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Posted by venomous99 (Member # 1917) on :
anyone watching?
tito ortiz is making his return back to the octagon...war forrest griffin.
Posted by Jmir018 (Member # 1414) on :
i watched it. unfortunately i could not get decent tickets for this event.
Do u think Ortiz won the fight? i thought it was a draw at best.. Griffin should have won that fight.
Talk about an upset on the main event fight.
Posted by venomous99 (Member # 1917) on :
to be honest, i wanted forest to win to shut tito's cocky ass but in the end i thought tito dominated 1 and won 3 pretty closely.
the biggest upset of the night was AA getting kotf out by sylvia. rematch...
Posted by Jmir018 (Member # 1414) on :
yeah.. i was hoping for the same thing. tito needs to get his ass whooped. i really doubt shamrock can do that though..
i thought arlosky had silvia for sure .. it was a great little right that stunned AA though. there's got to be a rematch.
Don't know what's going on with Nick Diaz. that other little guy was quick. Diaz has lost his last 3 fights. he's a good fighter but needs to work on finishing the fights instead of letting them go to a decision and bitching about it afterwards.
Posted by AaronC (Member # 86) on :
Tito won the fight. He battered up Forrest in the first round and the late take down in the third round made the decision. Forrest put up a good fight though and seemed to get better as time went on. I was surprised tito didn't try to get him in a clinch and use his knees some. Maybe because of his bum knee?

I'm really disapointed with the Heavyweights. UFC needs to get some better heavyweights because these 2 guys wouldn't be in pride's top 6-8.
Posted by 5.0-srt-4 (Member # 5864) on :
forrest and tito was way close, the take down in the 3rd closed it for the judges though, aa is a better fighter than ts and i feel the fight was stopped a tad early, oh well nice lucky right hand
Posted by Dag302 (Member # 4682) on :
Overall I thought it was a pretty boring night. Hope the Gracy fight in May is better.
Posted by venomous99 (Member # 1917) on :
i want to see lebanner from k-1 fight sylvia...both guys are strikers but lebanner being the better of the two. lebanner called sylvias ass out on the internet but sylvia has been quiet as a mouse.
i guess they were right about AA having a weak ass chin. fedor would make the top ufc hw his bitches...

the diaz sherk fight must've been the most frustrating fight of the night. diaz's lazy jabs mustve been on slow mo all night long.

good to see tanner back and will a new team. hopefully he'll be able to avenge his losses with franklin but that wont happen for awhile.
Posted by 5.0Caliber (Member # 5865) on :
It was an alright card, The biggest fight was the worst. Sylvia did not win that fight by a long shot, he got extremely lucky and had good preperation. Arlovski is/should be ranked 5-6 in the world, he has very accurate and powerful striking, good ground skills which could use some more improvment, he has great athletic ability, the only thing the bothers me and severel million other people is his chin. Its not weak, its unpredictable, at times he has taken hard hits to the chin and not flinched and now sylvia barely tapped him on the chin and he goes down faster than a two dollar whore. After sylvia got up from the knockdown, A.A. lost his cool and tried to go in for another hard hit and missed. If they fight again today, A.A. would win. It was a [BS flag] call by the ref.
Posted by venomous99 (Member # 1917) on :
Originally posted by 5.0Caliber:
It was an alright card, The biggest fight was the worst. Sylvia did not win that fight by a long shot, he got extremely lucky and had good preperation. Arlovski is/should be ranked 5-6 in the world, he has very accurate and powerful striking, good ground skills which could use some more improvment, he has great athletic ability, the only thing the bothers me and severel million other people is his chin. Its not weak, its unpredictable, at times he has taken hard hits to the chin and not flinched and now sylvia barely tapped him on the chin and he goes down faster than a two dollar whore. After sylvia got up from the knockdown, A.A. lost his cool and tried to go in for another hard hit and missed. If they fight again today, A.A. would win. It was a [BS flag] call by the ref.

AA needs a chin like cabbage to be the complete
cabbage mustve eaten like 30 punches from sylvia whereas just one of those punches knocked AA. i think herb should've let the fight go on a bit longer to see if AA was really out. no doubt AA was stunned but i dont think he was out cold and he may've been able to continue fighting.
Posted by 5.0Caliber (Member # 5865) on :
Originally posted by venomous99:
Originally posted by 5.0Caliber:
It was an alright card, The biggest fight was the worst. Sylvia did not win that fight by a long shot, he got extremely lucky and had good preperation. Arlovski is/should be ranked 5-6 in the world, he has very accurate and powerful striking, good ground skills which could use some more improvment, he has great athletic ability, the only thing the bothers me and severel million other people is his chin. Its not weak, its unpredictable, at times he has taken hard hits to the chin and not flinched and now sylvia barely tapped him on the chin and he goes down faster than a two dollar whore. After sylvia got up from the knockdown, A.A. lost his cool and tried to go in for another hard hit and missed. If they fight again today, A.A. would win. It was a [BS flag] call by the ref.

