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Posted by aj5.0916 (Member # 7968) on
so i come out one morning and find a ticket on my windshield for not displayin a front plate kinda crazy came to my house to give me a ticket when ya could be out catchin a real criminal
Posted by F.or O.nly R.eal D.rivers (Member # 8971) on
Maaan ive been havin some bad experiences with these stupid f%*^in police lately.Im gonna have to go back to my old self and start high speedin again!Police be overdoin it sometimes!
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on
I agree coming to your house is lame. But ignorance of the law is as well. You know you are supposed to have one on there. Which is why they gave you 2.
Posted by F.or O.nly R.eal D.rivers (Member # 8971) on
Originally posted by N8:
I agree coming to your house is lame. But ignorance of the law is as well. You know you are supposed to have one on there. Which is why they gave you 2.
I understand that but come on now,a ticket for that when youre not even in the car!
Posted by asskickn88 (Member # 4957) on
I parked at a meter in downtown Sac. I paid and set the timer on my phone for 5 before the time was up so I wouldn't miss making it back out there. I came out to an expired meter, a ticket for the meter, no front plate and expired registration. The reg wasn't even up yet, I guess because there was only 5 days left in the month they figured it was out. Either way the meters are crooked and meter maids are out for any revenue they can get.
Posted by aj5.0916 (Member # 7968) on
my car got tapped in the front an the plate came off its in the car
Posted by aj5.0916 (Member # 7968) on
and i forgot to mention a 72 hour notice was on my car and it has been move no marks on my tires so how can they say it hasnt been moved some fag must have called on it
Posted by 03gtPONY (Member # 5337) on
meter maids have the authority to give tickets for no front license plates now. cops dont go patrolling for no license plates. having a license plate has been a law for quite sometime now
Posted by jaejae (Member # 7958) on
Originally posted by F.or O.nly R.eal D.rivers:
Maaan ive been havin some bad experiences with these stupid f%*^in police lately.Im gonna have to go back to my old self and start high speedin again!Police be overdoin it sometimes!
im way ahead of u
Posted by 1Sicgt (Member # 714) on
Originally posted by asskickn88:
I parked at a meter in downtown Sac. I paid and set the timer on my phone for 5 before the time was up so I wouldn't miss making it back out there. I came out to an expired meter, a ticket for the meter, no front plate and expired registration. The reg wasn't even up yet, I guess because there was only 5 days left in the month they figured it was out. Either way the meters are crooked and meter maids are out for any revenue they can get.
Your registration is not due at the end of the month (unless you happen to have bought it at the end of the month), but its due the date you bought the car. So if you bought the car on the 12th it will be due the 12th. The late fees on registration increase proportionately* also. 1-3 days is so much more, 4-7 is a bit more, 8-15 days late little more, then 16-30 etc. So it could have been expired. Whats funny is is a meter cop finds a car with expired tags, and ran out meter, they usually mark the tires and the ground too, that way they can find out if it is abandoned and that they should tow it.
Sucks no matter whats though.
Posted by 1Sicgt (Member # 714) on
Originally posted by aj5.0916:
so i come out one morning and find a ticket on my windshield for not displayin a front plate kinda crazy came to my house to give me a ticket when ya could be out catchin a real criminal
If the car was in your driveway, fight it. They can't go on private property to ticket you for fix it violations. If the car was a public eye sore, the city can issue a violation to remove it from public eye, even if its in your driveway, but other then that, they can't touch it.
IMO, fight the ticket.
Posted by aj5.0916 (Member # 7968) on
na it was parked on the street
Posted by 95GTConvtACE (Member # 6399) on
Haven't you heard, California is in debt big time. This is what the legisture was discussing when comeing up with the new budget. One way to collect revenue is to go door to door and fine 2 out of 3 home owners for atleast one thing. The debt will turn into a profit in no time. lmao.
