This is topic Dang it, being black strikes again (sorry long) in forum General Talk at Northern California Ford Owners  .

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Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
We havent had a race topic in a bit so I am gonna share what happened to me at lunch today.

So my business partner (Scott) and I are on a assignment with the same contract this time. We get paid net30 so today we received one month worth of checks from our contract. So Scott decides to cash all his now versus waiting until the weekend. So I run him over to Wachovia (the bank which the checks are drawn on). He runs in there and cashes his roughly 10k worth of checks. All is fine and dandy. I sit out in the car and wait looking through the window as he does his thing. So later I decide I wanna go do mine versus waiting as well. So I shoot up to the same bank with my 10k worth of checks. Get greeted, cool. Present my checks and 2 forms of ID's (same as Scott). Except this time, the teller leaves to go to the back. I am not tripping and proceed to have a convo with an old lady next to me. Young man comes back and says "I need to have my manager approve this as this is over my limit and could get fired if I cash these". I am like "cool", he just did Scott's checks so I am thinking maybe he means cumulative balance for the day. I wait. Finally I get the assistant who goes on to tell me that without starting a bank account they cannot cash these checks and that the Manager is on his way in. I am like "why, the gentleman said he could but it was above high allowable limit"? Then she tells me, well the amounts seem strange and then asks me what do I do to make so much money. Ok I am officially offended but keep my cool, I politely say "that is really of no concern to you or this bank, would you like to call and verify funds?" She goes off into some jargon about bank policy and all this other jazz. So I say "I tell you what I would like to wait for the branch manager". Meanwhile I sneak off and call Scott and ask him to come up here. So as if they rode together Scott comes in and sits down over to the side and observes. Branch manager comes in and the assistant manager tries to whisk him away to the back before I can get to him. I interrupt and tell him what is going on and that I would like to talk to him. I can see where his thought process and conversation is going so I tell him, "before you get to reciting your rules and regulations let me introduce you to my business partner Scott, Scott here seems to not have had the issues I am having and I was wondering if he could shed some light on what he did to cash his checks without so much of a hiccup in sight". Man it was classic, the looks on their faces was worth its weight in gold. After Scott gives his spill, shows his money and receipts, points out that the same dude who helped him helped me, I go onto to list out some demands. Exactly like this:

A. I want my check cashed by this gentleman whom said he would get fired if he did it.

B. I would like him fired for cashing my check which he is going to break the rules doing.

C. I would like to hear the explanation for this treatment and blatant lies that were fed to me, from the both managers.

D. I would also like each of your business cards so I can go ahead on and file a complaint.

E. I would like a "thank you" from you (branch manager) as I saved you from putting your foot in your mouth.

After my speech one lady applauded and said she was going to close her account there. Mean while I kept my cool, talked to them very determined but not disrespectful.

Mind you Scott is white and we were both dressed in our finest business casual attire and both had our work badges displayed, both checks were roughly the same amount, only difference is he is a white dude.

It is a shame that people are still like this and being treated this way. But I am hella proud of the way I handled it. It was so funny to verbally lay a smack down on some racist bastards. And just have them utterly lost for words.
Posted by slowback67 (Member # 6348) on :
I'm on your side this time..... The only thing that could explain it would be they thought it was odd two people came in and tried to cash to big checks? Maybe they thought it was a scam... But I see why you feel the way you do. It sucks if it was a race thing [Frown]
Posted by Jdub07 (Member # 2728) on :
I was treated the same way with a $5K check that was a B of A check. I went to b of a to cash it and they said they wouldn't do it unless I open an account with them. I said, 'its your check why should I have to open an account' he started talking to me like a retard so I just told him to fuck himself. Went to my bank and they cashed it.

Since I was in a hurry at the time I didn't bother hanging around the bank to argue with some cock sucker that makes half the money I do.

Bottom line...Banks suck. Credit unions have always treated me like gold.
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by slowback67:
I'm on your side this time..... The only thing that could explain it would be they thought it was odd two people came in and tried to cash to big checks? Maybe they thought it was a scam... But I see why you feel the way you do. It sucks if it was a race thing [Frown]

Which I could have respected and is what I thought was going to be said. But they went off on some other stuff. Had they said something feasible I would have just left. It was not an ideal use of our time to sit here and do this..

Yea Jdub, I am with a credit union too, and they treat a brotha like a king. But by the time I get home they are closed. And I hate putting large amounts through the teller machine.

[ August 25, 2009, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: N8 ]
Posted by Yaterstang (Member # 7659) on :
Don't be so fn sensitive. You just happened to be the second person with the same 10 thousand dollars worth of checks from the same company. Of course the bankers are going to start flipping out, they just handed your buddy 10K of cash. If you would have came in on a different day, you would have probably been in and out just like your cracker friend. But nooo, you have to pull the race card when there is no proof that they were scrutinizing your transaction based on race. Did you hear them drop the N bomb? They dropped the "what the fuck is this guy doing cashing checks in this amount from the same company that dude before cashed with no bank account here bomb". Bank's are a bunch of bitches that equally treat any non customer like a bitch whenever they want.
Posted by 50 Deep (Member # 6216) on :
Bravo ol chap. Handled it like an adult and kept your cool. Only thing I can see is if they thought it was suspicious since ur homie cashed his first. But they could have just made a call 2 verify the funds. Honestly I would go back 2 that bank and try 2 get the same teller everytime u go 2 cash business checks from that bank
Posted by Venomized93 (Member # 55) on :
Working in the banking business as a teller and service officer for over 8 years, I can try to shed some light. You have to be cautious at times with non customers. Being that you and your partner came in practically at the same time and cashed out $20k in cash checks are red flags. Not only that you mentioned you were right at $10k limit, another red flag (CTR - Currency Transaction Report limit is $10,000.01). Certain banks for examaple have non customer limits. I can't speak for Wachovia because I never worked there. There are a lot of variables also depending on the type of bussiness account too. Just from hearing your short story and not knowing the full details, I would of approached it cautiously and brought a supervisor in too to review the transaction. It could have been two white guys that came in or In your case a white and a black guy or two Hungarians. That was a lot of money going out very quickly for non customers. She should have called to verify funds if it was over the non customer amount. At Citibank we had an amount that needed to be verified by phone by the account holder and signature must match account holders exactly.
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by 50 Deep:
Bravo ol chap. Handled it like an adult and kept your cool. Only thing I can see is if they thought it was suspicious since ur homie cashed his first. But they could have just made a call 2 verify the funds. Honestly I would go back 2 that bank and try 2 get the same teller everytime u go 2 cash business checks from that bank

