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Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
hey guys dont mean to seem like a fag but i got a homework assignment and i thought this would be a nice edge to it.

We are studing virtue from socrates and i need to figure out how different cultures view it.

im just asking for your opinion about virtue, what it is, how do you value it, if you believe it still exist and what ethnicity you. are this would help me out guys and girls. please share your opinion
Posted by Luke87GT (Member # 21) on :
Change courses ASAP.
No man should have to go through something like this.
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
I would have to go against Socrates thought on virtue. I do believe it can be taught. And I do think a person virtue is cumulative. Through being directly taught, exposed to through various stimuli then by interpretation through the first 2 is what shapes a persons virtue. I consider virtue a house of cards as you will. Built up through a lifetime of experience but can come tumbling down at the slightest ill movement or whim. Also just to add virtue is a funny thing, because outside observance is subjective. And to the subject it is an introspect. So when it comes to defining ones virtuous nature who do you believe if both parties disagree? So in a math sense virtue is just a variable "n".

[ October 06, 2010, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: N8 ]
Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
i like the response NG, can i get your race or nationality please. it hased to be strung out through ethnical backgroung.

Anyone else have any thoughts about this ??
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by 03mach1:
i like the response NG, can i get your race or nationality please. it hased to be strung out through ethnical backgroung.

Anyone else have any thoughts about this ??

I am black (lol) creole to be exact. Born in the good ol' US in New Orleans LA. Very southern, superstitious and religious upbringing.
Posted by Slowback67 (Member # 6348) on :
^ N8 is lying..... He's a pasty white guy who wears wooden shoes.
Posted by sinisterblk (Member # 8425) on :
I will agree with n8 on his point on virtue not
being innate. I believe virtue is learned not a " king
Arthur" virtuous as a born trait therefore able
to pull the sword. People are not altruistic, we are
completely incentive driven, not to sound like a pessimist
and infer all good deeds are done b/c of a motive.... But yah
they all have an incentive which may be as small as feeling good for a virtuous act.
P.s. The idea that virtue is taught/learned
also maintains accountability on parents, teachers, etc. I would like to keep thisstatus quo intact
Posted by sinisterblk (Member # 8425) on :
More direct: it exists but is incentive driven. The discerning
factor is how big the incentive is.
Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
Originally posted by sinisterblk:
More direct: it exists but is incentive driven. The discerning
factor is how big the incentive is.

Can i get an ethnicity please, love what your saying
Posted by Wolfie351 (Member # 651) on :
Virtue is a farce. Everyone thinks they are virtuous according to their own values. Hitler thought he was virtuous. Gandhi thought he was virtuous. One killed 6 million people, the other slept with naked 12 year olds. So, virtue just ends up being a comparison of values and who is to judge which is correct?
Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
Originally posted by Wolfie351:
who is to judge which is correct?

that is a good point, there isnt a right or wrong answer that is why everyones opinion is very important to me in this assignment.

Please tell me your race and where u were raised please, i need it
Posted by sinisterblk (Member # 8425) on :
Whitey raised in angels camp, CA. Rural, conservative, predominately white(99% until the last five years) community.
Posted by Nastysvt (Member # 6431) on :
Originally posted by Slowback67:
^ N8 is lying..... He's a pasty white guy who wears wooden shoes.

LMAO..Heres a pic i found of N8
Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
thanks for the picture bro, whats your opinion on virture? do you think it exist?
Posted by Nastysvt (Member # 6431) on :
Virtue can definitely be taught. Each person holds some morals inside them. Its apart of Nature. Using those in your daily life is what seems to be the challenge for most. Having the proper up-bringing at a young age helps you to identify with making a correct pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. Deciding to continue with that pattern as life continues also faces a challenge, so a solid foundation to Virtue must in my eyes be introduced at a young age rather than later in life.
Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
Originally posted by Nastysvt:
Virtue can definitely be taught. Each person holds some morals inside them. Its apart of Nature. Using those in your daily life is what seems to be the challenge for most. Having the proper up-bringing at a young age helps you to identify with making a correct pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. Deciding to continue with that pattern as life continues also faces a challenge, so a solid foundation to Virtue must in my eyes be introduced at a young age rather than later in life.

i like that, can i get your race and where u grew up please.
Posted by Nastysvt (Member # 6431) on :
im mixed, spanish, portuguese, Italian..however you want to sum that up. lol. I grew up in the east bay..san lorenzo

[ October 06, 2010, 01:23 AM: Message edited by: Nastysvt ]
Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
thanks, so in class we read a book called the 6 questions of socrates and the first was"What is Virtue" the other compared our time to ancient greek time and influenced his belief that he doesnt believe that Virtue exist because we dont have any great amazing things being created with teamwork from our neighbors and what not. Anyone have a thought bout that
Posted by Nastysvt (Member # 6431) on :
who exactly do they mean as "we" and "neighbors"? we as in our nation?
Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
those where the authors words and yah i supose he means as a nation or a comunnity mabye society. he wants us to think about it i guess
Posted by Nastysvt (Member # 6431) on :
well if talking about our nation, theres a numerous amout of events that took place which not only changed history in the u.s. but around the world. By doing so, it helped neighboring countries follow the advancements in technology, endings of world wars, and more..heres a few for example..all involving team effort [patriot]

1.Us drops atomic bombs on Hiroshima, Nagasaki: Japan surrenders to end World War II 1945
2.American astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first human to walk on the moon 1969
3.Wilbur and Orville Wright fly the first powered airplane 1903
4.Antibiotic penicillin discovered 1928
5.New polio vaccine works 1953
6.DNA's structure discovered 1953
7.World Wide Web invented 1989
8.Official U.S. debut of TV 1939
9.Scientists invent transistor 1948
10.U.S. defends South Korea 1950
and last but not least, the most important of all...
Ford creates assembly line 1913 [Big Grin] [dance]
Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
anyone else wanna help
Posted by gray03gt (Member # 6427) on :
Virtue (Latin virtus; Greek ἀρετή "arete") is moral excellence. A virtue is a trait or quality deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Sure people have these types of traits. How about the person who always holds the door for people behind them or coming towards them, no matter what is going on? For every 1 of these polite door holders, I see a 100 people who are clueless to those around them. Think about the question in a simplistic form and then develop your ideas.
Posted by Pure Stang (Member # 7251) on :
I'm digging this topic.
Posted by 03mach1 (Member # 9866) on :
he topics diggin you bro

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