This is topic do i need full coverage if i have a loan?! in forum General Talk at Northern California Ford Owners  .

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Posted by Daniel50 (Member # 5629) on :
well here is the deal. i am selling my 2000 dodge ram and have a truck loan out on it. i dont want to drive it anymore with gas prices the way they are so i want to just park it at my house until i sell it.

1. Will my loan company know if i drop my coverage?

2. How long until they would know and what they will do if the find out?

3. what if i put a non-op on it?
Posted by Jdub07 (Member # 2728) on :
put it non op and keep paying the loan
Posted by 92stangLX (Member # 3252) on :
Best thing to do is call the loan company and ask them how to handle the situation.
Posted by Daniel50 (Member # 5629) on :
yeah im going to keep paying the loan of course. but i really dont want to pay my 330 a month insurance payment every month. and im afraid if i call them then they are going to say no you cant and get pissed if they find out i cancelled. i figure if they find out if i dont tell them i can just say i didnt know or something.
Posted by Jdub07 (Member # 2728) on :
from my understanding as long as you showed proof of insurance when you got the loan you don't have to tell them shit.

you can call them and ask them without giving them any of your information, just say you have a general question and see what they say
Posted by Jdub07 (Member # 2728) on :
is it a 4 door truck? I'll trade you my audi for it [patriot]
Posted by Daniel50 (Member # 5629) on :
kinda a 4 door. it has the 2 half suicide opening doorrs in the back. and my problem is owe 13k on the truck so i cant trade
Posted by 69grandecj (Member # 5794) on :
If you don't drive it at all you can drop the liability coverage but with a loan you are required to have comp and collision.

If you don't and it gets stolen or a drunk driver hits it in your drive way you are still responsible for the loan.

But lets say that is what you do and someone comes by and test drives it and gets in a wreck. You will be responsible for the damages of the truck and whatever that person hits.
Posted by BlueBeast88.306 (Member # 6360) on :
I bought a brand new Dodge Ram in 98 and never had full coverage. It was risky, but I couldn't afford it. Everyone told me the lender would find out and make trouble, but I never had a problem. You should not drop it from your insurance completely just down grade it to liabilty only. If you drop it the insurance company will report it to DMV and they will probably contact your lein holder. If you just down grade it they will not report it.
Posted by Daniel50 (Member # 5629) on :
will they report it if there is a non-op?
Posted by BlueBeast88.306 (Member # 6360) on :
I don't know about that one, I've never non-op'ed a vehicle before.
Posted by DLo (Member # 6133) on :
I don't know how valid this information is, but I had a truck that I wanted to take the insurance off of since it wasn't being driven anymore and I was about to sell it. When I called up AAA to remove it from my plan, the lady (she actually was very hard to work with, maybe she was trying to dick with me) told me that I couldn't take insurance off the vehicle until it was actually sold. I had the pink slip and everything, no loans. I think non-op would work, I was about to do that but then made the sale. Just make sure you park it somewhere safe, it would suck to have something happen to it then still owe another 13k.

I'm pretty sure the loan companies will know if you drop coverage. As for how long, I have no idea.
Posted by Daniel50 (Member # 5629) on :
its goig to be in my side yard with a car parked behind it, a gate, and then another car behind that in a gated community in discovery bay. haha i dont have much to worry about and its out of gas i think
Posted by DLo (Member # 6133) on :
I'd spring for non-op, but check up on it like said above. Call in without giving out any of your info.
Posted by iceman302 (Member # 7180) on :
One thing that I've done when I'm going to be selling one of our cars is to contact the insurance company and tell them to reduce the usage down to as low as they will go. Your premiums are typically based upon how many miles that you drive (or what you told the insurance company you drive). If you're currently paying rates based on a much higher usage, then you may be able to keep the full coverage but lower your premiums substantially.
Posted by 69grandecj (Member # 5794) on :
Originally posted by DLo:
I don't know how valid this information is, but I had a truck that I wanted to take the insurance off of since it wasn't being driven anymore and I was about to sell it. When I called up AAA to remove it from my plan, the lady (she actually was very hard to work with, maybe she was trying to dick with me) told me that I couldn't take insurance off the vehicle until it was actually sold. I had the pink slip and everything, no loans. I think non-op would work, I was about to do that but then made the sale. Just make sure you park it somewhere safe, it would suck to have something happen to it then still owe another 13k.

I'm pretty sure the loan companies will know if you drop coverage. As for how long, I have no idea.

That's AAA.
Posted by DLo (Member # 6133) on :
Originally posted by 69grandecj:
That's AAA.

So do they majorly suck then? When I called back and talked to another person, she was more willing to help. Told me the last person shouldn't have said any of that (and there's more to go with how I was getting shafted too). I'm thinking of shopping around, but I don't know - I've been with them so long.
Posted by Dag302 (Member # 4682) on :
If the loan co finds out they will just add full coverage to your payment
Posted by Venomized93 (Member # 55) on :
I thought they can REPO the car for breaking the loan agreement. I would be really carefull on this.
Posted by Cm4hawks (Member # 5231) on :
I have done EXACTLY what you are doing now. I dropped the Insurance and the company did find out because my insurance sent them a Letter telling them i did so. The loan company gave me 2 weeks to get more coverage or they would tack it on my note. I told them i was not driving the car and they said it did not matter because someone could steal it or still crash into it and they would be out the money.
Posted by Daniel50 (Member # 5629) on :
hmmm maybe if i just put it down to minimum coverage they wont find out?
Posted by hidnn.o.s. (Member # 1219) on :
Originally posted by Daniel50:
hmmm maybe if i just put it down to minimum coverage they wont find out?

If you change ANYTHING regarding the policy a letter is sent to the lein holder for obvious reasons. If you think it's expensive now on insurance, WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE WHAT YOUR FINANCE COMPANY WILL CHARGE YOU [Eek!]

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