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Posted by 1991CHP (Member # 5097) on :
Thanks you ungrateful Fuc*ers in New Orleans!


I just wanted to thank you ungrateful A-holes that used your fellow citizens hard earned tax money to waste on anything you pleased!

Turns out that over 1.4 BILLION dollars from the Debit cards that were handed out to the Katrina victims was used for anything but necessities.

Fema tracked and audited the spending on all the $2000 debit cards that were handed out to those in need and found that the recipients spent the money on stuff like:
Diamond jewelry
$200 bottle of champagne at a Hooters
$300 worth of "Girls Gone Wild" videos
Money towards a sex change
just to name a few..

Here is one of the stories from CNN but there are more if you google them

Remind me again why we gave a $hit?

" Copied from another site."
Posted by two-gun kid (Member # 5891) on :
hahahahaha, another reason why im not going to waste my time over there, if they cant help themselves, why should i help them?
Posted by 92stangLX (Member # 3252) on :
This is the one that I like:

"FEMA paid $20,000 to a Louisiana prisoner who listed a post office box as his damaged property"

Government efficiency at it's finest [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Cobra5.0Jeep (Member # 1482) on :
Just think if that shit happens again this year? More money wasted on a crappy city.
Posted by 1991CHP (Member # 5097) on :
And what's even better, they moved some of them to hotels in Texas, and the crime rate went up ten fold. [Eek!] [Eek!]
Posted by 306Coupe (Member # 4988) on :
Ummmm.... There are plenty of good citizen in New Orleans that used that money in the right way. New Orleans has been one of the poorest cities in america for a very long time. Have respect for humanity and realize that some doesn't equal all. Thousands of people died that week during the hurricane, actually triple the amount that died on 9-11. There were also plenty of 9-11 victims, victims family who used the government's money for shitty things. Will you talk shit and say why should we care about the victims of 9-11? So when you say "why Should we give a shit", we should care because of the people who past away because of slow government response time.

[ June 15, 2006, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: 306Coupe ]
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
Yup! Youre way right 306 the Gov't made the hurricane and its their fault people died! It wasnt mother natures fault or the fault of those who stayed on their own will. Bill Cosby made a speach there and I think it was a good wake up to a lot of people there. People usualy arent poor for being educated so the fact those cards were mis-used isnt a big surprise. My brother inlaw lives there and left when he heard it was coming, no not everyone had means of travel but the national guard was gathering people and some still refused.
Posted by DLo (Member # 6133) on :
This all happened because bush hates black people.
Posted by Cobra5.0Jeep (Member # 1482) on :
I think the government learned its lesson, don't give people money.
Posted by 1991CHP (Member # 5097) on :
Originally posted by Cobra5.0Jeep:
I think the government learned its lesson, don't give people money.

Thay also gave them MRE's, and they turned around, and sold them on ebay!!! An interview with a father and his daughter, a little while back, had the girl criing and complaning how bad the MRE's were, and how they just couldn't eat them...........

Well guess what you stupid BITCH there are people fighting for your freedom day and night who are eating this horable food for 6-12 months. You don't hear them complaining about it and they are being shot at! I'm sick and tired of people crying oh poor me.
Posted by 1FAST89GT (Member # 5071) on :
Originally posted by 306Coupe:
Ummmm.... There are plenty of good citizen in New Orleans that used that money in the right way. New Orleans has been one of the poorest cities in america for a very long time. Have respect for humanity and realize that some doesn't equal all. Thousands of people died that week during the hurricane, actually triple the amount that died on 9-11. There were also plenty of 9-11 victims, victims family who used the government's money for shitty things. Will you talk shit and say why should we care about the victims of 9-11? So when you say "why Should we give a shit", we should care because of the people who past away because of slow government response time.

so you are saying just because peolpe died its okay to blow that much money on ignorant and senseless<sp shit. GIVE ME A BREAK! if the 9-11 victims family did that they are ignorant as well. you are right there are good people from louisianna that did good with the money but i am guessing there are more who blew it
Posted by JohnB (Member # 969) on :
Good gawd...not this shit again.

People KNEW the hurricane was coming. People KNEW what to do. It has nothing to do with the govt's response time. The city did not IMMEDIATELY flood. The levy's filled first, THEN broke. Nearly 48 hours later. And yes, there was aid going into the areas immediately afterwards. How you ask? Flights were going into various areas of LA delivering helicopters as well as humanitarian aid.

