This is topic flaming river manual steering rack in forum Tech Talk at Northern California Ford Owners .
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Posted by jaejae (Member # 7958) on
need opinions on what kit i should get..i drove my friends car with one and i like how it feels
Posted by bayarea5.0 (Member # 8779) on
if your broke like me just convert your p/s to manual!! hahah!
Posted by Duncan Motors (Member # 7045) on
maunel stuff is more strait line stuff , if you like a new feel, theres nothin like a new out the box stock high ratio rack and pinoin, and new in the box pump.and get a in line filter and get a bigger cooler then the stock one.
Posted by six 5.0 (Member # 3153) on
Had big time problems with Flaming River. It took 3 Racks to get me one that worked correctly, after all..... It was WORTH IT.
Posted by Duncan Motors (Member # 7045) on
what happend with the flam rack?
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