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Posted by CLEEN 50 (Member # 5867) on
Ok so I have a slight vibration in the steering wheel when starting up my 91gt. A mechanic has pointed out that the header is touching the steering column causing it to vibrate. Has anyone ever had this problem? I am running BBK Equal Lengths 1 5/8" headers and the car is lowered via "C" springs?
Any solutions, fixes, or ideas.
Posted by court (Member # 6700) on
Loosen the motor mounts and try to get a tiny bit of header clearance on the driver side.
This is one of the many reasons I do not like equal length headers....or installing them, I should say.
Posted by 88DroptopGT (Member # 2535) on
Either clearance the header or buy a Manual Steering Rack shaft without the rag joint.
Flaming River and MM/Griggs makes one..
Posted by CLEEN 50 (Member # 5867) on
thanks how would you go about clearancing the header?
Posted by court (Member # 6700) on
Originally posted by CLEEN 50:
thanks how would you go about clearancing the header?
usually a hammer and light pressure....but try to loosen the motor mounts first and gain a tiny bit of clearance.
Especially if they were loosened to install the headers.
Posted by full throttle (Member # 7220) on
my header hits the steering column too, but it doesnt vibrate.. i have prothane motor mounts though
Posted by 94gt (Member # 3060) on
I had a slight vibe from my headers, so I just put a small shim between the motor mounts and the k member.
Posted by CLEEN 50 (Member # 5867) on
Thanks alot guys. I was able to gain enough clearance and now it doesn't vibrate at all. Good as new I guess.
Thanks everyone this was the first time I encountered this problem with equal lengths.
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