Yes, they spent it on the wrong items. Lesson learned? Don't hand out money, hand out hot meals. Period. Additionally, 1,836 people parished in Katrina. A far cry from the deaths of 9/11.

The true idiots of this disaster are Mayor Nagin and the residents who refused to leave.
Posted by 1991CHP (Member # 5097) on :
Funny you should say that John, and I agree.....

It's going to happen again.

My uncle lives about 150' (yes. one hundred and fifty feet) from the ocean. If there is a manditory evacuation and you don't leave, the COPS tell you to write your name and address somewhere on your body with a Sharpie so when they find your bloated dead body, they can notify your next of kin. When they tell him to get off the peninsula, he pack the important things up and get the hell out. Those lowlife sumbitches in N.O. that didn't heed the warnings deserve to Fucking drown.
It's time for us as Americans to stop rewarding people for their ignorance

Here's what happened..
Can't buy crack and drugs with debit cards so these degenerates paid a crack dealer $100 worth of crack with a $2,000 debit card. Which in turn the crack dealer said.. "Sweet, free money", and went to Hooters and blew it on $200 champaign and other wasteful items that no one in their right mind would do unless they were Stupid rich.
Makes me sad really...

[Eek!] [Eek!] And they just proved their ignorance by re-electing Mayor Ray Nagin.. wtf? [Eek!] [Eek!]
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
Well one thing you can say is that ignorance runs in all flavors. In the 9/11 deal people that received money did things equally stupid, like the lady who spent all her money on plastic surgery because she was grieving. When the big floods hit the midwest. You had ignorant hicks buying booze and moonshine by the caseloads. And adding jacuzzis in their double wide trailers.

So your correct statement should be, "I am helping no one when a disaster strikes". Because the ignorance flows in all directions.

But I do agree that people did do some stupid shit with their money. but there are some that didnt. I am from there and my cousins and aunts stayed with me for a bit when the projects I grew up in got destroyed (9th ward). They used their money to get a spot, get a little car and my oldest cousin got into school. So your tax dollars did help some. And I appreciate it because it was my family that got helped. Also that grant helped bury my good friends Dad. So again I appreciate it. As with any mass relief you are going to have some abuse. But it takes a real simple minded person to not understand that.
Posted by CLEEN 50 (Member # 5867) on :
Originally posted by JohnB:

The true idiots of this disaster are Mayor Nagin and the residents who refused to leave.

Truer words have never been spoken [patriot]
Posted by 1991CHP (Member # 5097) on :
Originally posted by n8y8:
Well one thing you can say is that ignorance runs in all flavors. In the 9/11 deal people that received money did things equally stupid, like the lady who spent all her money on plastic surgery because she was grieving. When the big floods hit the midwest. You had ignorant hicks buying booze and moonshine by the caseloads. And adding jacuzzis in their double wide trailers.

So your correct statement should be, "I am helping no one when a disaster strikes". Because the ignorance flows in all directions.

But I do agree that people did do some stupid shit with their money. but there are some that didnt. I am from there and my cousins and aunts stayed with me for a bit when the projects I grew up in got destroyed (9th ward). They used their money to get a spot, get a little car and my oldest cousin got into school. So your tax dollars did help some. And I appreciate it because it was my family that got helped. Also that grant helped bury my good friends Dad. So again I appreciate it. As with any mass relief you are going to have some abuse. But it takes a real simple minded person to not understand that.

Your last paragraph is what the subject should be. That people in N.O. help themselves with the money, etc...... and that a few did dump, stupid shit. But it's not, in fact, its the other way around.

As far as 9/11, I'm not sticking up for them, but I will say this... 9/11 was out of the blue, the floods, people had ample time to act and didn't.

