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[QUOTE]Originally posted by LXjames: [QB] [QUOTE]Originally posted by FRC_Kid: [qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by LXjames: [qb] I personally bought parts off that car and my opinion is this. If money is owed pay it but if he did tons of work you should have done yourself and he did it for you then I say call it a wash. Like said above don't lose a friend over 750 bucks it's not worth it. Aaron even contacted me to get parts back to make it a roller and I gladly gave him parts to make that happen. If you wanted the car back but in the same shape you gave it to him, that's an outlandish thought. Knowing he had begun to part it out. He did you a favor and yea some shit happened to fuck up the process of repayment but don't call the guy a scam artist for falling in hard times and STILL trying to help you out. He housed the car, built it, tore it apart to help you buy a vette kept the shell when you didn't want it and all your missing is 750? Call yourself lucky meet up drink some brews and part ways. [/qb][/QUOTE]All the work he did he was paid for. There wasn't anything that man did for free. Come on now he was such a penny pincher he'd hit me up to pay pay him $30 for bolts and I had to by his saw blade. I never wanted the car back oce I sold it to him. I tried to give it back to me missing all the parts. Why would I want it back like that? Why does everyone keep thinking he helped me buy my corvette? Lol. I pulled the motor myself and hang towed to his house, Dan built the motor, and months later my car was still not done. Why don't all you guys who keep saying chalk the $750 up just give it to me outta your own pocket then chalk that up? [/qb][/QUOTE]He says he pulled it for it be sold. Is this correct? [/QB][/QUOTE]
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