AA needs a chin like cabbage to be the complete
cabbage mustve eaten like 30 punches from sylvia whereas just one of those punches knocked AA. i think herb should've let the fight go on a bit longer to see if AA was really out. no doubt AA was stunned but i dont think he was out cold and he may've been able to continue fighting.

Yeah cabbage can take alot of punishment, but hes less than mediocre. The heavywieght divison is full of "cans" there isnt any world class fighters besides AA. Sylvia just has size to work with, mir is a good fighter prob. the only worthy opponent, Monson, Cruz, Buentello, Eillers are all punching bags. Lebanner would be an excellent contender. Arlovski vs Mir [Whoo Whooooo!]
Posted by STREETFIGHTER50 (Member # 5012) on :
man i wanted to watch this. so tito won huh? i wanted forrest to whoop his cocky ass too. but i guess he's back on form..... i thought arlovski was gonna win for sure. what an upset. guess nobody has a chin like cabbage! u guys remember oleg taktarov? man, that guy used to take some serious beatings! "i promise my mom i will not get hurt again"-in his russian accent. that was hilarious when he said that after he won a fight! what ever happenned to chuck liddell after he got whooped by quinton jackson in pride? did they ever have a rematch? i don't think liddell was himself at that fight. tito should go to pride & give vanderlei silva a rematch, bet he'll get axe murdered especially with the different pride rules!
Posted by AaronC (Member # 86) on :
Originally posted by STREETFIGHTER50:
what ever happenned to chuck liddell after he got whooped by quinton jackson in pride? did they ever have a rematch? i don't think liddell was himself at that fight. tito should go to pride & give vanderlei silva a rematch, bet he'll get axe murdered especially with the different pride rules!

They haven't had a rematch. Quinton has been rumored to sign with UFC as of yesterday but nothing has been confirmed. It'd definitely be a good rematch but Quinton had a bad year last year and Chuck is on his game right now. And Wanderlei is just flat out tough. There's a lot of great fighters in the light heavyweight division in both organizations. UFC needs to get some legit heavyweights.

[ April 16, 2006, 10:40 PM: Message edited by: AaronC ]
Posted by 2stangs69-91 (Member # 1951) on :
I havn't watched a UFC in awhile. I used to watch them all. I thought it was a pretty good night of fights. I will start getting them again
Posted by venomous99 (Member # 1917) on :
Originally posted by STREETFIGHTER50:
man i wanted to watch this. so tito won huh? i wanted forrest to whoop his cocky ass too. but i guess he's back on form..... i thought arlovski was gonna win for sure. what an upset. guess nobody has a chin like cabbage! u guys remember oleg taktarov? man, that guy used to take some serious beatings! "i promise my mom i will not get hurt again"-in his russian accent. that was hilarious when he said that after he won a fight! what ever happenned to chuck liddell after he got whooped by quinton jackson in pride? did they ever have a rematch? i don't think liddell was himself at that fight. tito should go to pride & give vanderlei silva a rematch, bet he'll get axe murdered especially with the different pride rules!

the oleg and tank fight was classic. never seen two dudes so gassed out. that single 20min round on the 1st ufc's would be murder on anyones cardio, including marathon runners..haha
Posted by FoRdGiRl (Member # 6279) on :
I saw it thought it was good and yea that silva guy got HELLA lucky he won that fight and Im sure after he watches that he will realize and realize everyone else feels the same way [patriot]
Posted by 2stangs69-91 (Member # 1951) on :
actualy I give him alot of credit for getting up. He took a huge shot and gave back one of his own. He said he thought the guy had a glass jaw before didn't he?
Posted by venomous99 (Member # 1917) on :
comon ppl, i wouldnt call that punch lucky. it wasnt as if he just stuck his fist out there closing his eye hoping AA would run into it. he threw the punch with the intent of knocking mofo out so id just say his timing was right and he hit AA right on the button. hw hit so hard that anything can happen in a split second. perhaps the next time around AA will avenge his loss(or maybe not).

put lebanner in there or mark hunt to whoop some sylvia ass.

[ April 17, 2006, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: venomous99 ]
Posted by STREETFIGHTER50 (Member # 5012) on :
seems like mark hunt is on a rise. hey alex if u have pay per view on any upcoming events, lmk. i'll bring sum beer [Big Grin]
Posted by venomous99 (Member # 1917) on :
Originally posted by STREETFIGHTER50:
seems like mark hunt is on a rise. hey alex if u have pay per view on any upcoming events, lmk. i'll bring sum beer [Big Grin]

ill let u know. there is one coming up end of may...gracie vs hughes.
Posted by 5.0Caliber (Member # 5865) on :
Sylvia didnt get lucky with the punch, he got lucky with the win. If you watch the fight again, you can see it was a low right hook with not much power behind. He threw it right as AA threw his overhand right and missed, and when AA throws his overhands his head is pretty low and unprotected by his left hand. Arlovski vs Mir will be coming within the next year and a half, looking forward to that.

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