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Posted by bayarea5.0 (Member # 8779) on
wassup folks, Couple questions for the guru's on here. First, The dipstick , does it have a gasket where it goes into the engine? and Second, is it normal for the new headers to smell and smoke a little bit? let me know guys thanks for all the help!
Posted by rollin5ive0 (Member # 8592) on
mo gaskett, and yeah petty much any kinda new part is gonna let off some kinda smell from getting hot and things such as grease or whatever else has gotten on them from being handled, ceramic coated hdrs smell even worse smoking is also gonna happen for the same reason shit burning off now if it stays id check for leaks but if its a big enough leak to see smoke then youll probably hear the leak very clearly also
Posted by bayarea5.0 (Member # 8779) on
aye man thanks for the info bro. why are you awake?!!? haha prolly work nights like me. take care man.
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