Posted by Greasy (Member # 5258) on
I got a ticket once for honking the horn
I guess you can only use the horn in "Emergency situations" according to the cop
Posted by F.or O.nly R.eal D.rivers (Member # 8971) on
Originally posted by Greasy:
I got a ticket once for honking the horn
I guess you can only use the horn in "Emergency situations" according to the cop
Me too!Thats crazy.
Posted by solbrothers (Member # 7524) on
cops are poppin hoods like crazy lookin for illegal mods
Posted by SPIDER_STANG (Member # 8658) on
Hey I got a weak ass ticket for no front plate at my job!! I parked on the street for the first time at work & blam!! a dang ticket for 10 bucks for no front plate!! I thought that was weak ass F**K!! $10 if fixed & signed by a cop or $25 bucks if before 4 weeks!! I lost the ticket & got lazy about it so now I have to pay $100 something!! Now thats Messed up!!
[ February 28, 2009, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: SPIDER_STANG ]
Posted by NavidR (Member # 3164) on
this is just easy money for them, look state of California needs money, what easier way to make money ten stupid tickets!
Posted by AL STOCK (Member # 1852) on
Originally posted by SPIDER_STANG:
Hey I got a weak ass ticket for no front plate at my job!! I parked on the street for the first time at work & blam!! a dang ticket for 10 bucks for no front plate!! I thought that was weak ass F**K!! $10 if fixed & signed by a cop or $25 bucks if before 4 weeks!! I lost the ticket & got lazy about it so now I have to pay $100 something!! Now thats Messed up!!
Thanks for reminding me shitttt i remember getting a tinted window ticket early Feb and i think it was due Feb 19th.. AHHHHHHH
need to remove my tints now because its getting hectic out there
Posted by 88DroptopGT (Member # 2535) on
Damn I hate BS tickets!
Posted by F.or O.nly R.eal D.rivers (Member # 8971) on
Originally posted by 88DroptopGT:
Damn I hate BS tickets!
X2! Like navidr said,easy money
Posted by asskickn88 (Member # 4957) on
Originally posted by 1Sicgt:
Your registration is not due at the end of the month (unless you happen to have bought it at the end of the month), but its due the date you bought the car. So if you bought the car on the 12th it will be due the 12th. The late fees on registration increase proportionately* also. 1-3 days is so much more, 4-7 is a bit more, 8-15 days late little more, then 16-30 etc. So it could have been expired. Whats funny is is a meter cop finds a car with expired tags, and ran out meter, they usually mark the tires and the ground too, that way they can find out if it is abandoned and that they should tow it.
Sucks no matter whats though.
It was like the 25th and the registration wasn't expired till the 28th but I'm guessing they figured it was so close to the end of the month it had to be expired. I had already sent the money in and was waiting on the stickers.
Posted by F.or O.nly R.eal D.rivers (Member # 8971) on
Originally posted by asskickn88:
Originally posted by 1Sicgt:
Your registration is not due at the end of the month (unless you happen to have bought it at the end of the month), but its due the date you bought the car. So if you bought the car on the 12th it will be due the 12th. The late fees on registration increase proportionately* also. 1-3 days is so much more, 4-7 is a bit more, 8-15 days late little more, then 16-30 etc. So it could have been expired. Whats funny is is a meter cop finds a car with expired tags, and ran out meter, they usually mark the tires and the ground too, that way they can find out if it is abandoned and that they should tow it.
Sucks no matter whats though.
It was like the 25th and the registration wasn't expired till the 28th but I'm guessing they figured it was so close to the end of the month it had to be expired. I had already sent the money in and was waiting on the stickers.
It doesnt matter if its 11:59 on the 27th,its still not expired u know what I mean. Im pretty sure it tells them exactly what day it expires.Oh well its your word against theres you already know how thats gonna go
Posted by crazyhorse (Member # 5662) on
does anyone here know if its valid to show your plate on the dash? Ive had mine on the dash for years and havent got a ticket yet.
