This is topic Holley system max upper intake with 90mm flange & accufab TB NEW in forum FOR(D) SALE: at Northern California Ford Owners .
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Posted by TOPnotch (Member # 1340) on
Selling a Holley system max upper intake that has been professionally modifyed to fit a 90mm accufab throttle body. The original 70mm flange was cut off and a 90mm flange was tig welded in its place. Throttle body is brand new in the box with all gaskets and hardware.
Asking $450 for everything Throttle body sell for over $300 new (510) 755-3212 Chris
Posted by TOPnotch (Member # 1340) on
Posted by TOPnotch (Member # 1340) on
I know someone is running some boost in here?????
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