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Posted by SlipNslide281 (Member # 622) on :
on my 01 Sallen the intercooler is in front of the car and I am getting hundreds of rocks embeaded into the intercooler and also getting tons of rock chips on my front facia. Any suggestions?
Posted by 93PONY (Member # 60) on :
For paint chips you can make them dissapear with a little care & some time.

Basically.... get Ford tuch-up paint.
Sand the rough edges of the chip w/600 grit sandpaper.
Clean thuroughly.
Use a tooth pick & start to fill the chip (not all at once) Let it dry for a few hours, then put another coat. Repeat until the paint is slightly raised over the rest of the car.
Use 1000 grit to level the paint, finish off with 1500 & 2000 respectively.
Polish area with a medium polish (swirl remover). Finish off with a fine polish. Wax the area.

I'm too tired to type this stuff again in detail....
Go to for more detail.

Posted by SlipNslide281 (Member # 622) on :
Awsome 93pony, Thanks for the info. I just printed up the info and to the store I am going for the sand paper. I appreciate it.

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