Darwin’s Law. Survival of fittest, lets clean up the gene pool a little
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
It actually goes a bit deeper than, that. Just leaving. Easy to say, but hard to do. See it isnt like the Oakland hills where you have Police coming up there to facilitate a hillside fire and getting people safely out. That wasnt an option there. What the media doesnt show or talk about is how they shut down main accesses due to the mass exodus creating a serious bottleneck. And as with any mass movement there is always heightened tension, frustration and crime. There was no police involvement until the news showed up (national news). By that time shit was in such a dis-array, it was hard to get a handle on it. The shit had really hit the fan. Then you go to deal with the fact that most of these people are poor, and impoverished and now they are losing the only stuff they have, which at times isnt much which makes it worse. And to make matters worse there was death in the air, fear, anger...ever extreme emtion you can think of. Things arent always so clear cut as what they present on the news for your edification. I actually went down there and witnessed the aftermath. I actually saw the strife. Saw the reaction of family and talked to them. And it is a bit different than what was played on the news. I tell ya it changed my whole life, in how I view my relationship with family God and how I treat others. I also saw how the relief was helping. So best believe while some money was wasted, alot of it did help. And they way I feel about it. If it helped one family then it was worth it. Because your tax dollar would have went somewhere else more frivolous like a war we cant win. Now go run somewhere and talk shit on that. That is something you should whine about.
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
And dont get me wrong, I am not bitter about your views. Its just that it is a different dynamic in the south. And I am from there, so I can shed a little insight. And if you are standing infront of a housing project that was your home all your life and it is reduced to rubble and you have nothing else. And the government give you 2k but no other housing options, I mean what else can you do? Personally I would do something along those lines. they werent letting people into Metarie or neighboring cities. So if you didnt have family abroad you were cool with you were ass out. No ass-out with 2k.

[ June 15, 2006, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: n8y8 ]
Posted by 306Coupe (Member # 4988) on :
Darwin’s Law. Survival of fittest, lets clean up the gene pool a little [/QB]

WTF is meant by that? Let's get the poor minority out of today's society? If that is what you meant by that, then fuck you. Yes 95% of the residents in New orleans was non-white. Most had no money to actually leave New Orleans. So let's clean up the gene pool? It's almost like your grateful for those who did died during the hurricane
Posted by sf89lx (Member # 3965) on :
Originally posted by n8y8:
It actually goes a bit deeper than, that. Just leaving. Easy to say, but hard to do. See it isnt like the Oakland hills where you have Police coming up there to facilitate a hillside fire and getting people safely out. That wasnt an option there. What the media doesnt show or talk about is how they shut down main accesses due to the mass exodus creating a serious bottleneck. And as with any mass movement there is always heightened tension, frustration and crime. There was no police involvement until the news showed up (national news). By that time shit was in such a dis-array, it was hard to get a handle on it. The shit had really hit the fan. Then you go to deal with the fact that most of these people are poor, and impoverished and now they are losing the only stuff they have, which at times isnt much which makes it worse. And to make matters worse there was death in the air, fear, anger...ever extreme emtion you can think of. Things arent always so clear cut as what they present on the news for your edification. I actually went down there and witnessed the aftermath. I actually saw the strife. Saw the reaction of family and talked to them. And it is a bit different than what was played on the news. I tell ya it changed my whole life, in how I view my relationship with family God and how I treat others. I also saw how the relief was helping. So best believe while some money was wasted, alot of it did help. And they way I feel about it. If it helped one family then it was worth it. Because your tax dollar would have went somewhere else more frivolous like a war we cant win. Now go run somewhere and talk shit on that. That is something you should whine about.

[worship] [patriot]
Posted by sf89lx (Member # 3965) on :
Originally posted by 306Coupe:
Darwin’s Law. Survival of fittest, lets clean up the gene pool a little

WTF is meant by that? Let's get the poor minority out of today's society? If that is what you meant by that, then fuck you. Yes 95% of the residents in New orleans was non-white. Most had no money to actually leave New Orleans. So let's clean up the gene pool? It's almost like your grateful for those who did died during the hurricane [/QB]
i usually don t like to get involved in these things because it saddens me to see how some people views are far from respectable.. so in this case to CHP1991,, a big FUCK YOU!
Posted by 1991CHP (Member # 5097) on :
Originally posted by 306Coupe:
Darwin’s Law. Survival of fittest, lets clean up the gene pool a little

WTF is meant by that? Let's get the poor minority out of today's society? If that is what you meant by that, then fuck you. Yes 95% of the residents in New orleans was non-white. Most had no money to actually leave New Orleans. So let's clean up the gene pool? It's almost like your grateful for those who did died during the hurricane [/QB]
I love this. See how some of us are. No one said anything about race, color or anything along those lines on any post in this topic, but we all knew it was only a matter of time. Whats even better, is that you don't who you're talking to ( not in threatening way ) at all. [Roll Eyes]

So I say to you and SF89LX " Ignorence know's no color, race, creed or religion."