Yater, I feel ya, and believe me had they said that. WI would have either A. gave them the check to validate funds or B Just left. Probably B because I was on the clock. But by not putting people like this on the spot, I am essentially enabling this treatment to continue. Bring people like this to light and you can essentially do your part to stop the treatment. At one point I was just getting a kick out of them squirming and being uncomfortable. Then when the lady applauded all my actions were justified. Not to mention they cashed my check... [Smile]
Posted by Venomized93 (Member # 55) on :
Originally posted by Yaterstang:
Don't be so fn sensitive. You just happened to be the second person with the same 10 thousand dollars worth of checks from the same company. Of course the bankers are going to start flipping out, they just handed your buddy 10K of cash. If you would have came in on a different day, you would have probably been in and out just like your cracker friend. But nooo, you have to pull the race card when there is no proof that they were scrutinizing your transaction based on race. Did you hear them drop the N bomb? They dropped the "what the fuck is this guy doing cashing checks in this amount from the same company that dude before cashed with no bank account here bomb". Bank's are a bunch of bitches that equally treat any non customer like a bitch whenever they want.

While I was replying at the time there were no replies yet to this post. But it's true when Non customers come In and take large amounts, they're red flags. They have no recourse if they end up being fradulent checks, once your out the bank it's gone. They wanted you to open accounts because policy is different to actual account holders of the actual bank. It also provides them a idetification process besides showing ID. Most banks are going to treat you better if your their customer, there supposed too.
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by Venomized93:
Originally posted by Yaterstang:
Don't be so fn sensitive. You just happened to be the second person with the same 10 thousand dollars worth of checks from the same company. Of course the bankers are going to start flipping out, they just handed your buddy 10K of cash. If you would have came in on a different day, you would have probably been in and out just like your cracker friend. But nooo, you have to pull the race card when there is no proof that they were scrutinizing your transaction based on race. Did you hear them drop the N bomb? They dropped the "what the fuck is this guy doing cashing checks in this amount from the same company that dude before cashed with no bank account here bomb". Bank's are a bunch of bitches that equally treat any non customer like a bitch whenever they want.

While I was replying at the time there were no replies yet to this post. But it's true when Non customers come In and take large amounts, they're red flags. They have no recourse if they end up being fradulent checks, once your out the bank it's gone. They wanted you to open accounts because policy is different to actual account holders of the actual bank. It also provides them a idetification process besides showing ID. Most banks are going to treat you better if your their customer, there supposed too.
Agreed, and I understand that. And like I said had it not been for the treatment and mitigating circumstances I would have not had a issue either way. I hate the race card. I do not like being treated any differently because of my race, whether good or bad.
Posted by Luke87GT (Member # 21) on :
N8, if I were in your position, I would likely be upset, but I'm not surprised that this happened, and it may have nothing to do with race...

A gentleman walks in and cashes a check for $10K. 5 minutes later another gentleman walks in and tries to cash another $10K check. I personally would expect the bank to be suspicious and attempt to cover their bases regardless if the 2nd person is black, white, green, or purple.

Cashing checks in that amount is suspicious to Bank's in general. Transfering is more acceptable obviously, but I realize you'd have to wait ~3-5 business days to deposit one bank's check to another bank before it cleared.

If Scott walked in 2nd, I would bet that he would go through the same hassle.

To bring this home a bit, my family owns a business in SF. They have counterfeit stories a mile long with people trying to scam them. Most common is paying with fake $100 bills when buying something that costs a few bucks. The change is obviously real. Fake checks, fake credit card numbers. You gotta be careful to minimize the chances of being burned.

Sorry you had to go through it man.

For what its worth, I am white, and I have been treated like dog shit by Wells Fargo (mostly on the home mortgage side of things). Lied to my face, ignored, etc.

[ August 25, 2009, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: Luke87GT ]
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Yea, Like I said all the above I can accpet. But the treatment, lies and suspicious behavior does not cover the obvious well for them. I was not threatening, but when I challenged their ideaology they were back peddling and stumbling like a crawdad.
Posted by Saleen9675 (Member # 9207) on :
Thats sucks, well at least they cashed your check.
I don't think the guy was lying about getting fired. My cousin just got fired from BOA becuase he cashed a check for a customer for 5gs and he didn't check to see if there was funds. I think the guy didn't get fired becuase his Manager came in to play.
Posted by 9cobra7 (Member # 2812) on :
That was nicely executed N8. Next time you need to end the conversation like this: "You know, I'm just glad there's someone, such as me, that can put up with people like yourselves".
Posted by SPIDER_STANG (Member # 8658) on :
Originally posted by Yaterstang:
Don't be so fn sensitive. You just happened to be the second person with the same 10 thousand dollars worth of checks from the same company. Of course the bankers are going to start flipping out, they just handed your buddy 10K of cash. If you would have came in on a different day, you would have probably been in and out just like your cracker friend. But nooo, you have to pull the race card when there is no proof that they were scrutinizing your transaction based on race. Did you hear them drop the N bomb? They dropped the "what the fuck is this guy doing cashing checks in this amount from the same company that dude before cashed with no bank account here bomb". Bank's are a bunch of bitches that equally treat any non customer like a bitch whenever they want.

I dont think you got N8 point!! If it was a red flag issue all they had to do is verify the funds & it would of been ok. He's not upset it could of put up a red flag!! Its the point of trying to get him not to cash the checks their!! They could of just kept all that bull shit to themselves & called & got the checks verified & what ever else they needed to do, Then just give him his cash & say have a good day!! They tried to feed him a bunch of bull that made the whole Race card seem real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by hidnn.o.s. (Member # 1219) on :
Originally posted by Luke87GT:
If Scott walked in 2nd, I would bet that he would go through the same hassle.

The key is right there..............................
Posted by 95GTConvtACE (Member # 6399) on :
Next time you need checks cashed, just give them to me I will cash it for
Posted by svfreerider87 (Member # 5748) on :
Originally posted by N8:
We havent had a race topic in a bit so I am gonna share what happened to me at lunch today.

