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Posted by azl (Member # 2112) on :
Yeah, this is a plug, but I just wanted to make you guys aware in case you need it in the future. Sometimes the small biz guys need some help to keep them going and I would like to see this guy stick around.

I needed my MM full length SFCs welded in and I happened to find this guy named Sheldon who happens to be in the business of racing fab.

He had me come over on Sunday and I was in and out in a couple hours. I don't have a single bad thing to say about this guy. Sheldon is a straight shooter and deserves your business if you need any work done that you can't do yourself (such as welding or fabrication).

So that's that. I think he goes by turbo302 on the forum here or (he happens to race a 10 second turbo fox that he built).

BTW: For everybody who doesn't have them yet, go buy some SFCs. You want them.
Posted by John91coupe (Member # 18) on :
Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet him at the Ford vs Chevy shootout at Sac but he sounds like a nice guy and he knows his stuff. His car runs good, that's for sure.
Posted by hidnn.o.s. (Member # 1219) on :
I'll keep him in mind. Thanks [patriot]

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