....also, since when are statistics racists??? You lost me on that one fella's.
Posted by Jdub07 (Member # 2728) on :
God help the people of New Orleans. That shit sucked and is fuckin sad. People not being able to feed their babies and shit. Damn if my wife and I could have given more we would have. I do agree though, Fuck the people rapeing the system. There will always be those kinds of people out there and for that very reason we try to give as much as possible to help compinsate for the ones that will use it for its inteded use.

Whats more sad was the Indonesian earthquake that reshaped the globe, sped up the rotation of the earth and took about 200,000 lives. I'm sure there were people using the system then too but that shouldn't be a reason not to give when giving is needed.
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
1991 CHP....You must understand the concept of suggestive reasoning and communication. All the desparaging remarks while not really pointed at Black America. We all know what the whole connotation is. Its a sad side effect of racism these days. Not saying you nor your remark is racist, but you can see where that is coming from cant you? And just the very thought that a person could be so un-compassionate to a natural disaster and the live affected by it. Is just ridiculous. But for some reason I believe your sentiment here is really how you feel. Which is sad in itself. But like I said, no diss to your opinion. But man I am from there, had family affected by Katrina, Lost family and friends in Katrina, Lost a piece of my childhood in Katrina, and actually went down there and witnessed the aftermath. And just to see how a person can have such a lop-sided view of the world makes me realize how ugly people can be. You might need alittle Jesus in your life (or a little more). You were going to pay taxes anyway. You'd rather that go to Iraq tho I bet. S what if a crack head splurges off his little 2k. What the hell is a person to do with 2k without any assistance or plan? Imagine you lost everything including family members. Would that 2k be your second coming or the answer to your prayers? The very thing that gets you back on your feet? The medicine that helps you forget all the death and struggle you just witnessed? Think about it, man.
Posted by 1FAST89GT (Member # 5071) on :
Holy shit! no said anything or showed any offense when someone said " REDNECK HILLBILLY'S"

Posted by DLo (Member # 6133) on :
Originally posted by n8y8:
S what if a crack head splurges off his little 2k.

So you're saying it's ok for them to spend 2k on crap?
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
lol...Missed the "Redneck Hillbilly" part.

I mean think about it Dlo. What the hell would you spend it on. Alot of folks in the South are generations deep there and no where else. the arent letting folks up north. Not letting folks into neighboring cities. Buses are packed, no flights to book. My aunt and nem are lucky I moved to Cali when I was in Highschool or she would not have had that option. I mean wtf are you going to do. Its hard but put yourself there man. Desparation, death, disease, military, damage....I saw it first hand. And I was bewildered, humbled and just all around staggered. And I knew I was coming back to a safe home. I can begin to imagine what was going on while the shit was crackin. Its easy to say what you would do from a safe spot. but it is a little different from ground zero. Human mind would search for the most common thing. Which unfortunately for a crack head, is crack rock. 2k compared to your life being totally derailed with no sign of get back, makes that 2k a bit insignificant. But with that being said as Jdub said, you have those that will abuse the system. they were giving out those vouchers in cities like SF. And what were people doing? Pretending they were affected by the disaster so they can get some too. Bet you didnt know that. And I saw all walks of life there when I took my family there to get their cards. So alot of that fraud didnt even take place in NO.

So to answer your question: No it is not right. But is it expected? Yes. It goes for everything no matter the walk of life. Should we stop helping? Hell nah.

[ June 15, 2006, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: n8y8 ]
Posted by Cobra5.0Jeep (Member # 1482) on :
Theres a huge chance New Orleans will get destroyed again this hurricane season.
We as Americans haven't live in these bad areas for long enough to realize that we've built some cities in deadly geographic areas.
All over Europe theres skeletons of cities that are in a dangerous places to live.
All the major cities aren't in bad areas.
Posted by 1991CHP (Member # 5097) on :
n8y8, I understand plenty. People are quick to pull the race card. Wich this has nothing to with this, or at least I never posted it. If it was only a few ignorent people, it would not have made the headlines it did. The headlines would read all the good, and maybe a few reports about a few people mis-using funds.

