This is topic power windows??? in forum Tech Talk at Northern California Ford Owners .
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Posted by NittyFitty (Member # 3927) on
if the 1989 coupe has manual windows what needs to be done to change them to power?
is it possible and how hard is it?
Posted by Black94 5.0 (Member # 655) on
I'm sure it's not that hard...You're gonna need the lift motor, switches and wiring...
Call Mustang Parts Specialists 770-897-2644 and ask them...
Posted by RWCOUPE (Member # 3927) on
is that all i need or does the doors have to go
Posted by 94gt (Member # 3060) on
to get a good idea, you could go to a pick and pull, and look at one of the stangs that's sitting there for a better idea.
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