So my business partner (Scott) and I are on a assignment with the same contract this time. We get paid net30 so today we received one month worth of checks from our contract. So Scott decides to cash all his now versus waiting until the weekend. So I run him over to Wachovia (the bank which the checks are drawn on). He runs in there and cashes his roughly 10k worth of checks. All is fine and dandy. I sit out in the car and wait looking through the window as he does his thing. So later I decide I wanna go do mine versus waiting as well. So I shoot up to the same bank with my 10k worth of checks. Get greeted, cool. Present my checks and 2 forms of ID's (same as Scott). Except this time, the teller leaves to go to the back. I am not tripping and proceed to have a convo with an old lady next to me. Young man comes back and says "I need to have my manager approve this as this is over my limit and could get fired if I cash these". I am like "cool", he just did Scott's checks so I am thinking maybe he means cumulative balance for the day. I wait. Finally I get the assistant who goes on to tell me that without starting a bank account they cannot cash these checks and that the Manager is on his way in. I am like "why, the gentleman said he could but it was above high allowable limit"? Then she tells me, well the amounts seem strange and then asks me what do I do to make so much money. Ok I am officially offended but keep my cool, I politely say "that is really of no concern to you or this bank, would you like to call and verify funds?" She goes off into some jargon about bank policy and all this other jazz. So I say "I tell you what I would like to wait for the branch manager". Meanwhile I sneak off and call Scott and ask him to come up here. So as if they rode together Scott comes in and sits down over to the side and observes. Branch manager comes in and the assistant manager tries to whisk him away to the back before I can get to him. I interrupt and tell him what is going on and that I would like to talk to him. I can see where his thought process and conversation is going so I tell him, "before you get to reciting your rules and regulations let me introduce you to my business partner Scott, Scott here seems to not have had the issues I am having and I was wondering if he could shed some light on what he did to cash his checks without so much of a hiccup in sight". Man it was classic, the looks on their faces was worth its weight in gold. After Scott gives his spill, shows his money and receipts, points out that the same dude who helped him helped me, I go onto to list out some demands. Exactly like this:

A. I want my check cashed by this gentleman whom said he would get fired if he did it.

B. I would like him fired for cashing my check which he is going to break the rules doing.

C. I would like to hear the explanation for this treatment and blatant lies that were fed to me, from the both managers.

D. I would also like each of your business cards so I can go ahead on and file a complaint.

E. I would like a "thank you" from you (branch manager) as I saved you from putting your foot in your mouth.

After my speech one lady applauded and said she was going to close her account there. Mean while I kept my cool, talked to them very determined but not disrespectful.

Mind you Scott is white and we were both dressed in our finest business casual attire and both had our work badges displayed, both checks were roughly the same amount, only difference is he is a white dude.

It is a shame that people are still like this and being treated this way. But I am hella proud of the way I handled it. It was so funny to verbally lay a smack down on some racist bastards. And just have them utterly lost for words.

I would give you props for handling it like that nate, leaving em speechless with no comeback is the only way!
Posted by SHOalex (Member # 7720) on :
I'd be pissed if they did that to me and anyone who says N8 trippin' hasn't had a taste of this kind of treatment it could be a a coincidence that they cashed hos buddies check no problem and gave N8 the run around but I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time some thing like this has happened to him and I'm sure it wont be the last something similar happened to my dad when he tried to even DEPOSIT like 25K at once he walked in looking like a straight paisa(hella mexican) too hahahaha
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by SPIDER_STANG:
Originally posted by Yaterstang:
Don't be so fn sensitive. You just happened to be the second person with the same 10 thousand dollars worth of checks from the same company. Of course the bankers are going to start flipping out, they just handed your buddy 10K of cash. If you would have came in on a different day, you would have probably been in and out just like your cracker friend. But nooo, you have to pull the race card when there is no proof that they were scrutinizing your transaction based on race. Did you hear them drop the N bomb? They dropped the "what the fuck is this guy doing cashing checks in this amount from the same company that dude before cashed with no bank account here bomb". Bank's are a bunch of bitches that equally treat any non customer like a bitch whenever they want.

I dont think you got N8 point!! If it was a red flag issue all they had to do is verify the funds & it would of been ok. He's not upset it could of put up a red flag!! Its the point of trying to get him not to cash the checks their!! They could of just kept all that bull shit to themselves & called & got the checks verified & what ever else they needed to do, Then just give him his cash & say have a good day!! They tried to feed him a bunch of bull that made the whole Race card seem real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by NiftyWhiteFifty (Member # 4320) on :
Originally posted by hidnn.o.s.:
Originally posted by Luke87GT:
If Scott walked in 2nd, I would bet that he would go through the same hassle.

The key is right there..............................

not to say that this isn't having to do with race, because i wasn't there and i can't say what was going through their heads. but coming from a cashiers perspective, I would be VERY suspicious of two people coming in to cash 10k in checks like that on the same day within hours apart, coming from the same account/payer no matter what race/gender/age they were.

[ August 25, 2009, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: NiftyWhiteFifty ]
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by NiftyWhiteFifty:
Originally posted by hidnn.o.s.:
Originally posted by Luke87GT:
If Scott walked in 2nd, I would bet that he would go through the same hassle.

The key is right there..............................

not to say that this isn't having to do with race, because i wasn't there and i can't say what was going through their heads. but coming from a cashiers perspective, I would be VERY suspicious of two people coming in to cash 10k in checks like that on the same day within hours apart, coming from the same account/payer no matter what race/gender/age they were.

Yup but you do what is there for you to validate the check (not to mention they could not point to the rules they cited). You just dont pop off with some random BS. Checks were drawn from them and their branch in particular. Should have been very easy to verify.
Posted by 9cobra7 (Member # 2812) on :
You know N8, you could try the Micheal Jackson approach and paint yourself white [Eek!]
Posted by hidnn.o.s. (Member # 1219) on :
Originally posted by N8:
Originally posted by NiftyWhiteFifty:
Originally posted by hidnn.o.s.:
Originally posted by Luke87GT:
If Scott walked in 2nd, I would bet that he would go through the same hassle.

