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Author Topic: felony evadeing?
Member # 183

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Originally posted by 68stanger:
they are not suppose to conduct traffic stops, if they seen some shit of course they are obligated to stop you, but a marked car has to hand that ticket out not the unmarked. its for safty reason that a unmarked car can't conduct traffic stops. killers, rapist etc could put lights on any crown vic. just because you take everything in the ass from cops because they tell you they can dosen't mean you should. [/QB]

CLOSE ... cops in unmarked cars, their #1 responsibility is not supposed to be TRAFFIC related enforcement. There are unmarked cars out all the time doing other types of work (narcotics, vice, gangs, etc.) They pull people over regularly, and they CAN hand out tickets. But I can't imagine an unmarked car enforcing traffic laws unless its something so outrageous that they feel they have no choice.

[ November 21, 2009, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: 98Snake ]

Posts: 363 | From: Nor-Cal | Registered: Mar 2001  |  :
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Originally posted by 68stanger:
Originally posted by 95GTConvtACE:
Originally posted by 90gtvert:
Originally posted by GOT 50:
Originally posted by 90gtvert:
Originally posted by cees87drop:
Originally posted by 90gtvert:
Originally posted by cees87drop:
Originally posted by 90gtvert:
Originally posted by N8:
Originally posted by 90gtvert:
Originally posted by HaulinAss Motorsports:
Originally posted by 90gtvert:
While you were evading, I wish you would have hit and killed your own family. Maybe you will get lucky and do this on the way to your jail sentencing.

Your obviously a worthless pile of shit. If your on house arrest and then your caught for felony evading? Do society a favor and kill yourself. Please.

People like you took a family member from me. You deserve worse then jail. You deserve to fucking watch your entire family die at your own careless reckless hands.

Fucking pathetic. Your not even worth the money we have to spend on you to house you in a fucking jail cell.

Die in a fucking fire man...seriously.

ever thought of talking to someone [Eek!]
Ever lost someone close to you because of a douchebag like the OP?
Thats all the more reason to talk to someone. You went to a very dark place in your soul with your well wishes for the
Nah, its when people talk about is so casually that sets me off. The guy was already on house arrest, then runs from the cops, just shows the type of person he is, and he wont learn unless what I said above happens. They really need to make the punishment for felony evasion the same as attempted murder, because thats basicaly what it is. But whatever, hope he gets raped in jail.
WOW, so you had a family member killed by a motorcyclist trying to evade the police like the OP.

Do you know how many people die a year because some one else was speeding? So should every person who gets caught speeding get charged with attempted murder?

To the OP. I got charged with felony evading and a few more things. I ended up getting sentenced to 90 days. 90 days equals 60 days of jail time. All you have to do is 2/3 of your time if done in jail straight. Mostly likely if you do get sentenced to time you will get out within two weeks on a program if no major prior history.

PM me if you want any more details.

oh, my cousin a $1XX ticket for the same thing. Everyone was expecting him to due time, so it is all a case by case thing.

Oh ya your right, its totally ok to run from the cops.

Fucking moron. Running from the cops is just slightly different then your casual speeder. If his ticket was misdemeanor evasion, maybe your argument would hold true. However Felony evasion is a huge disregard for other peoples lives.

And no the person I lost was hit by someone in a car who was doing 110Mph in a 35 residential zone, who t boned the car. He didnt want to pull over because he license was supspended.

Anyways you sound like you are in the same boat as him, so I wish the same things upon you.

Since you ask to hear my story here you go. lol… Short version. I was late to a final, so I hoped on my bike (in SJ) and rode to De Anza college going over 100mph most of the way while splitting lanes. I guess I split past an unmarked cop car which I never saw. When I get to school I get arrested and charged with felony evading and more. I pulled over as soon as I saw the cops lights.

So you believe I should have done years prison instead of weeks in jail.

Oh, I work full time and about to graduate from SSJU about a later than I was supposed. I had to stop going to school because I wasn’t sure when I was going to be going to jail.

If you knowingly ran from the cops, then yes. If what you say is 100% true, then no of course not.