I have family in the Military, her is a quote...

"they moved about 500 of the refugees to Mass... and about 50 familys to the cape where I live out on the Mass military reservation in the real decent Military family housing...Well none have moved back and only (2) of the familys parents have actual jobs...I guess the rest of the 50 are still on Vacation....? also they did a Outlook in the local Paper on the Familys and how they spent there Gift Cards....Many bought big Screen TV's DVD players, video equipment Ect at Best Buy lots bought alot of Booze lots of scratch tickets.....not much spent at Stop & Shop or the Local Discounted PX food store on the Base itself...WTF????"

Oh, and one more thing.

"God is an imaginary friend for grown ups."
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
I can respect your family members quote, and believe me I saw folks in SF cashing in. They even gave 2 vouchers to a chinese family. And honestly I never saw a Asian until I moved to Cali, so I was like wtf?. But like I said, lots of folks needed the help and used it for good. So if 1 out of every 5 people used it for good. I would call that a success. Being uprooted, almost left for dead and losing everything. Again I ask, what really would that 2k mean to you?

[ June 15, 2006, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: n8y8 ]
Posted by DLo (Member # 6133) on :
N8, I understand what you are saying, although I may not understand where you're coming from. I'm knocking on those are abusing the system, the ones that were looting for beer, TV, etc. It sucks for those who died. But for the crackhead to go spend his 2k on crack, does that really make his situation that much better? I have friends who decided to get drunk/stoned because their "day" was so crappy. They don't listen to me either when I ask them if drinking yourself to a stupor or smoking yourself dumb is a solution. Always complaining about how they don't have money, then blowing it on booze or drugs? It just doesn't make sense to me.

I'm glad that you had the opportunity to get out. And I think I remember reading in past that you made something out of yourself. So for those crackheads that got 2k in their pocket, yes, they got something very small.. but couldn't they have used the money a little wisely?

Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
Dlo - I dig what you are saying, but abuse is expected. In any disaster where aide is available. Hell even sometimes the givers of the aide abuse resources. But this is expected. But to say FUCK the whole lot is ridiculous and insensitive. And yes this is a soft spot to me, because that is my home soil, that I will never again see. Kinda like how the cops here chime in when someone says fuck cops (I dont say that). But my intention is to give a different perspective and not argue. Everyone has their opinion. And thank God we cannot dictate where our tax dollars go. There are alot of 1991CHP's out there. but thank God there are more Jdubs out there. [patriot]
Posted by 1991CHP (Member # 5097) on :
n8y8... Come on, you can't be serious, 1 out of 5... That's 20% Not even half, not even close to helping half, and your ok with that? WOW!!!

And you say. "thank God we cannot dictate where our tax dollars go." Well I do. I work just like a lot of us do, and have no problem helping out any of my fellow Americans, but come on, 20% percent, to by TV's, Porno, beer, wine, dope etc... things that have nothing to do with helping yourselfe. That's my whole piont, maybe, according to the statistics, these people can't and just want everyone to take care of it for them.

How many of you out thier would like a free Flat Screen, or $4,000.00 to take you and your family on a vacation??? Think about it.
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
LMAO! Quit with the black, white shit its retarded!!! This didnt happen because the town had more black people than white! It happened because a damn hurricane hit the city! The Gov't underestimated the full impact of the storm. Im not sure if people know this or not but there are minorities in the Gov't, its not the K.K.K. [Eek!] . Im white and didnt take offense to the Hillbilly trailor stuff because it showed that persons true intelligence. If you want to defend the actions of people in LA because your black and "most" of the people down there are also be my guest.... I bet Bill Cosby got tons and tons of hate mail after his speech. I guess he is a white racist stuck in black skin? I have family there also!!!! They never once tried putting blame of a natural disaster on a Gov't that has no control over weather. Its moronic and flat out stupid to blame the Gov't and color of skin as the reason this happened! But then again I was born in the midwest and pulled my double wide out here with me when I moved. If the moronic racist comments dont stop with my post I will be adding names to my "spit list"!
Posted by 1991CHP (Member # 5097) on :
Originally posted by putter:
LMAO! Quit with the black, white shit its retarded!!! This didnt happen because the town had more black people than white! It happened because a damn hurricane hit the city! The Gov't underestimated the full impact of the storm. Im not sure if people know this or not but there are minorities in the Gov't, its not the K.K.K. [Eek!] . Im white and didnt take offense to the Hillbilly trailor stuff because it showed that persons true intelligence. If you want to defend the actions of people in LA because your black and "most" of the people down there are also be my guest.... I bet Bill Cosby got tons and tons of hate mail after his speech. I guess he is a white racist stuck in black skin? I have family there also!!!! They never once tried putting blame of a natural disaster on a Gov't that has no control over weather. Its moronic and flat out stupid to blame the Gov't and color of skin as the reason this happened! But then again I was born in the midwest and pulled my double wide out here with me when I moved. If the moronic racist comments dont stop with my post I will be adding names to my "spit list"!