The key is right there..............................

not to say that this isn't having to do with race, because i wasn't there and i can't say what was going through their heads. but coming from a cashiers perspective, I would be VERY suspicious of two people coming in to cash 10k in checks like that on the same day within hours apart, coming from the same account/payer no matter what race/gender/age they were.

Yup but you do what is there for you to validate the check (not to mention they could not point to the rules they cited). You just dont pop off with some random BS. Checks were drawn from them and their branch in particular. Should have been very easy to verify.
ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT, it was suspicious.... I bet the cashier was thinking about the first transaction every second after your friend left. Then the second person, you, comes in with the similar thing and he was like, "Oh shit, I'm going to lose my job/or am being scammed for sure!"

Could it have been verified easily, maybe... Regardless, the flag went up and they got scared, plain n simple in my opinion.... They got scared and went away from the easiest route, but they got scared.... Put the card away....

I bet it'd been the same way if your friend came in second in your spot....

[ August 25, 2009, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: hidnn.o.s. ]
Posted by NiftyWhiteFifty (Member # 4320) on :
Originally posted by hidnn.o.s.:
ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT, it was suspicious.... I bet the cashier was thinking about the first transaction every second after your friend left. Then the second person, you, comes in with the similar thing and he was like, "Oh shit, I'm going to lose my job/or am being scammed for sure!"

Could it have been verified easily, maybe... Regardless, the flag went up and they got scared, plain n simple in my opinion.... They got scared and went away from the easiest route, but they got scared.... Put the card away....

I bet it'd been the same way if your friend came in second in your spot....

I agree. Whenever a red flag like that gets put up, it sometimes leaves the cashier, even managers fumbling as they try to get everything sorted out, while also trying not to upset the customer. as they have no way of knowing how they will react.
Posted by 90FoX (Member # 1974) on :
Maybe somewhere in the "jargon and jazz" she mentioned something that would have explained the issue.

Sounds to me you jumped the gun assuming it was because of race.

Either way, big props for holding your cool. If I felt someone was being racist I would probably flip out; not getting me very far....
Posted by its50 (Member # 4069) on :
24 days befor my 18th birthday my father passed away.i get a 35k check in the mail from his 401k.i go to the bank to open an account and the lady said,"how old are you"?and i asked her why.she said nevermind do you have ID i said yes i do.i open up my wallet and she sees my dads DL and befor i could grab mine she goes thats not you.i was like i never said it was and she walked off to the back and came back with someone else and and we start playing 21 was down u had all the time in the world.but i pull out my shit and shes all i still cant take this u have to try else i take my lil check and come back the next day when the branc manager was there who just so happend to be a friend of the family and watched them to get their asses handed to em.and the day after i went back in their and wrote myself a check from metlife 15k just for the fuck of it and they still to this day kiss my ass when i walk through that door.i love it [patriot] it does suck for me at times cause im young and black and the very 1st thing everyone comes at me with is"u sell dope huh?"lolbut that shit dont bother me
Posted by Rigo5.0 (Member # 5247) on :
Sounds like it was a combination of race and general suspicion.
A lot of folks on this thread are saying not to jump to the race card, but this shit really happens. The problem in this situation is "consistency".
And I hate when motherFU**ERS at banks try to make their own rules. Some dumbass at my bank made up his own regualtion on why he couldn't cash a gift check that was given from work. All I said was "get the manager", manager came and within 5 mins I was done.
Posted by stangin' (Member # 514) on :
you should do an experiment the next time you and your business partner get a check for a large sum of money. this time, you walk in first and have your partner go in 15min later. go to a different branch and see what happens and report to us. maybe this will prove something to the non-believers.
Posted by BCINGUU (Member # 2397) on :
Originally posted by Luke87GT:
For what its worth, I am white, and I have been treated like dog shit by Wells Fargo...Lied to my face, ignored, etc.

+1, same situation as you N8, banks want you to have an account with them even if they issued the check. Don't know why, but it's messed up.
Posted by SPIDER_STANG (Member # 8658) on :
Everyone knows Race still plays apart in today's society!! Some try & say its over get over it but its not & Some do jump the gun & claim race when things go bad but the truth is its still out their regardless what color your skin is we all feel it from time to time. All we can do is teach our kids that its stupid to judge a person because of the color of their skin!!
Posted by Bigjerry916 (Member # 8787) on :
Sounds like the bank was just doing their job if they didn't find 2 checks back to back for 10grand a lil suspicous I would prolly close out my b of a account.
Posted by turbo50 (Member # 6700) on :
Banks sweat me all the time and Im not black.
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by Bigjerry916:
Sounds like the bank was just doing their job if they didn't find 2 checks back to back for 10grand a lil suspicous I would prolly close out my b of a account.

Actually they ended up doing their job after I held my ground. They tried to circumvent their jobs had I not. And I firmly believe this was racially charged as they did not afford me the normal due process for processing a check drawn from their bank and from that branch. I have already spoke to a person in customer support (supervisor) and they have assured me that this is not the banks process, is an isolated anomaly and that they will follow up and investigate and contact me with the findings. So based on that reactions sounds like they are doing the opposite of their "job".

Like I said had they did the normal checks and balances and provided a worth while statement of why they would not be able to then it would have been no harm no foul and I would have walked out and asked Scott to spot me for lunch. I am no fool and I can tell when I am being led astray so to speak. Everything about their actions screamed discrimination. And as for being afraid and bumbling? What would they be afraid of? Is it because I am a big black dude? I was very patient and cordial and even respectful when I was angry. But in the end I m totally happy that someone will look into this. Discrimination of any sort has no place in society. I dont care if they didnt wanna serve my because I had on my Nike Golf slacks on and never played a lick of golf in my life. Still treat me with the same respect as the next person.

[ August 26, 2009, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: N8 ]
Posted by fr5.0 (Member # 8652) on :
Originally posted by N8:
Originally posted by Bigjerry916:
Sounds like the bank was just doing their job if they didn't find 2 checks back to back for 10grand a lil suspicous I would prolly close out my b of a account.

Actually they ended up doing their job after I held my ground. They tried to circumvent their jobs had I not. And I firmly believe this was racially charged as they did not afford me the normal due process for processing a check drawn from their bank and from that branch. I have already spoke to a person in customer support (supervisor) and they have assured me that this is not the banks process, is an isolated anomaly and that they will follow up and investigate and contact me with the findings. So based on that reactions sounds like they are doing the opposite of their "job".