Posted by Hlbly50 (Member # 8989) on
Nah, it needs to be bolted on
Posted by F8LSN8K (Member # 7080) on
Originally posted by Hlbly50:
Nah, it needs to be bolted on
i just use double sided tape, find a cop at a starbucks, get it signed off, and when he leaves i pull it back off
Posted by KeithStang7 (Member # 1945) on
The cops are getting bad all over. I'm up here in Redding and their pulling people over for anything visible that might give them reason to believe that your car is illegally modified. Like tachs on the dash, roll bars, after market exhaust, etc, etc, etc. They pull you over, tell you to open the hood and start getting stupid. One guy had his car towed because of a BBK CAI!!!! Can you believe that?! Gotta keep it legit.
Posted by Hlbly50 (Member # 8989) on
It would not be so bad if the lawmakers and the environmentalists did not make it so damn hard for the aftermarket companies to get something CARB approved. If the stuff was legal, then they can not get cited or towed.
Posted by Cobraboy (Member # 7826) on
Originally posted by F.or O.nly R.eal D.rivers:
Originally posted by N8:
I agree coming to your house is lame. But ignorance of the law is as well. You know you are supposed to have one on there. Which is why they gave you 2.
I understand that but come on now,a ticket for that when youre not even in the car!
Doesn't matter. It's parked on a county road. That's pretty fuckin' lame though
Posted by Bigjerry916 (Member # 8787) on
i got tired of fighting them over my front license plate your not gonna win. recently my dad woke up for work and there was a ticket on his window for parking on the lawn. LMFAO my dads neighborhood is a pretty rough area and theres plenty of crack heads rolling around breaking into houses. But officer dick face felt it was more important to write a parking citation at 2:30 am. I am not bias towards cops or anything but it is getting crazy out here seems like their the gangsters causing trouble. Not to surprising more in more officers are ending up dead!
Posted by Cobraboy (Member # 7826) on
Originally posted by Bigjerry916:
i got tired of fighting them over my front license plate your not gonna win. recently my dad woke up for work and there was a ticket on his window for parking on the lawn. LMFAO my dads neighborhood is a pretty rough area and theres plenty of crack heads rolling around breaking into houses. But officer dick face felt it was more important to write a parking citation at 2:30 am. I am not bias towards cops or anything but it is getting crazy out here seems like their the gangsters causing trouble. Not to surprising more in more officers are ending up dead!
Uhh. Yeah.
The reason why cops are being assholes lately and doing things “out of the norm” from what you would typically observe is simple – state budget.
ALL agencies are writing more tickets and trying to bust more people. They are trying to generate revenue to the state. Who is paying for it??
All of us…
Posted by aj5.0916 (Member # 7968) on
i got a ticket for parkin in the grass they say the car will leak bad for the inviorment bla bla bla also frend got a ticket for blockin his own driveway
Posted by Cobraboy (Member # 7826) on
One time a cop wrote me a ticket for getting a ticket. Shit's outta control.
[ March 04, 2009, 04:41 PM: Message edited by: Cobraboy ]
Posted by aj5.0916 (Member # 7968) on
huh ya gotta explain that one
Posted by Cobraboy (Member # 7826) on
lol... forget it
Posted by SPIDER_STANG (Member # 8658) on
Originally posted by Cobraboy:
One time a cop wrote me a ticket for getting a ticket. Shit's outta control.
Now that is funny!!!!
Posted by LuvMyStang (Member # 8987) on
Originally posted by Cobraboy:
One time a cop wrote me a ticket for getting a ticket. Shit's outta control.
Nice! Hahaha. "Here's a ticket for running the red light, and here's another ticket for getting that ticket. It's illegal to get a ticket you know. -wink-"
Posted by aj5.0916 (Member # 7968) on
oh i fell kinda stupid now lol
Posted by JOEFOX87 (Member # 8331) on
Originally posted by Cobraboy:
lol... forget it
No, really, you have to explain that one.
Posted by LuvMyStang (Member # 8987) on
Lol, he was probably just joking. I thought it was funny.
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