....just ah, one question, whats a "spit list?"
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
Putter you are a day late and penny short. Me and 1991CHP been put the idea of race to bed in the convo. And I said "hick" never once mentioned race in my comment. So somehow you were able to pull the white race out of my comment. So you indeed support my point on racial connotation. I am speaking for a region/social class, not a race in this conversation. And what the hell is a "spit list". All bullshit to the side this is a pretty intelligent conversation between a few folks and you jump in with some Bill Cosby and Gov't shit. I know I never mentioned any of those things. You are welcome to your opinion, but damn man. Like they say, "better to keep your mouth shut and let folks assume your ignorant, than to open it and prove them right".

And to 1991chp, yea actually I am ok with that. Believe me the tax dollars could and would have went to a worse cause. 2 grand isnt alot when you compare to what these folks have lost. And alot of the fraud actually didnt happen over there. It was happening in SF and other places as well. So those figures are slightly skewed. Though true.

Anyway my point is, think about the good the relief has done. There is corruption everywhere and it will raise its ugly head whenever disasters as this happen. Like I said my tax bucks went to folks in NYC and so did yours. And there was gross mis-appropriation and mis-use of funds there. Dont here you guys whining about that shit. And truthfully you dont need to. Because the help was felt somewhere. Same scenario here.

[ June 16, 2006, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: n8y8 ]
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
Originally posted by n8y8:
Putter you are a day late and penny short. Me and 1991CHP been put the idea of race to bed in the convo. And I said "hick" never once mentioned race in my comment. So somehow you were able to pull the white race out of my comment. So you indeed support my point on racial connotation. I am speaking for a region/social class, not a race in this conversation. And what the hell is a "spit list". All bullshit to the side this is a pretty intelligent conversation between a few folks and you jump in with some Bill Cosby and Gov't shit. I know I never mentioned any of those things. You are welcome to your opinion, but damn man. Like they say, "better to keep your mouth shut and let folks assume your ignorant, than to open it and prove them right".

And to 1991chp, yea actually I am ok with that. Believe me the tax dollars could and would have went to a worse cause. 2 grand isnt alot when you compare to what these folks have lost. And alot of the fraud actually didnt happen over there. It was happening in SF and other places as well. So those figures are slightly skewed. Though true.

Anyway my point is, think about the good the relief has done. There is corruption everywhere and it will raise its ugly head whenever disasters as this happen. Like I said my tax bucks went to folks in NYC and so did yours. And there was gross mis-appropriation and mis-use of funds there. Dont here you guys whining about that shit. And truthfully you dont need to. Because the help was felt somewhere. Same scenario here.