Like I said had they did the normal checks and balances and provided a worth while statement of why they would not be able to then it would have been no harm no foul and I would have walked out and asked Scott to spot me for lunch. I am no fool and I can tell when I am being led astray so to speak. Everything about their actions screamed discrimination. And as for being afraid and bumbling? What would they be afraid of? Is it because I am a big black dude? I was very patient and cordial and even respectful when I was angry. But in the end I m totally happy that someone will look into this. Discrimination of any sort has no place in society. I dont care if they didnt wanna serve my because I had on my Nike Golf slacks on and never played a lick of golf in my life. Still treat me with the same respect as the next person.

you realy think you caried your self with dignity????
at this moment you disgraced your entire family name!!!!
those people looked at you like you were a peice of shit for implying racism!
the facts are all there, you stated them your self!

the ONLY reason your check was cashed was your immature mouth, i bet the mgr. was running for the vault hoping that he got back to the counter befor you called rev. jackson!!!!!

you should be ashamed of your actions and your thoughts!!!!
i cant believe what i just read!!!!!
on top of all that malarkey you went and called customer support?
no matter what, if you call racism, anyone is going to agree with you!!!
but i bet you have known that for a long time!!!!!
i hate to bust you out N8, but your no better then the rest of the retards tryna look for an excuse!!!!
wait, last i checked you aint never once had a problem with these tards on cafords throwin the honky or cracker words around, but you sure are quick to put people on blast for sayin N-I-G-G-A!!!!!
looks like your lookin a little to hard for something thats not there!!!

[ August 26, 2009, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: fr5.0 ]
Posted by solbrothers (Member # 7524) on :
Originally posted by Venomized93:
Working in the banking business as a teller and service officer for over 8 years, I can try to shed some light. You have to be cautious at times with non customers. Being that you and your partner came in practically at the same time and cashed out $20k in cash checks are red flags. Not only that you mentioned you were right at $10k limit, another red flag (CTR - Currency Transaction Report limit is $10,000.01). Certain banks for examaple have non customer limits. I can't speak for Wachovia because I never worked there. There are a lot of variables also depending on the type of bussiness account too. Just from hearing your short story and not knowing the full details, I would of approached it cautiously and brought a supervisor in too to review the transaction. It could have been two white guys that came in or In your case a white and a black guy or two Hungarians. That was a lot of money going out very quickly for non customers. She should have called to verify funds if it was over the non customer amount. At Citibank we had an amount that needed to be verified by phone by the account holder and signature must match account holders exactly.

wow. proper english grammar and spelling. am i really on cafords?
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by fr5.0:
Originally posted by N8:
Originally posted by Bigjerry916:
Sounds like the bank was just doing their job if they didn't find 2 checks back to back for 10grand a lil suspicous I would prolly close out my b of a account.

Actually they ended up doing their job after I held my ground. They tried to circumvent their jobs had I not. And I firmly believe this was racially charged as they did not afford me the normal due process for processing a check drawn from their bank and from that branch. I have already spoke to a person in customer support (supervisor) and they have assured me that this is not the banks process, is an isolated anomaly and that they will follow up and investigate and contact me with the findings. So based on that reactions sounds like they are doing the opposite of their "job".

Like I said had they did the normal checks and balances and provided a worth while statement of why they would not be able to then it would have been no harm no foul and I would have walked out and asked Scott to spot me for lunch. I am no fool and I can tell when I am being led astray so to speak. Everything about their actions screamed discrimination. And as for being afraid and bumbling? What would they be afraid of? Is it because I am a big black dude? I was very patient and cordial and even respectful when I was angry. But in the end I m totally happy that someone will look into this. Discrimination of any sort has no place in society. I dont care if they didnt wanna serve my because I had on my Nike Golf slacks on and never played a lick of golf in my life. Still treat me with the same respect as the next person.

you realy think you caried your self with dignity????
at this moment you disgraced your entire family name!!!!
those people looked at you like you were a peice of shit for implying racism!
the facts are all there, you stated them your self!

the ONLY reason your check was cashed was your immature mouth, i bet the mgr. was running for the vault hoping that he got back to the counter befor you called rev. jackson!!!!!

you should be ashamed of your actions and your thoughts!!!!
i cant believe what i just read!!!!!
on top of all that malarkey you went and called customer support?
no matter what, if you call racism, anyone is going to agree with you!!!
but i bet you have known that for a long time!!!!!
i hate to bust you out N8, but your no better then the rest of the retards tryna look for an excuse!!!!
wait, last i checked you aint never once had a problem with these tards on cafords throwin the honky or cracker words around, but you sure are quick to put people on blast for sayin N-I-G-G-A!!!!!
looks like your lookin a little to hard for something thats not there!!!

I had something typed up. But I figure talking to you about this situation is like feed a dead horse live oats. Just be knowing, that I am not a status quo type. Like I believe you to be. I see something wrong I stand up for myself. And hopefully for others. I for damn sure wont enable what I believe to be a racist situation, person or place. Ever. On the other hand, status quo types stay in their lane, and they follow not lead. And that just is not me.

Oh and I am still cool as the other side of the bed
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by solbrothers:
Originally posted by Venomized93:
Working in the banking business as a teller and service officer for over 8 years, I can try to shed some light. You have to be cautious at times with non customers. Being that you and your partner came in practically at the same time and cashed out $20k in cash checks are red flags. Not only that you mentioned you were right at $10k limit, another red flag (CTR - Currency Transaction Report limit is $10,000.01). Certain banks for examaple have non customer limits. I can't speak for Wachovia because I never worked there. There are a lot of variables also depending on the type of bussiness account too. Just from hearing your short story and not knowing the full details, I would of approached it cautiously and brought a supervisor in too to review the transaction. It could have been two white guys that came in or In your case a white and a black guy or two Hungarians. That was a lot of money going out very quickly for non customers. She should have called to verify funds if it was over the non customer amount. At Citibank we had an amount that needed to be verified by phone by the account holder and signature must match account holders exactly.

wow. proper english grammar and spelling. am i really on cafords?
hahaha, yea. Venom, seriously man I can respect that. Hell even if a check was not cashed before I expected them to have to verify it intensely. But to shoo me out the door, give me some bogus lame excuses that turned out to be totally not true? They did themselves a total injustice by doing that. Had they said it was homies limit or bank limit or something believable, I grab my check and leave and Scott spots me lunch. I do not go places looking for confrontation. Actually I am quite peaceful and most that have met me will tell you I am cool and pretty soft spoken.

