This is topic Pics from Camarillo Autocross 4-20-08 in forum Road Racing, Auto X & Drifting at Northern California Ford Owners .
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Posted by Blind (Member # 3052) on
Held at the airport by the Porsche Club of Santa Barbara.

Posted by Blind (Member # 3052) on

Posted by Blind (Member # 3052) on

and a vid of a lap by me, sorry about the wind noise and color shifts, but it was a really windy + bright day...

Posted by BlackNGold (Member # 655) on
Cool pics, looks like a lot of fun!...
Posted by 93 CHP (Member # 8240) on
nice pics
Posted by EPIK (Member # 7481) on
Nice.... I need to get my Mach out to these type of events as soon as I get the suspension done....looks fun...
Posted by Blind (Member # 3052) on
Originally posted by EPIK:
Nice.... I need to get my Mach out to these type of events as soon as I get the suspension done....looks fun...
you dont need any parts to have fun, the red 92 gt in those pics is my buddy and all he has is eibach springs and tokiko shocks and 3.73 gears, he had a blast and beat me on that course and I have a ton of MM parts on my car, and that was his first time out at an autocross!
Posted by WILDTHANG (Member # 4441) on
It doesn't look that exciting, I didn't see one corner worker running for their life.
Nice Pics. It looks like a fast set up, kinda like a golf course(up and back).
Posted by threethirty1 (Member # 7814) on
Nice man! How did your car feel out there im really curious. I want to try it.
Posted by Blind (Member # 3052) on
Originally posted by threethirty1:
Nice man! How did your car feel out there im really curious. I want to try it.
it felt like I wished I had my 97 instead, not having power steering on that really tight course sucked, my coupe is setup more for a road course.
wildthang, it might look fast but I only got up to my rev limiter in 2nd gear, it was a REALLY tight course, american auto-x is way more fun
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