This is topic CELL PHONES. verizon, nextel, metro in forum non-automotive classifieds at Northern California Ford Owners  .

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Posted by jazzy_jeff (Member # 4857) on :
hey guys, i got a few phones for sale. i went thru a lot of companies and also phones now im just trying to get rid of them.

- 2 Verizon Audivox CDM9900 ($150 & $200). One in fair shape used by myself, and the other brand new used by my grandmother. I couldnt afford Verizon so no need for the phones anymore. They also include the original box, charger, and all the manuals. PICs BELOW

- I have 2 Metro PCS phones ($220 & $150). One is a Nokia 6255i. It comes with the charger and box and a few plates and it has a 512MB Scan Disk memory card. The other phone is a Nokia 6235i its the non-flip phone. Great condition and comes with a charger only. Pics below in GREAT condition

thannks guys. just let me know with any questions you have.

my contact info is.

AIM: YADDAyeffrey

[ October 24, 2006, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: jazzy_jeff ]

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