This is topic American Autocross 7/28-7/29 in forum Road Racing, Auto X & Drifting at Northern California Ford Owners  .

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Posted by Becca (Member # 7004) on :
Anyone here plan to hit up the American Autocross this weekend in Atwater, CA?
Saturday is event #9
Sunday is event #10

I'll be out both days in my 91 GT. [Smile]
Posted by solbrothers (Member # 7524) on :
sounds cool. where's atwater?
Posted by Becca (Member # 7004) on :
Atwater is right outside Merced.,+CA,+USA&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title

It's a blast! It's $40 for 5 runs, if you run in the morning, there's a possibility you can get "fun runs" for $20 for 5 more laps in the afternoon. The run groups are in the link I posted in the first post. Make sure if you come out you don't ditch your work responsibilities! These courses aren't as tight , slow, and short as SCCA courses. Average time on track is about a minute and speeds can get above 50mph. I'm usually at the top of second for most of the course.

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