This is topic cobra bumper fit a gt? in forum General Talk at Northern California Ford Owners  .

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Posted by Jared (Member # 5405) on :
i have a 89 gt and i was wondering if the cobra bumper would just fit right in after i took the gt body kit off, or am i gonna have to buy a lx bumper to be able to put the cobra bumper on, also will i need extensions??? will lx extensions work? i know nothing and trying to figure out what i need to do this. thanks for the help.
Posted by rickm347 (Member # 5323) on :
Im about 99% sure that a cobra rear doesnt have or need extensions. You dont need an lx skin either. all you have to do is take off the gt bumber skin and put the cobra skin on...........unless you just want to leave the gt rear on and put the cobra on my 90 [Big Grin] [Wink] --rick
Posted by 89 FAKE SNAKE (Member # 4531) on :
ya it would fit rite one..its all 1 peice..have/had 1 on mine..might sell it..
Posted by PWR HNGRY 302 (Member # 6000) on :
Yup it will fit with no problem, the only hard thing about that is trying to get those fucking nuts off to pull the original bumper off.
Posted by rickm347 (Member # 5323) on :
yes the nuts are hard, especially the ones on the passenger side cuz of the fuel filler neck/box.

how much do you want for your cobra rear that you might sell thanks --rick

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