Sorry there "Uncle Tom". I never knew you were in charge of what peoples replies could contain? I can talk about any point or view I have or want to express. And youre right on the hick part, you never meant to insult any white person with that comment did you (im telling you, you didnt cause youd have a lot of problems "Tom") Smart of you to back down on that one! Bill Cosby rocked the mother fuckin house!!!! His speech plays when my phone rings. [dance]
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
Originally posted by n8y8:
1991 CHP....You must understand the concept of suggestive reasoning and communication. All the desparaging remarks while not really pointed at Black America. We all know what the whole connotation is. Its a sad side effect of racism these days. Not saying you nor your remark is racist, but you can see where that is coming from cant you? And just the very thought that a person could be so un-compassionate to a natural disaster and the live affected by it. Is just ridiculous. But for some reason I believe your sentiment here is really how you feel. Which is sad in itself. But like I said, no diss to your opinion. But man I am from there, had family affected by Katrina, Lost family and friends in Katrina, Lost a piece of my childhood in Katrina, and actually went down there and witnessed the aftermath. And just to see how a person can have such a lop-sided view of the world makes me realize how ugly people can be. You might need alittle Jesus in your life (or a little more). You were going to pay taxes anyway. You'd rather that go to Iraq tho I bet. S what if a crack head splurges off his little 2k. What the hell is a person to do with 2k without any assistance or plan? Imagine you lost everything including family members. Would that 2k be your second coming or the answer to your prayers? The very thing that gets you back on your feet? The medicine that helps you forget all the death and struggle you just witnessed? Think about it, man.

Oh here we go pulling the race card. You basicaly said his views were against black america.
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
Originally posted by n8y8:
Well one thing you can say is that ignorance runs in all flavors. In the 9/11 deal people that received money did things equally stupid, like the lady who spent all her money on plastic surgery because she was grieving. When the big floods hit the midwest. You had ignorant hicks buying booze and moonshine by the caseloads. And adding jacuzzis in their double wide trailers.

So your correct statement should be, "I am helping no one when a disaster strikes". Because the ignorance flows in all directions.

But I do agree that people did do some stupid shit with their money. but there are some that didnt. I am from there and my cousins and aunts stayed with me for a bit when the projects I grew up in got destroyed (9th ward). They used their money to get a spot, get a little car and my oldest cousin got into school. So your tax dollars did help some. And I appreciate it because it was my family that got helped. Also that grant helped bury my good friends Dad. So again I appreciate it. As with any mass relief you are going to have some abuse. But it takes a real simple minded person to not understand that.

Here you refer to 9-11 as a different "flavor" than Katrina. Youre a little weasel. Talk circles all day, use words you can back out of then flip the blame on the others.
Posted by fiftee1989 (Member # 6128) on :
i wanna put my two cents in and say that i think it was a horrible thing that happened in N.O., 9-11 and any other disaster. i do not mind spending my tax dollars to help any of those people out, but i think it is retarded that they are buying what they WANT instead of buying what they NEED. is that what the gov't intended, that they buy whatever they want?? i wouldnt think so, im sure the gov't gave the money to them to help them buy what they need, ie food, clothes etc... even if it is 1 out 5 people that screwed the system, thats more than it should be. just my 2 cents
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
Also on your racial connotation? You using the word Hick for the Midwest is exactly racial connotation. me pointing you out doesnt suggest racial connotation in my views, but in yours dumby! Your flip flop stuff is good for some of these other peeps on here but I see and know what you are!!! Say it how you view it. Or are you yeller?
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
Man please, you aint gonna bait me into a stupid ass argument with you. You pulled the race card, I didnt. Where in any of my posts did I mention a race. I dont hide behind any of my words. I just use tact and common sense, because there are asses like you out there that could mis-construe any topic and make it to what you want. Like I said my comments were not racially charged and were aimed at a regional/social group. The only time I mentioned race was with chp1991 and we both agreed that this is not a race issue, but we both could understand how someone could draw that conclusion. So call it how you want it, and you obviously dont know what a Uncle Tom is so I wont even comment on that statement you made. Now from your prior posts and discussions I have seen you in, you strike me as someone with more intelligence and common sense than you are putting on right now. Not sure what lit your fire, but direct it at someone else.

Try to paint whatever picture you want about me being a racist. Because folks that have met me, will tell you that cant be farther from the truth. being a proud black man doesnt make me racist. and I have been around since the 98cobra days.

Oh and what problems would I have?

[ June 16, 2006, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: n8y8 ]
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
You fired the first shot sir, my gun was just bigger. [Razz] I actualy respect you. But some of your words that I already pointed out such as "flavor" are very confusing to me. Please define in what text you were using the word "flavor" for when refering to 9-11. Racial connotation isnt much different than stereotyping and when you said different "flavor" comparing 9-11 to Katrina what exactly did you mean? You know like the Midwest, Hicks and their trailors comment. Im confused since you never brang race into this. [Whoo Whooooo!] [Confused]
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
Originally posted by n8y8:

Try to paint whatever picture you want about me being a racist. Because folks that have met me, will tell you that cant be farther from the truth. being a proud black man does make me racist. and I have been around since the 98cobra days.

