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Posted by Coyoteswapfox92 (Member # 4057) on :
Need mobile mechanic/welder to install lower and upper torque box reinforcement kit on my 92 foxbody. Car is completely bare. No interior or rear end. It's on pinch weld rollers. I have all parts, tools, and even a welder. Just need someone who can come install them and is comfortable doing the work and welding. Please have experience installing these kits and welding. I'm paying someone to install them because I want it done correctly.

Including a video for reference.

P.S. I'm in Yuba City.
Posted by throttlepositionsensor (Member # 14838) on :
Call Yon @ Duncan Performance (707) 297-0868 In Vallejo. Decades of torque box experience.
Posted by Coyoteswapfox92 (Member # 4057) on :
Is he mobile?
Posted by throttlepositionsensor (Member # 14838) on :
No. He might know someone who is mobile. In the past he has had welders in his shop that did mobile side work. Call and ask Yon. Tell us what he says.
Posted by fredfifty (Member # 10320) on :
RRRCobraSC281 did mine a number of years ago and he drove to me...however i was only about 50 miles away. but he does a good job, knows his stuff. hes in fremont last i checked

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