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Posted by 92stangLX (Member # 3252) on :
There are three sensors in the lower intake manifold on a 5.0.

One is the ACT, one is the ECT, and then there is one that goes into the hard heater line.

What is that one called?
Posted by CMELEVU (Member # 2563) on :
my guess would be a temp sensor?
Posted by AJBlackGT (Member # 3936) on :
Originally posted by 92stangLX:
There are three sensors in the lower intake manifold on a 5.0.

One is the ACT, one is the ECT, and then there is one that goes into the hard heater line.

What is that one called?

The one in the heater line is the ECT. Then there's the act in the intake runner, and the last one screwed into the lower intake near the water jacket entrance is for the dash gauge...
Posted by 92stangLX (Member # 3252) on :
Originally posted by AJBlackGT:
Originally posted by 92stangLX:
There are three sensors in the lower intake manifold on a 5.0.

One is the ACT, one is the ECT, and then there is one that goes into the hard heater line.

What is that one called?

The one in the heater line is the ECT. Then there's the act in the intake runner, and the last one screwed into the lower intake near the water jacket entrance is for the dash gauge...
Do you what that one is called [Big Grin] I've gotta pull my lower intake off and want to replace all these sensors while it is off. I just want to know what to ask for at Kragens
Posted by AJBlackGT (Member # 3936) on :
Temp gauge sender??
Can you pull the oild one off and bring it to the store?
Posted by 92stangLX (Member # 3252) on :
Originally posted by AJBlackGT:
Temp gauge sender??
Can you pull the oild one off and bring it to the store?

Thanks. That's probably what I will end up doing.
Posted by kingmoochr (Member # 5834) on :
thatll only hely for comparing. kragen cant search for a sensor w/o some idea of what to call it. that being said, its likely there will be 2 part numbers for temp sensor, if that is what is searched for, might have luck like that
Posted by sn92d91gt (Member # 7418) on :
that one is called the coolant tempurature sensor the one on the drivers side is called the coolant temp sending unit the difference is one is for the gauge the other is for the computer

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