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Posted by throttlepositionsensor (Member # 14838) on
Who are you voting for & why?
Posted by fredfifty (Member # 10320) on
trump, mainly because current admin is soft on border security. need to get that shit squared away as best as we can, but im not naive to think it will be 100 percent secured, but it needs to slow the f down, way down.
Posted by throttlepositionsensor (Member # 14838) on
Isn't the border problem UncleSam at the direction of billionaires interferes in the politics of poor South American countries and props up leaders that loot their economies and steps on their citizens necks. This spawns millions of poor people to get up and leave those countries looking for a better future. A fence is not going to fix this problem.
Posted by 351w (Member # 11875) on
Kamala because she's Indian and a woman
Posted by 351w (Member # 11875) on
I'll check back in 2 weeks to see if anyone replies
Posted by throttlepositionsensor (Member # 14838) on
Originally posted by 351w:
Kamala because she's Indian and a woman
She is also half black, but not African American. Her family never suffered under jim crow or segregation. Her rich family was one of the biggest slave holders in the region. She spent her career locking up thousands of black people. Mostly for petty things like smoking weed. She was the enemy of the poor and African Americans her entire prosecutor career.
Posted by fredfifty (Member # 10320) on
well well well
Posted by throttlepositionsensor (Member # 14838) on
Now the agencies and billionaires will go into overdrive thwarting his agenda. The agenda the people voted for. Democracy.
Posted by 68dustin (Member # 5388) on
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