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Posted by 135.0 (Member # 4992) on :
Posted by CoyoteMike (Member # 13748) on :
Originally posted by 135.0:

I need to find the other video, but this girl was kicking and trying to pull away from the cop for a good couple of minutes before he dumped her on his head. As much as I am anti-cop he was justified for dumping her on the ground. You don't get to do whatever you want and get away with it...there are consequences
Posted by Autumnstang97 (Member # 6111) on :
Good. Failed parenting. Police get called to situations where no one else wants to get involved, and when they get there to handle business, no one likes the way it looks. I've met plenty of cops. They are not the problem.
Posted by twisted54 (Member # 1981) on :
Originally posted by Autumnstang97:
Good. Failed parenting. Police get called to situations where no one else wants to get involved, and when they get there to handle business, no one likes the way it looks. I've met plenty of cops. They are not the problem.

Posted by 92 LS Coupe (Member # 13890) on :
I get that the girl wasn't cooperating but she wasn't a threat to the officers life or anyone else's. As far as bad parenting I don't agree with that I got three kids myself I teach them right from wrong but we've all been teenagers before and we don't always make the right decisions. I think he could've been a little less forceful
Posted by CoyoteMike (Member # 13748) on :
Originally posted by 92 LS Coupe:
I get that the girl wasn't cooperating but she wasn't a threat to the officers life or anyone else's. As far as bad parenting I don't agree with that I got three kids myself I teach them right from wrong but we've all been teenagers before and we don't always make the right decisions. I think he could've been a little less forceful

She was resisting for minutes, straight with no cooperation, was trying to pull away and run. What else was he supposed to do? Ask anyone here I hate on cops all the time on here when its justified. This is one of the few times its not. At some point that parents and that girl need to take responsibility for a situation SHE caused.
Posted by 68dustin (Member # 5388) on :
hahahahahhahah [worship]
Posted by [SHO]TIME (Member # 8962) on :
too bad she wasn't wearing a skirt
Posted by [SHO]TIME (Member # 8962) on :
no but seriously it seemed a little excessive but lets be real here, nows the time that little girl can either take this as a learing experience and know that you need to not fuck up in life or just keep doing what she does and not follow orders and wind up in jail or shot one day! I personally feel our system is way too soft inviting people to be useless members of society, i think if you get caught stealing you lose the hand you stole with, we would have far less crime
Posted by i (Member # 12534) on :
Originally posted by [SHO]TIME:
too bad she wasn't wearing a skirt

Posted by 135.0 (Member # 4992) on :
It's a product of non spanking and participation trophy millennial generation. You see the older generation was spanked, which would be far less worse than being treated with a Steiner suplex
Posted by TR1 (Member # 296) on :
Originally posted by Autumnstang97:
Good. Failed parenting. Police get called to situations where no one else wants to get involved, and when they get there to handle business, no one likes the way it looks. I've met plenty of cops. They are not the problem.

Exactly. [patriot]
Posted by 92 LS Coupe (Member # 13890) on :
I hear you SHO TIME
Posted by 75 chevy (Member # 6717) on :
Originally posted by 135.0:
It's a product of non spanking and participation trophy millennial generation. You see the older generation was spanked, which would be far less worse than being treated with a Steiner suplex

Posted by 9cobra7 (Member # 2812) on :
Whats interesting about all these type of videos is that you don't see what led up to the actions of the cops. I want to see the whole video so we can get an idea why the cop did this. He's clearly not going to come up to this girl and do this without a just cause, especially when they know everyone has a phone waiting to shoot video.

I'm wondering why they continue to paint the picture of cops in this way as our enemies?

Imagine if this kid was black the amount of uproar you'd be hearing about. Since the kid looks white it's no big deal I guess.

But I agree these kids need to be spanked as children and should know there is cause and effect for bad behavior. I love how she complied quite nicely after the pile driver lol.
Posted by 135.0 (Member # 4992) on :
Originally posted by 9cobra7:
Whats interesting about all these type of videos is that you don't see what led up to the actions of the cops. I want to see the whole video so we can get an idea why the cop did this. He's clearly not going to come up to this girl and do this without a just cause, especially when they know everyone has a phone waiting to shoot video.

I'm wondering why they continue to paint the picture of cops in this way as our enemies?

Imagine if this kid was black the amount of uproar you'd be hearing about. Since the kid looks white it's no big deal I guess.

But I agree these kids need to be spanked as children and should know there is cause and effect for bad behavior. I love how she complied quite nicely after the pile driver lol.