Oh and yes I had been vocal about the use of the N word casually here. Ask around.

[ August 26, 2009, 11:40 PM: Message edited by: N8 ]
Posted by 86- 50 (Member # 4723) on :
So fr5.0, Do you really think that discrimination don't exist [Roll Eyes] . And you should be a little more sensitive to a subject you have no perspective on [patriot] .
Posted by phil a (Member # 6951) on :
Originally posted by fr5.0:
Originally posted by N8:
Originally posted by Bigjerry916:
Sounds like the bank was just doing their job if they didn't find 2 checks back to back for 10grand a lil suspicous I would prolly close out my b of a account.

Actually they ended up doing their job after I held my ground. They tried to circumvent their jobs had I not. And I firmly believe this was racially charged as they did not afford me the normal due process for processing a check drawn from their bank and from that branch. I have already spoke to a person in customer support (supervisor) and they have assured me that this is not the banks process, is an isolated anomaly and that they will follow up and investigate and contact me with the findings. So based on that reactions sounds like they are doing the opposite of their "job".

Like I said had they did the normal checks and balances and provided a worth while statement of why they would not be able to then it would have been no harm no foul and I would have walked out and asked Scott to spot me for lunch. I am no fool and I can tell when I am being led astray so to speak. Everything about their actions screamed discrimination. And as for being afraid and bumbling? What would they be afraid of? Is it because I am a big black dude? I was very patient and cordial and even respectful when I was angry. But in the end I m totally happy that someone will look into this. Discrimination of any sort has no place in society. I dont care if they didnt wanna serve my because I had on my Nike Golf slacks on and never played a lick of golf in my life. Still treat me with the same respect as the next person.

you realy think you caried your self with dignity????
at this moment you disgraced your entire family name!!!!
those people looked at you like you were a peice of shit for implying racism!
the facts are all there, you stated them your self!

the ONLY reason your check was cashed was your immature mouth, i bet the mgr. was running for the vault hoping that he got back to the counter befor you called rev. jackson!!!!!

you should be ashamed of your actions and your thoughts!!!!
i cant believe what i just read!!!!!
on top of all that malarkey you went and called customer support?
no matter what, if you call racism, anyone is going to agree with you!!!
but i bet you have known that for a long time!!!!!
i hate to bust you out N8, but your no better then the rest of the retards tryna look for an excuse!!!!
wait, last i checked you aint never once had a problem with these tards on cafords throwin the honky or cracker words around, but you sure are quick to put people on blast for sayin N-I-G-G-A!!!!!
looks like your lookin a little to hard for something thats not there!!!

Tongue-in-cheek, or is this real talk?

Regardless of whether it was discrimination or not, I think that N8 did the right thing by keeping his cool. That's tough to do, and something that I often have trouble with. I see it like this - bank tellers have a false sense of power, like without them, you would be missing the crucial link between you and your money. I've had so many of them hassle me for various reasons, making people jump through hoops to prove that they are there on legitimate business.

I like how you respectfully but forcefully called them on their bullshit, and in my opinion, if it WASN'T discrimination, why would the branch manager not have taken the time to explain the banking policies to you, rather than basically thanking you with his silence for helping him avoid embarrassment when he/they were obviously in the wrong?
Posted by PugOwner (Member # 8404) on :
You had me believing this story until you put in there that some lady said she was going to close her account.

[BS flag]

Is phil a the old terrorist from SacStangs? If so, what the fuck are you doing in OR?

[ August 27, 2009, 01:30 PM: Message edited by: PugOwner ]
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by PugOwner:
You had me believing this story until you put in there that some lady said she was going to close her account.

[BS flag]

Is phil a the old terrorist from SacStangs? If so, what the fuck are you doing in OR?

I have a attractive and interest inspiring way of speaking I have been told. Whether the lady closed her account or not I wont know. But she was obviously moved, by my being willing to stand up for myself. And just so you guys know, the tellers' job is not in danger as I am sure he was regurgitating the non-sense he was asked to by his superiors. Also on my follow up call I actually spoke of him highly as mainly doing his job. He is not the bad guy IMO.
Posted by Yaterstang (Member # 7659) on :
I bet that lady didnt have an account either or was on chexsystems. Racism exists everywhere, black, white, asian, mexicans. Stereotypes persist and if your pulling the race card when there's no good evidence of race being an issue other than a perception of yourself being a big black dude trying to cash dem checks at a bank, then your self imposed prophecy becomes a reality to nobody else but you. For example, a stereotype I have is that black people try to pull the race card whenever they possibly can even it if don't exist. And based on this post, your living up to my own stereotype. I could be wrong, but whenever I hear something racial went down, like that professor and cop and OBAMA. It makes pulling the race card way less effective, than when it really happens. Still think N8's cool but don't be so sensitive and stop trying to call people's customer support when you already gots ya money. Your like the non-customer from hell and they could give a rat's ass about you by being a non-customer of their bank.
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by Yaterstang:
I bet that lady didnt have an account either or was on chexsystems. Racism exists everywhere, black, white, asian, mexicans. Stereotypes persist and if your pulling the race card when there's no good evidence of race being an issue other than a perception of yourself being a big black dude trying to cash dem checks at a bank, then your self imposed prophecy becomes a reality to nobody else but you. For example, a stereotype I have is that black people try to pull the race card whenever they possibly can even it if don't exist. And based on this post, your living up to my own stereotype. I could be wrong, but whenever I hear something racial went down, like that professor and cop and OBAMA. It makes pulling the race card way less effective, than when it really happens. Still think N8's cool but don't be so sensitive and stop trying to call people's customer support when you already gots ya money. Your like the non-customer from hell and they could give a rat's ass about you by being a non-customer of their bank.