The OP knowingly did it. Huge difference.


Not to be a prick but him running from the cops or not should not have changed the way you feel about the situation. Knowingly or not evading from the police at 100+ still creates the possibility of killing a loved one. Reckless endangement is wreckless whether or not you are being chased by the police

i didnt say it doesnt piss me off, cause it does. He got caught and still has to pay the consequences.
I didn't read any of the above, I just wanted to add to the length of the [Whoo Whooooo!]
Do you like cars? If so, Forza Motorsport 3 is the game for you. In fact, provided you don't hate cars, Forza Motorsport 3 is the game for you. Turn 10 Studios' latest racer is an ambitious game that tries to be a lot of different things for a lot of different people, and the great news is that it succeeds at just about every turn. It doesn't matter how good you are behind the wheel; you can find a difficulty level and a handling model to suit you. And while there are plenty of options available for those of you who enjoy painting or tuning your rides as much as you enjoy driving them, you don't have to devote any time to those features to reap their rewards. Forza Motorsport 3 is a bigger and better game than its predecessor in every way imaginable, and while it's not flawless, it's certainly way ahead of the competition.

The Ladera Test Track is among the first new circuits that you race on.

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Your first race in Forza 3 is spent at the wheel of an Audi R8 loaner, and by default, there are several driving assists--including the series' familiar dynamic racing line--turned on that serve as your water wings as you're thrown in at the deep end. From there, you're free to take your career in whichever direction you choose, though with limited funds at your disposal your first car is more likely to be a Scion than a Shelby. Career mode is divided into seasons, and each season you compete in a world championship that spans several races. You don't get to choose which championships you're entered into, so you start with relatively slow showroom cars early on and must get some miles under your belt before competing in thoroughbred racecars later on. With that said, championship races are generally two or three weeks apart, and so after every race you're invited to choose another, shorter series of events to take part in. You can also ignore the calendar completely if you choose, and just compete in whichever events you want to at anytime. Either way, the options you're presented with are determined, at least in part, by the cars that you own, so if you manage to get your hands on an Enzo Ferrari or a Porsche Carrera GT early on, you don't have to wait around before putting them to work. You might even find that you can use one or two of your cars in events for which they far exceed the maximum performance restrictions, though this bug doesn't rear its competition-trivializing head very often.

Regardless of what you're driving, you're free to pick and choose which assists you want to use, and you have an opportunity to quickly alter your settings before every race. This is definitely a welcome feature, because while you might not feel the need for antilock brakes or stability control when you're driving something modest, you might not be nearly as confident climbing into a Bugatti Veyron supercar for the first time. It's tempting to make things easier by keeping all of the assists turned on, but there's a great incentive to turn them off, because every time you do so, your potential earnings increase. For example, turning off the autobrake (which you'll probably want to do right away) increases your winnings by 10 percent, and if you opt for "simulation" damage, fuel, and tire wear as opposed to "cosmetic" or "limited," you can add another 15 percent on top of that. This setup ensures that while anyone who picks up Forza 3 can spend their entire career feeling like a winner, better drivers will earn more money in the process, and rightly so. Similarly, you get to keep more of your winnings if you don't have to spend them paying for damage incurred during a race, so although it's possible to win some races by driving aggressively and using opponents or walls to slow you down for corners, you won't be doing yourself (or your opposition) any favors in the long run.

Ever wondered what the interior of a Ferrari FXX looks like?

That's especially true if your opponents are other online players or a friend that you're playing split-screen with, because retaliation is likely to cross their minds at some point. Forza 3's AI is more focused on the finish line than on forcing you off the track, which makes it superior to some of the players you're likely to meet online, but it's not an intelligence that's going to pose a threat to its human counterparts anytime soon. At times, AI drivers are superb: they jostle for position, they look for openings when other drivers falter, and they know when to back off if their attempt at an overtake starts looking perilous. Occasionally, though, these otherwise believable opponents will make such silly mistakes that you'll swear they must have fallen asleep at the wheel. At Barcelona's Circuit de Catalunya, for example, it's not nearly as uncommon as it should be to see opponents accelerate toward the Seat hairpin and fly off into the gravel without ever appearing to touch the brake pedal or the steering wheel, and it's not unheard of to see different opponents making the exact same error on consecutive laps. Race incidents like these aren't something you'll see often, especially if you're spending most of your time at the front of the pack, but if you're in a closely contested race, it's less satisfying to win as a result of an opponent's incompetence than it is to beat him out of a corner or slingshot past him on a straight.