Oh and what problems would I have?

Being a proud black man does make you a racist? How so? Im proud to be white and Im not racist.

[ June 16, 2006, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: putter ]
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
Ok for one, what shot did I fire. And when did I back down? I am not going to sit here and play some kid games and war of words. And I am not going to internet thug. DOnt let the fact that I am trying to be grown-up and have a discussion fool you. I aint scared of shit. SO if you really want to discuss thats fine. but dont sit here and try to threaten me on the under. I really dont play that shit. I will respect everyone until disrespected. I would hope the same from you.

Now, to draw a parallel, when people have these generalizations about Oakland folks being ghetto, swangin em, drug dealers, crack heads and all the like. We all know the connotation there. But I dont hear you being the champion for the cause there. And the common reply "I never said black people", and I can respect that, even though the overtone was there. So now to my comment. If you think only white people can be a hick (and I am from the South and know thats not right) and live in a trailer in the mid-west. then so be it. I am not going to try to convince you otherwise. if you think only white folks were in the world trade center when that went down. So be it. Not going to change your mind there either. SO basically what it comes down to is your interpretation of my words, which I am telling you is wrong. Thats about all I am going to tell you on that. Now if you want to discuss the topic go ahead. But please dont sit here and try to make things ugly by twisting my words and sending small innuendo of the "trouble" I am going to be in. if thats the case just PM me. Or find my number from one of my old posts here and call me.

ooops does was supposed to be doesnt..

[ June 16, 2006, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: n8y8 ]
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
Easy turbo! Iheres more than 1 white guy on these boards youd offend with racist words. Dont try to threaten me please, I hate violence. You still havent answered my question of when YOU,
Y-O-U, YOU n8y8 said 9-11 was a different flavor!!! You said it! you said 9-11 was a different flavor from Katrina in what text were you using the word "flavor" once again you said it not me, I quoted you. Lastly why do you take offense to the side-show comments in Oakland?

EDIT== How do you view Oakland?

[ June 16, 2006, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: putter ]
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
One more thing Oakland is what it is!!! The old hear no evil see no evil is just what it is... OLD. If you view in your eyes that Oakland is full of bad black people then when a comment is made about what goes on there youre surely gonna ASSUME an insult was being made. Do you live there?
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
Come on man, I am talking about you and to you. "you" said I would be in trouble. No one else. I dont think you are the voice for everyone that is white. As I have already received a few PM's from a few folks that said you were an ass and to ignore you. And guess what these folks were white. And any reference to any other disaster and flavors were used to draw a referance to abused relief. And I did state that. In no way am I comparing the disasters themselves or the victims of. But the abuse of relief. Period. I stated my points, views and opinions clearly. I am not sure how you were able to formulate what you have thus far.

Actually I did live in Oakland for quite sometime and frequent it to this day. So I do know about the area well, and it does have a rough edge to it. And yes there is some ignorant shit going on that I personally wouldnt do. But Oakland is in whole a beatiful city with lots of culture, history and diversity. Even the rough areas are alright with me. Only because I can identify to a degree with the youngsters. Plus I do charity work out there.

[ June 16, 2006, 04:53 PM: Message edited by: n8y8 ]
Posted by putter (Member # 4253) on :
You and I both know there arent many smart people floating around this place so if a select few of people dont mind racist, so be it! And yes, I guarantee you and I would have problems if I ever met you and you acknowledged being a racist. For sure!!!! I know your strong, tuff, and whatever else but there would be problems! I dont get down with childish racists of any color.
Posted by n8y8 (Member # 6048) on :
lol...I just saw somewhere that you are 15....I feel like a real ass right now, I am arguing with a minor. No wonder our views werent matching up right, big life and age difference. I thought you were a little closer to my age. you havent experienced enough life to have a serious conversation such as this. No disrespect, but I have a son almost as old as you. So I dont even feel right having this sort of convo.

And if I were a racist like you try to portray me, sounds like I would have a problem with you before you even said anything due to your skin color. But like I said to each his own. I promise you I am not a racist, I own my company and have a very diverse staff. So your theory is out the window right there.

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