It's the liberal media, they know they can create a narrative to shock people when all we are studying is max 60 seconds of a YouTube video. They're doing the same narrative with the trump campaign
Posted by 9cobra7 (Member # 2812) on :
Originally posted by 135.0:
Originally posted by 9cobra7:
Whats interesting about all these type of videos is that you don't see what led up to the actions of the cops. I want to see the whole video so we can get an idea why the cop did this. He's clearly not going to come up to this girl and do this without a just cause, especially when they know everyone has a phone waiting to shoot video.

I'm wondering why they continue to paint the picture of cops in this way as our enemies?

Imagine if this kid was black the amount of uproar you'd be hearing about. Since the kid looks white it's no big deal I guess.

But I agree these kids need to be spanked as children and should know there is cause and effect for bad behavior. I love how she complied quite nicely after the pile driver lol.

It's the liberal media, they know they can create a narrative to shock people when all we are studying is max 60 seconds of a YouTube video. They're doing the same narrative with the trump campaign
Thank you for saying this, you just basically proved what I've been trying to convey! This is exactly how the republicans are doomed.

The media is controlling this whole election, which means what? Your vote doesn't really count since its all biased.

For example, I am led to believe that white cops are only out to get unarmed black teenagers. That's about the only thing I am hearing the last few years on t.v. or news radio.
Its never cop shoots black unarmed teenager...its always white cop shoots black unarmed teenager. So basically, the white cops are the bad ones. You hear this over and over again, you will eventually believe it.

Ask any cop would they recommend this line of work to there kids, most all would say no. It used to be a good profession but now its a joke. I feel bad for these guys now and sympathize to the fullest. My buddy just got out of it and gave up the profession.
They can be fired at any second for "racial" discrimination that was taken out of context or anything else. You talk about a profession that is now under a microscope with body cameras, in-car cameras, gps tracking devices etc. All they used to have was handcuffs, radio and a gun; no wonder the drinking and divorce is rampant.

The media really wants us to be against cops but why is the real question? Rarely will you hear anything good they do. It should be the opposite.
Posted by CoyoteMike (Member # 13748) on :
Well its not nearly as black and white as that. Yes the liberal media goes far to make everything biased. But there are a lot of bad cops, there are cops that do nothing about bad cops, and good cops that do something about bad cops usually end up fired or silence.

There is a police militarization problem and a police brutality problem. However its not "white cops against black people" as the media makes it. It is police vs citizens period.

Accountability has the be there for a group of people we give immense power to. If they dont like cameras or GPS or whatever then they should not be cops. Cameras are there for both the officers and citizens protection and to show the whole story (at least when there is not a "malfunction" of the camera which happens far too often for todays technology. There badge is not a "do whatever they want and get away with it" badge. Cops needs to be held to the utmost highest standard possible and constantly scrutinized. They have the power to take away constitutionally protected rights on a whim and not get indited even if a normal citizen who did the same exact thing would have.

Anyone and everyone with excessive power should be put under suspicion. The human condition will make some % use their power excessively. Its human nature.

What we also really need is body cameras on politicians. Need to see what really goes on behind closed doors.

[ 2016-04-10, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: CoyoteMike ]
Posted by 9cobra7 (Member # 2812) on :
Originally posted by CoyoteMike:
Well its not nearly as black and white as that. Yes the liberal media goes far to make everything biased. But there are a lot of bad cops, there are cops that do nothing about bad cops, and good cops that do something about bad cops usually end up fired or silence.

There is a police militarization problem and a police brutality problem. However its not "white cops against black people" as the media makes it. It is police vs citizens period.

Accountability has the be there for a group of people we give immense power to. If they dont like cameras or GPS or whatever then they should not be cops. Cameras are there for both the officers and citizens protection and to show the whole story (at least when there is not a "malfunction" of the camera which happens far too often for todays technology. There badge is not a "do whatever they want and get away with it" badge. Cops needs to be held to the utmost highest standard possible and constantly scrutinized. They have the power to take away constitutionally protected rights on a whim and not get indited even if a normal citizen who did the same exact thing would have.

Anyone and everyone with excessive power should be put under suspicion. The human condition will make some % use their power excessively. Its human nature.

What we also really need is body cameras on politicians. Need to see what really goes on behind closed doors.

"If they dont like cameras or GPS or whatever then they should not be cops."

