This is topic looking for cam recommendations for a 347 supercharged in forum General Talk at Northern California Ford Owners  .

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Posted by 408OUTLAW (Member # 7297) on :
What Cam would you guys recommend for a supercharged 347 in a fox body [patriot]
Posted by throttlepositionsensor (Member # 14838) on :
We are going to need all the details for your motor and your goals.
Posted by NEIGHT (Member # 8741) on :
Originally posted by throttlepositionsensor:
We are going to need all the details for your motor and your goals.

+1. But off the shelf came I’ve been seeing people having good luck with the Anderson cams. I personally never tried them as I’m running a trickflow stage 1 cam but I’m not stroked.
Posted by throttlepositionsensor (Member # 14838) on :
Cams didn't do much for these cars. Read old cam swap tests from magazines back in the day. The differences were small. Too many times you gave up a lot of drivability for only a little bit of performance when going with a big cam.

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