It's also slightly less satisfying to cross the finish line first if you've felt the need to use Forza 3's new rewind feature during the race, but it's a great (if unoriginal) addition to the game regardless. If you consider yourself a purist, you might feel inclined to look down on this new feature and on anyone who uses it, and that's fine, because you don't have to use it if you don't want to, and nobody is ever going to have the option of using it while competing with you online. Furthermore, if you're from the no-rewind school of racing, your leaderboard times will always appear above those of drivers who have used the rewind to correct any number of their mistakes. The leaderboards also clearly display which assists drivers were using when they recorded their posted lap times, which might ultimately end up being a better incentive for you to turn them off than extra winnings are.

With so many cars to choose from you're sure to find some of your favorites.

As in Forza 2, your winnings in Forza 3 can be used to buy new cars (more than 400 different models are available at launch), either direct from manufacturers or from other players via an auction house. However, it seems unlikely that Forza 3's auction house will be the hive of activity that Forza 2's was, not because it has changed for the worse, but because unless you're looking for a bargain or want to offload a car that you've been awarded, there are few reasons to go there. In Forza 2, one of the main reasons to buy a car from the auction house was that it had a great custom paint job and/or because it had already had money spent on upgrading and tuning it. You can still buy and sell cars this way if you choose to, but in Forza 3 you can also deal in tuning setups, paint jobs, and individual vinyl designs without having to attach them to cars. For example, if you re-create a favorite video game character on the hood of a car and you want to earn some credits selling it, you now have two options. You can either sell it as a vinyl that other players will be free to paste onto any car that they choose (safe in the knowledge that they won't be permitted to resell it subsequently) or incorporate it into a design for a specific model of car so that players who own one of those cars can apply it to their vehicle. It's a vastly superior system to that in the last game, and because potential buyers can search for designs either by typing in keywords or by using presets like "retro," "anime," and "realistic," there's a good chance that players who are interested in the kinds of things you create will find their way to your in-game storefront.

that was on loong ass I added more.
I like forza 3 [Big Grin]

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I got carried away

1966 FALCON futura (sports coupe)
1991 five-0

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I was accused of running from a cop before when I didn't. I was taking the back route to my house like I always did and a cop saw me driving a lowered VW and came after me..... that was the big thing back then, harassing the VW and mini truck guys. As he was turning around he lost sight of me and got twisted up in the back streets, I went home and parked in my driveway like I always did. He drove around for like 10 min looking for me. He rolls up and I'm in the garage working on something and he comes up with his gun drawn yelling at me to put my hands up. I asked him what the problem was and he accused me of running from him. After I asked him how many people run and then park their car outside when there is a perfectly empty garage to hide the car in he mellowed out. I explained I didn't see him and just drove home as normal, he eventually said he was sorry for the mistake and left. A calm cool head in any situation like that goes a long way.

Three 540 Bimmers and a 5.0 Explorer.... got a Ford back in the stable!

It's time for the country to do what Obama's own father did.
Abandon him.

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I got a felony evading charge a while ago on my gsxr. I went from foothill college to hwy 92 at about +150mph with around 8 chp patrol cars and 1motorcycle chp. I got 45 days of jail time, 3 yrs probation, and 75 hours of community service instead of fines. Now Its dropped to misdeaminor and got early termination on probation. I had no priors and that's a BIG factor for sentencing. Stupid move but what is done is done

Yeeeeeeaaaaa buuudddyyy

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usually, roughly about 4 years for such offense, just a guestimate though!
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Originally posted by lifted150:
usually, roughly about 4 years for such offense, just a guestimate though!

