This is topic why my car revs to 2k in forum Tech Talk at Northern California Ford Owners .
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Posted by FiveO650 (Member # 3927) on
it does this every time it warms up??
could it be my tps sensor? throttle body(75mm)
some help will be great thanks!
Posted by Cobra5.0JEEP (Member # 1482) on
what kind of throttle body is it?
Posted by 9lbpony (Member # 3510) on
if the car is running really rich in open loop (first 38 seconds or so) it will rev higher. That sounds more like an air leak though.
Posted by Cobra5.0JEEP (Member # 1482) on
My dad's car used to do this whenever it wanted and it was because we had the crank case ventilating and it was confusing the computer. It was blown though so i don't know if it would do the same thing on a N/A motor.
Posted by FiveO650 (Member # 3927) on
it is a bbk 75mm tb,
it only does it when warm and if i step on the clutch on 1st it goes away but as soon as i let it go it goes up to 2k
Posted by FiveO650 (Member # 3927) on
Originally posted by 9lbpony:
if the car is running really rich in open loop (first 38 seconds or so) it will rev higher. That sounds more like an air leak though.
if its an air leak where can it be coming from?
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