This is topic authorized precision dealer. Special Sale for ca ford members. in forum Vendor's FOR SALE Section at Northern California Ford Owners .
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Posted by TuxMask-Andy (Member # 3615) on
Hello I've been an authorized precision dealer for quite some time and I mainly been building v6 turbo kits. Let me know if any of you guys need precision or garrett turbos. I carry all of their turbo line ups.
Here is a pricing of a few turbos. If you see anything not listed well just let me know and I'll give you a price. I dont' feel like listing there whole entire catalog.
Garrett turbos
GT40 (650 hp) - $725
GT35/40R (640 hp) - $1145
GT40R (700 hp) - $ 1695
Gt42 - $ 995
Gt42R (1250 hp) $ 1895
GT45R - $1895
GT47 (1300 hp)(Drag Radial Spec) $1845
Precision Turbos
Pt-61 (680 hp) - $ 745
Pt-68 (800 hp) - $995
PT72 GTQ (900 hp) - $1295
Pt76 GTS (1150 hp) - $1395
Precision Mid frame Series
PT88 (1250 hp) - $ 1345
Precision Large Frame turbochargers
Pt 91.5 thru PT106 (1450-2400 hp) $ 1845
Andy Littleton
[ May 11, 2006, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: TuxMask-Andy ]
Posted by losbadgts (Member # 4394) on
hey andy have u done any turbo kits for a 5.0 yet, just wondering.
Posted by TuxMask-Andy (Member # 3615) on
Nope I havent' done any 5.0 kits yet. Been busy doing the v6 kits.
Posted by losbadgts (Member # 4394) on
well let me know cause i might get one for my 50, since u sell them at a great price and do good work. That way i could have more of a chance of beating u
Posted by Sk8OnGlass (Member # 6370) on
GT40 (650 hp) - $725 how much for the kit LMK Thanx
.. .GOING ON A 1990 GT
Posted by TuxMask-Andy (Member # 3615) on
Originally posted by Sk8OnGlass:
GT40 (650 hp) - $725 how much for the kit LMK Thanx
.. .GOING ON A 1990 GT
Sorry i just have jigs to build v6 kits. No v8's yet. Im already overwhelmed with the v6 kits.
Posted by 02GeeTee (Member # 5905) on
Let us know when you will be making kits for V8's!
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