best luck in the world.

Posted by 1Sicgt (Member # 714) on :
Well first and most important is congrats!!!

Having kids is awesome. They will teach you more about yourself than you knew. Having kids makes you appreciate the little things, seeing them do all those things we don't think about for the first time, capturing that amazement in their eyes as they do it. You know how guys always say that they are willing to die for someone? Well once you have a kid, you find that you mean it now. It's a part of you, cherish it. Remember that anything you do in front of it, it's learning from you. So how you handle other people, problems etc, that helps mold their way of thinking. So think things through before reacting.

Diapers are important. Don't buy any till baby is born. You don't know how long they will be in certain sizes, so don't over buy. Also you don't know if they will be in premie or size 1 to start, so it's best to wait. As for gift, ask for gift cards, ie target and Walmart. Avoid buying diapers, formula etc at babies r us. It's cheaper elsewhere. Learn to coupon. Their are tons of coupons for baby goods. You can save a ton this way. If you need pointers feel free to ask. I can get into more detail.

Don't always buy new clothes. There are tons of parents that do this, then their kids will never wear them all, so you can get stuff second hand cheap that is still new. Ya do get a few special outfits but you will get this more once they are here.

Wash the clothes in perfume free laundry soap for about the first 6-12 months. You won't know what they are allergic to, so it's safer to do this.

Don't buy formula until baby is born if going this route. Some 1in4 babies are born and can't drink milk based formula, therefor you will need soy.
Posted by losbadgts (Member # 4394) on :
Congrats. As mention above all great advice. But I will add a bit more since I have a 3 year old boy and 1 year girl. 1 take advantage when they nap. 2 Learn to control any anger u have. 3 Your life with your girl will change a lot. 4 Try to have close family member help u guys from time to time. 5 enjoy and take a shit load of pics and videos.
Posted by SacGrown89GT (Member # 7435) on :
Originally posted by blackfifty:
Just like someone else said above don't tell anyone about the pregnancy until the first trimester is over. My wife and I made this mistake and we found out at five months that the baby had no heart beat and she had to have surgery to get the baby removed, hardest thing I've every had to go through in my life. She got pregnant again and we didn't tell anyone until she was in the clear. Buy a ton of diapers, wipes, and don't bother too much on clothes as they grow faster than you can keep up with. Also my biggest advice for you is learn patience, your life will never be the same but it will change for the better and you'll feel things you've never felt before and enjoy it bro, congrats I wish you all the best luck in the world.

I feel you on this. Me n the wife did the same thing about telling everyone as soon as we found out about us having a 2nd baby since we were trying for so long. Found out at 2 mnths no heart beat and she too needed surgery. One of the worst feelings in the world. To top it off since we wanted another so bad my wife got all depressed and ddnt wanna try again. After about 4 months doc said we were able to try again. Sure enough seeing as my 3yr old needs a brother or sister we agreed to try again and sure enough we are expecting again, thank god. This time we waited till all the doctor visits to make sure baby is wer its sposed to be and heart beat is healthy. God is great.

Back to the new to be dad,
Congrats to you bro. Being a dad is the most amazing thing in the world. Like stated above youll change for the better and make sure to take lots of pics and videos. And ill b a foo if you dont cry when he or she is born! Kids are Truly a blessing. Again congrats bro its gonna be a mood changin wife for the rest of the ride!! Haha dont let that scare u jus b ready for it. Hopefully our stories dont scare you theyre just things that happen.
[Big Grin] [patriot]
Posted by Infamous5.0 (Member # 1745) on :
Originally posted by GOT 50:
Tip #1 Dont start telling people until you get through the first trimester.
Tip #2 Whatever you think a kid will cost in your head multiply it by 10
Tip #3 Do not ask for clothes at the baby shower. Diapers trump clothes as your kid will grow out of clothes on a monthly basis.
Tim #4 Do not tell people what names you are thinking of for your kid as everyone will have an over critical opinion.

Tip #5 the most important. Have as much sex as possible because she aint gettin more pregnant than she already is.

[worship] Dead on!!! Tip #1 is the scariest. We didn't tell anyone because the first 3 months are the hardest. Tip #5 is true also. After the baby is born she might not want it because she will be too tired 90% of the time. Tip #6 get a 4 door car, SUV or mid size SUV. Last but not least, say good bye to sleep. I haven't slept in past 7:30 am for almost a year. I got used to it, keep in mind I was able to sleep in until 10 am sometimes [Smile]
Posted by Z06-FTMFW (Member # 3164) on :
Congrats bro!
Posted by ECOboostin (Member # 4347) on :
Originally posted by hidnn.o.s.:
Originally posted by 93 5.0:
if that makes since ???

Hahahahaha !!!!! [worship]
Posted by 93 5.0 (Member # 12418) on :
Thanks guys Ya sleep I'm up by 5 every day for wrk and i sleep heavily lol and like I said I get piss ez and know it not good and the only thing to calm me down is fly down a bak road in my stang but can't do that all the time

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