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Posted by HaulinAssMaro (Member # 541) on
I am having a fuel pump issue on an EFI injected car.Cold start the fuel pump kicks on no problem and the car starts right up and runs great and I can drive it around for a while with no problem and at times turn it off come out and it will fire with no issues.Then after a longer period of time and of normal driving I shut the car off and then turn the key on and the pump will not turn on like noone is home but if i let the car sit for about an hour or so the fuel pump will prime like normal and the car will start right up and then the above will happen after time.
I did try a new relay when the problem was happening and it was not that.I have thought possibly a bad distributor module or maybe a pump but havent heard of a pump going out like that...
Any experiance with a problem like this would help alot.
Posted by Blownhatch (Member # 167) on
This could be just left field shit..
But sounds like your starter gets hot and expands not letting it spin.. after an hour it cools down then works again.. that happen to me...
Posted by 66 AC COBRA (Member # 904) on
loose connector back at the pump maybe
fasterdamnit and i just chased a bad fue level sender plug all the way to the tank
or the ghetto way to check if its the pump or something forward
wire in a 12 volt switch that u have ghetto rigged into the trugger for the relay, so if and when it doesnt start u can flip a switch to open the relay, if it will then start its something forward of the relay, or if it wont start its either a connection or the pump goin out, all behind the relay
in all reality the switch will take 5 minutes to wire, so no loss of valuable camaro time
Posted by HaulinAssMaro (Member # 541) on
Originally posted by Blownhatch:
This could be just left field shit..
But sounds like your starter gets hot and expands not letting it spin.. after an hour it cools down then works again.. that happen to me...
im having a fuel pump issue but thanx for your help though
Posted by HaulinAssMaro (Member # 541) on
Originally posted by 66 AC COBRA:
loose connector back at the pump maybe
fasterdamnit and i just chased a bad fue level sender plug all the way to the tank
or the ghetto way to check if its the pump or something forward
wire in a 12 volt switch that u have ghetto rigged into the trugger for the relay, so if and when it doesnt start u can flip a switch to open the relay, if it will then start its something forward of the relay, or if it wont start its either a connection or the pump goin out, all behind the relay
in all reality the switch will take 5 minutes to wire, so no loss of valuable camaro time
well i tried running a jumper wire to the relay and it didnt turn the pump on while its having the issue or basically warm it just sparked like maybe the pump was stuck or something.what i havent yet tried is running that jumper wire to the relay while the pump is cold to see if it kicks on the pump.if it does then i will be leaning towards the pump for sure.its quite annoying....
any other ideas?
[ August 17, 2004, 02:59 PM: Message edited by: HaulinAssMaro ]
Posted by CobramanPhil (Member # 2170) on
I'd say it is simply your pump. Is this an intank fuel pump were are talking about? If it is the only thing that lubricates that thing is fuel and the only thing that pushes the little corkscrew inside of the pump is a small electric motor.
In-tank fuel pump + heat equals crappy performance. A worn in-tank fp has your exact same symptoms...
Posted by HaulinAssMaro (Member # 541) on
Originally posted by CobramanPhil:
I'd say it is simply your pump. Is this an intank fuel pump were are talking about? If it is the only thing that lubricates that thing is fuel and the only thing that pushes the little corkscrew inside of the pump is a small electric motor.
In-tank fuel pump + heat equals crappy performance. A worn in-tank fp has your exact same symptoms...
yeah it was the completly went out at this point.I did a check to see if it is getting power to the pump and it is,relay is turing on and there is a good signal from the computer going to the relay then to the pump so a pump it is......
Posted by 66 AC COBRA (Member # 904) on
if the pump is a different color then post pics
out of some pos mustang i bought i took the stock pump out, and it had been heat cycled from running the tank dry so many times that it was about 1/2 charcoal black, 1/4 blue heat waves, 1/4 old shitty silver
almost mounted it to my wall and called it self made abstract art
Posted by mustanggt5091 (Member # 444) on
Originally posted by 66 AC COBRA:
almost mounted it to my wall and called it self made abstract art
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