You do realize that many who became police officers didn't have any of this equipment when they joined the force, right? Like every officer from mid 2000's and prior should just quit since they don't like the new technology?
Would you give up your profession because you had to use crappy Windows Vista or something back in the day? Or something that makes your job much harder to do than it used to? No, you adapt best you can or you get out if you can't handle it. Technology changes week to week and you don't get any choices anymore so usually you have to make the best of it.

I agree and disagree with you on some things and that there is good and bad people in every profession...period! Good doctors, bad ones. Good mechanics, bad every profession. Police are no different, good and bad unfortunately. All you see is the bad thanks to the media.

As far as the cops go, it is literally black n white. I can't count the amount of white cop vs unarmed black teenager headlines are out there in the last several years. You telling me you haven't heard about it? Can you count even one "black cop shoots unarmed black teenager" headline?

"What we also really need is body cameras on politicians. Need to see what really goes on behind closed doors."

I, 150% agree with this statement!!! They don't want you to see what"s behind those doors in those meetings. If you did, you'd march in the streets the nest day. Since they represent us, why the hell can't we hear anything they're saying??? Because they'll talk about how they're going to steal your money out of your pocket without you knowing how it happened, in a nutshell.
Posted by CoyoteMike (Member # 13748) on :
Originally posted by 9cobra7:
Originally posted by CoyoteMike:
Well its not nearly as black and white as that. Yes the liberal media goes far to make everything biased. But there are a lot of bad cops, there are cops that do nothing about bad cops, and good cops that do something about bad cops usually end up fired or silence.

There is a police militarization problem and a police brutality problem. However its not "white cops against black people" as the media makes it. It is police vs citizens period.

Accountability has the be there for a group of people we give immense power to. If they dont like cameras or GPS or whatever then they should not be cops. Cameras are there for both the officers and citizens protection and to show the whole story (at least when there is not a "malfunction" of the camera which happens far too often for todays technology. There badge is not a "do whatever they want and get away with it" badge. Cops needs to be held to the utmost highest standard possible and constantly scrutinized. They have the power to take away constitutionally protected rights on a whim and not get indited even if a normal citizen who did the same exact thing would have.

Anyone and everyone with excessive power should be put under suspicion. The human condition will make some % use their power excessively. Its human nature.

What we also really need is body cameras on politicians. Need to see what really goes on behind closed doors.

"If they dont like cameras or GPS or whatever then they should not be cops."

You do realize that many who became police officers didn't have any of this equipment when they joined the force, right? Like every officer from mid 2000's and prior should just quit since they don't like the new technology?
Would you give up your profession because you had to use crappy Windows Vista or something back in the day? Or something that makes your job much harder to do than it used to? No, you adapt best you can or you get out if you can't handle it. Technology changes week to week and you don't get any choices anymore so usually you have to make the best of it.

I agree and disagree with you on some things and that there is good and bad people in every profession...period! Good doctors, bad ones. Good mechanics, bad every profession. Police are no different, good and bad unfortunately. All you see is the bad thanks to the media.

As far as the cops go, it is literally black n white. I can't count the amount of white cop vs unarmed black teenager headlines are out there in the last several years. You telling me you haven't heard about it? Can you count even one "black cop shoots unarmed black teenager" headline?

"What we also really need is body cameras on politicians. Need to see what really goes on behind closed doors."

I, 150% agree with this statement!!! They don't want you to see what"s behind those doors in those meetings. If you did, you'd march in the streets the nest day. Since they represent us, why the hell can't we hear anything they're saying??? Because they'll talk about how they're going to steal your money out of your pocket without you knowing how it happened, in a nutshell.

You do realize many workers from all industries did not start with the new technology they had today? Did they quit? Nope, they adapted just as police should. Police can be happy all they want, but they wield enormous power and they have the ability to shred your constitutional rights as I said. They should be scrutinized on everything because of this.

Also the new tech does not make their job harder. if they follow the law (which are even asinine in most cases) and don't violate peoples rights, nor talk them into giving up their rights there is not an issue.

You can talk about other industries though like good doctors/bad doctors, but police are in a unique position to abuse people and fully get away with it. Doctors have to have individual insurance policies as well against malpractice (which I fully believe Police should as well)

I also believe Police should not get the benefit of a doubt in most situations. They are not above average citizens. They should be held to the same standards as the rest of us. Most thing you see them do, if an average citizen did it they would be behind bars for many years.

And lastly police should not be allowed to investigate themselves. most industries have laws or policies against conflict of interest. But when you investigate yourself and find you did nothing wrong. That creates a negative perception.

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