Quite contrary, I think they do care thus the calls I have received on follow-up communication. Like I said I gave every out possible to the parties involved and was very patient and understanding. As painful as it sounds yes stereotypes are everywhere and in everyone, hell I have them too. But when you personify that thought or misconception then you have a issue. And like I said I never formally presented the race card to them, I presented it to them in just about as ambiguous, vague format as they presented it to me. Essentially holding that mirror up to them and it clearly showed some prejudicial treatment. It could have been my clothes, cologne, hair style or whatever. but the closest non-common denominator was my skin color. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck what is it then? And if you are not black I am not going to ask you to understand and maybe this topic is not for you. And as for me being sensitive, negative on that. I am just not a another face in the crowd type or a person that lays down or runs off when I feel I am being wronged. I refuse to let someone pour syrup on shit and call it pancakes. I sure bet I wont be treated like that again when I return to cash a check. I hold people responsible for their actions/words and I hold myself in the same light. I also follow the saying "Make sure your words taste like the sweetest honey, because you are never sure when you'll have to eat them". Which they obviously do not do. So whether is be racism, or blatant disregard for due process. It wont happen to me again there or at least not without the appropriate recourse. Just for the record had it been the other way around and my partner was treated unfairly I would have had the reaction and same objections. [patriot]
Posted by East Bay 50 (Member # 8081) on :
Originally posted by Yaterstang:
I bet that lady didnt have an account either or was on chexsystems. Racism exists everywhere, black, white, asian, mexicans. Stereotypes persist and if your pulling the race card when there's no good evidence of race being an issue other than a perception of yourself being a big black dude trying to cash dem checks at a bank, then your self imposed prophecy becomes a reality to nobody else but you. For example, a stereotype I have is that black people try to pull the race card whenever they possibly can even it if don't exist. And based on this post, your living up to my own stereotype. I could be wrong, but whenever I hear something racial went down, like that professor and cop and OBAMA. It makes pulling the race card way less effective, than when it really happens. Still think N8's cool but don't be so sensitive and stop trying to call people's customer support when you already gots ya money. Your like the non-customer from hell and they could give a rat's ass about you by being a non-customer of their bank.

I have a sterotype about caucasians thinking racism dose not exist and that people of color always place the "race card" Granted discrimination based on one's ethnicity is not ALWAYS the case, but it happens more often than prople think. Alot of people have built in subconcious (sp) feelings toward people of color and don"t even realize it.
Posted by phil a (Member # 6951) on :
Originally posted by PugOwner:
You had me believing this story until you put in there that some lady said she was going to close her account.

[BS flag]

Is phil a the old terrorist from SacStangs? If so, what the fuck are you doing in OR?

The one and only. I'm moved up here to go back to school, U of O. Who are you and why would you want to own a pug?
Posted by Luke87GT (Member # 21) on :
Originally posted by PugOwner:
You had me believing this story until you put in there that some lady said she was going to close her account.

[BS flag]

lol, does seem far fetched huh? Like something you'd see on In Living Color...

"Shit, I'm gonna close my account since that speach was so powerful by N8"

[Razz] [Big Grin] [Wink]
Posted by SPIDER_STANG (Member # 8658) on :
N8 some people will never understand!!! I think you did a great job & This battle to get other races to see will never end. So you know you did what was right & thats what matters. Because to some White's racism just cant happen anymore since the end of slavery!! LoL & I said some so I dont need every white to get upset, It only pertains to the few who believe racism dosent exist in 2009.
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by Luke87GT:
Originally posted by PugOwner:
You had me believing this story until you put in there that some lady said she was going to close her account.

[BS flag]

lol, does seem far fetched huh? Like something you'd see on In Living Color...

"Shit, I'm gonna close my account since that speach was so powerful by N8"

[Razz] [Big Grin] [Wink]

lmao...maybe I should run for pres.
Posted by Luke87GT (Member # 21) on :
Originally posted by N8:
Originally posted by Luke87GT:
Originally posted by PugOwner:
You had me believing this story until you put in there that some lady said she was going to close her account.

[BS flag]

lol, does seem far fetched huh? Like something you'd see on In Living Color...

"Shit, I'm gonna close my account since that speach was so powerful by N8"

[Razz] [Big Grin] [Wink]

lmao...maybe I should run for pres.
I would not put that past you N8 lol
Posted by hidnn.o.s. (Member # 1219) on :
Originally posted by N8:
maybe I should run for pres.

That would honestly get me to move, [Big Grin]
Posted by fr5.0 (Member # 8652) on :
Originally posted by N8:
Essentially holding that mirror up to them and it clearly showed some prejudicial treatment. It could have been my clothes, cologne, hair style or whatever. but the closest non-common denominator was my skin color. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck what is it then? And if you are not black I am not going to ask you to understand

what a cop out, you got disrespected (in your eyes) so the non-common denominator was your skin color?????? WTF crazy shit do you got running threw your brain!!!!!!!
i cant believe that youre still going with this N8, i dont have to be black to see that wasnt racist!
you making it look like you were the victim because you didnt get your way makes you look so childish!!!!!

Originally posted by 86- 50:
So fr5.0, Do you really think that discrimination don't exist [Roll Eyes] . And you should be a little more sensitive to a subject you have no perspective on [patriot] .

bro you dont know me or what i could or could not have a perspective on!
further more when did i say discrimination doesnt exist????
get your facts right before you enter a debate with me, cause there plain as day in the op!!!

Originally posted by East Bay 50:
Alot of people have built in subconcious (sp) feelings toward people of color and don"t even realize it.

thats a crock of shit!!!!!
America is so afraid of who the black man is going to accuse next that people are scared of his presence!!!!
dont start with this poor me bullshit! it gets so old!!!

Originally posted by N8:
Oh and yes I had been vocal about the use of the N word casually here. Ask around.

my point exactly, when was the last time you spoke up about all the honky and cracker comments!!! jokes or not you dont see anyone making racist comments towards blacks!!! thats racism N8, if you hate racism like you say you wouldnt over look it just because its not about blacks!!!!!!

but hey i guess its natural for blacks to play the victim card and act like there not the racist ones huh!!!!! i hope this pisses you off, the fact that i see right threw you!!!!
keep hating whites KILL WHITEY [patriot]

[ August 27, 2009, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: fr5.0 ]
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by hidnn.o.s.:
Originally posted by N8:
maybe I should run for pres.