Lmfaooo One way ticket ... To hell!!

"I like to be more politicaly correct than what I really believe so I can get more frinds here on CaFords"-Cummings "TIPICKLE"

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Originally posted by turbo50:
You will be out in 3 months.

Can you check your PM's [patriot]
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Originally posted by flores24v:
Originally posted by turbo50:
You will be out in 3 months.

Can you check your PM's [patriot]

"I like to be more politicaly correct than what I really believe so I can get more frinds here on CaFords"-Cummings "TIPICKLE"

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1996 GT
I'm Joe Yates
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Originally posted by 5OHS5OH:
Shit, I am WHITE and I wasnt kidding when I said that Nates cuzzo musta been black that is why he got it handed to is what the fuck it is and I was talkin real wife's aunt got off easy for it but is still doin 3 months. I should know I put stabil in her gas tank cuz she thought she was going down for a year.....

Sounds like a fucking cuck .

[ 2016-04-26, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: 135.0 ]

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This thread has been dead since 2009

1996 GT VERT /32v MOD - SOLD
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Originally posted by lifted150:
usually, roughly about 4 years for such offense, just a guestimate though!

You sir is why cafords is great! [worship]

The anti-crew
1987 rolling safety violation.

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166 Merlo
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Originally posted by N8:
Originally posted by turbo50:
You will be out in 3 months.

Depends on his jacket...My cuzzo just got 3 years for it.
Or 3 days $$$$$

'89 - Boss Coupe
'70 - Drop Cutthang
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'87 - 0166, Its real

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Maybe don't do stupid shit and you won't have to worry about it period?
Not to mention you can get killed trying to evade, or kill someone. For what? What ever the case may be, ain't worth it. Don't you watch that shit on YouTube? It's stupid to remind people that it can happen. If you ran because your license or registration was suspended, or you had a warrant, or dope, or whatever, that shit won't go away until you get it taken care of. And the smart thing to do is man up and deal with it like you're suppose to. You bring that shit upon yourself.

I'm not telling you what to do. Just sayin I think it's a dumb thing to do. Mainly because you endanger everyone else out there for your own stupid mistake.

1997 Autumn Orange GT vert
1996 Mystic Cobra
2005 95ci Harley Road King
2011 F150 Raptor

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OP is still doing time

./_ _ _ ___ __\
(]]]_ _ o _ _[[[)
|\_o_ __ __o_/|
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95 GT
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Originally posted by Wildfire532FB:
OP is still doing time

Hopefully he thinks about what he did every time he is taken to pound town.

Racist, bigot Michael Ford / Mike Ford aka FiveOhMike of 2039 XXXXXXXy XXX Livermore, CA 94551, DOB Nov 3X, 1980 925-XXX-6667 and Director at Midokura Corp has been banned for continual threats of violence against other members, half a dozen fake accounts, lying to police to implicate CAFords and other shameful acts of revealing character. He is reported to be well armed and regularly spotted at the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station.

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So OP is out 7 years later?
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I know of someone that got blocked in by cops and still decided to run. On the start of his escape he hit a cop car to make his way out and then he took the boys on one til he crashed lol. He didn't do any time tho other than when he was booked and made bail.

Stay Sydewayz

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Originally posted by 90GT510:
I know of someone that got blocked in by cops and still decided to run. On the start of his escape he hit a cop car to make his way out and then he took the boys on one til he crashed lol. He didn't do any time tho other than when he was booked and made bail.

Lol I know I was just fucking around

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This thread from 2009 lmao, is OP going to tell us how much time he got?


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Originally posted by BLK66FB:
This thread from 2009 lmao, is OP going to tell us how much time he got?

I think he just recently got out.;f=1;t=062938#000000

"If a man hasn't found something worth dying for, he isn't fit to live." - Martin Luther King Jr.

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Originally posted by 90GT510:
I know of someone that got blocked in by cops and still decided to run. On the start of his escape he hit a cop car to make his way out and then he took the boys on one til he crashed lol. He didn't do any time tho other than when he was booked and made bail.

You kind sir are a lair.
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