That would honestly get me to move, [Big Grin]
That hurts man, I would pass a bill requiring all heater core installs to go through you for the state of California.

Glad you can see "threw" me. [Big Grin] with that vocab I never have to worry about you discovering my evil plan. Ooops did I say that out loud.
Posted by fr5.0 (Member # 8652) on :
Originally posted by N8:
Glad you can see "threw" me. [Big Grin] with that vocab I never have to worry about you discovering my evil plan. Ooops did I say that out loud.

thanks, im glad i could put your ignorance on blast for all to see. [Wink]
Posted by PugOwner (Member # 8404) on :
Originally posted by phil a:why would you want to own a pug?
Pug = Chinstrap
Posted by 1FAST89GT (Member # 5071) on :
its not a race thing, i deal with checks from 1k to 25k on a regular basis and no matter were i go or the amount it seems some punk ass teller says oh this is over my limit i need and approval, did they make u sit and wait for signiture verified, call the generator befor it was cashed? FUCK banks i don't understand it
Posted by SF89lLx (Member # 3965) on :
excatly, i read ur post, and at first i thought it was racist, but cmon, two dudes cashing 10 k checks?? u should of just go in with ur partner. anyways,, black people have it messed up, because a few ruin it for a lot of them, if you know what i mean, so yes there is always cause to be suspcious, especially when it comes with large amounts of money, just deal with it. P.S.. some of your demands were a little out there IMO.
Posted by phil a (Member # 6951) on :
Originally posted by PugOwner:
Originally posted by phil a:why would you want to own a pug?
Pug = Chinstrap
Good call on that one, I can see it now. Who are you? PM me
Posted by turbo50 (Member # 6700) on :
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by SF89lLx:
....P.S.. some of your demands were a little out there IMO.

lol...yea they were, but dude thanked me, I got the biz cards and the kid cashed my check. Hopefully they didnt really fire him. I still say there was no reason to feed me a line of horse shit. The absolutely flat out lied to me. Other than the kids saying it was over his limit. Funny thing is we had a team night at the bar yesterday and Scott tells me he thought I was gonna fire on one them. So while I was being calm vocally. He said my veins in my arms were poppin. Which made the encounter even more spooky. So maybe I was giving off the "I wish a MF would vibe" Its all good, if nothing else they know not to feed me BS if I come in there and have the rule book handy.
Posted by Daniel50 (Member # 5629) on :
i tried to cash a 5k dollar check as well from a well known loan company and even had them verify the amount and they did lend it to me. i had to wait 21 days before i got the money and im a 24 year old white male
Posted by Daniel50 (Member # 5629) on :
there are sadly a lot of racist people out there. i have tons of white, black, asian, and mexican friends so i dont really get to see the racist side of things like that. but i do know its out there.
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by Daniel50:
i tried to cash a 5k dollar check as well from a well known loan company and even had them verify the amount and they did lend it to me. i had to wait 21 days before i got the money and im a 24 year old white male

Just to clear up, I have no issue with due process and rules and regulations. But as confirmed they were well outside of the company/bank policy [Big Grin]
Posted by Yaterstang (Member # 7659) on :
Originally posted by SPIDER_STANG:
N8 some people will never understand!!! I think you did a great job & This battle to get other races to see will never end. So you know you did what was right & thats what matters. Because to some White's racism just cant happen anymore since the end of slavery!! LoL & I said some so I dont need every white to get upset, It only pertains to the few who believe racism dosent exist in 2009.

True racism does exist, hell drive down to mississipi and they will call you "nagger" right to your face. They never did call you that. They did lie to you, but it sounded like they needed time to do some checking around to make sure everything was legit. Dude was more afraid of losing his job due to getting scammed than him worried about you being black. Nothing in the description of what they did or said indicates that there was anything racial about their actions. The only person who jumped to conclusions was yourself. I understand there is racsism out there, but you not all situations you come accross where you are treated unfairly equates to race being the main reason. I guarantee that the teller didnt get fired, and I guarantee that the teller was probably told he did a good job potentially stopping a major loss. Not that they were implementing "The Man's" policy towards "you people". What the hell you mean by "you people"? lol
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by Yaterstang:
Originally posted by SPIDER_STANG:
N8 some people will never understand!!! I think you did a great job & This battle to get other races to see will never end. So you know you did what was right & thats what matters. Because to some White's racism just cant happen anymore since the end of slavery!! LoL & I said some so I dont need every white to get upset, It only pertains to the few who believe racism dosent exist in 2009.

True racism does exist, hell drive down to mississipi and they will call you "nagger" right to your face. They never did call you that. They did lie to you, but it sounded like they needed time to do some checking around to make sure everything was legit. Dude was more afraid of losing his job due to getting scammed than him worried about you being black. Nothing in the description of what they did or said indicates that there was anything racial about their actions. The only person who jumped to conclusions was yourself. I understand there is racism out there, but you not all situations you come across where you are treated unfairly equates to race being the main reason. I guarantee that the teller didn't get fired, and I guarantee that the teller was probably told he did a good job potentially stopping a major loss. Not that they were implementing "The Man's" policy towards "you people". What the hell you mean by "you people"? lol
Like I said, in the altercation I danced around the subject just as much as they did. And I did what I felt I had to do to get fair treatment. And it wasn't until my man stepped up and into it that things tipped in my favor and light was cast on the situation. Suspicion I can handle, and yes the teller was doing his job. But give me due process and dont lie to me. Because at the end of the day there was no good reason to mislead me. Not a one. Fuck suspicion, do your fucking job to either erase all doubt or find me to be a crook. But do not just give me the crook treatment off top. See that is what I was fighting for more than getting my check cashed. Run the gamut of checks and balances, then deny me. Dont just deny me on sight, which is what they did (and thus the problem). And if you dont afford someone the common courtesy set forth by the governing rules by which you are hired to uphold you are preventing nothing. You are misusing your authority and overall being an ass. And for what reason?

[ August 29, 2009, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: N8 ]
Posted by 9cobra7 (Member # 2812) on :
This topic is really really annoying now. It's old and there is no point to it anymore!!!
Posted by N8 (Member # 6048) on :
Originally posted by 9cobra7:
This topic is really really annoying now. It's old and there is no point to it anymore!!!

I agree. I promise to not bring a topic of this nature up again... [patriot]

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