This is topic wow..seriously can i be anymore stressed?? in forum General Talk at Northern California Ford Owners  .

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Posted by Red00GT (Member # 5653) on :
seriously WHAT THE FUCK is happening in my life right now?? and gf break up after 2 1/2yrs
2nd...i get fuckin FIRED from my job over some bullshit (and believe me it is bullshit)
3rd....NO JOB, have an apartment to pay for NO MONEY!

and last..

EX textes me saying she is moving back into the apartment..and wants MY KEY so her NEW fuckin boyfriend can be there and i wont walk in on them...fuck her..i hate that bitch now..fuck her and her life fuckin sucks right now..i jus thank god i have my friends without them i would NEVER get through this!

[Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

sorry guys i needed to vent..
Posted by JohnCM (Member # 1076) on :
oh man, That's pretty frickin' bad man. Just think it's only uphill from here. Hang in there
Posted by DOPE 50 (Member # 5892) on :
Damn bro im fucken speech less,i thought my life had some problems.So your Ex girlfriend is moving back into your place with her new BF,Im confused [Confused] Damn that sucks,Well try to find a job any job hella people are hiring right now for the Holidays man Just keep your head up Man [patriot]
Posted by 91 5.0 5speed (Member # 1867) on :
Unless she is on the lease with you tell her to move elsewhere. If she is on the lease and she moves back in with a new boyfriend. Make life hell for that bitch. U don't need to deal with that shit!

p.s Your ex girlfriend sounds like she is a total slut! maybe you can slide me her # [Big Grin]
Posted by 88DroptopGT (Member # 2535) on :
1st - Don't worry about the GF. There are much more fish in the sea. I was in a longer relationship and got dissed. You gotta get burned to learn.

2nd - Find another job as soon as possible.

3rd - Do you have parents or anyone you can live with? That seems to be your only option until you get back on your feet. Maybe file for bankruptcy?

Did you pay off your car already?
Posted by Red00GT (Member # 5653) on :
idk if shes moving into the apartment WITH him..i know for a fact he will be there though. wow i have neevr been so stressed in my life! i kno i am only 20 but im stressin like a 30 yr old! fuck! (no offense to the older ones on this board). i just dont wanna blow up...especially if i see them now..i was coo before but now this just topped the fucin cake off..i DONT want to ever see them together i wont be able to keep my composure
Posted by uh0h50 (Member # 3125) on :
goddamn man, i feel for you. i thought the breakup was bad enough, now you lose your job?! and now your ex wants to move back in?! jeez man, i'm sorry about you situation, but its good that you're venting out your frustration instead up keeping it in.. i really dont know what to say for words of encouragement, but all i can say is that i feel for you man.. we're here for your bro! [patriot]
Posted by Red00GT (Member # 5653) on :
Originally posted by 88DroptopGT:
1st - Don't worry about the GF. There are much more fish in the sea. I was in a longer relationship and got dissed. You gotta get burned to learn.

2nd - Find another job as soon as possible.

3rd - Do you have parents or anyone you can live with? That seems to be your only option until you get back on your feet. Maybe file for bankruptcy?

Did you pay off your car already? payment of $270/mo

APARTMENT.. $362.50 (thats half) a month..

plus cell phone bill and CC fuckin parents said theyd help a im thankful for that

im not trippin off the trippin off the fact that she wants to move back in and i KNOW DAMN WELL why she wants fuckin DONE with her bitch ass..fuck her and him.
Posted by CLEEN 50 (Member # 5867) on :
Damn man. I'm sorry to hear about all that. Let me know if you wanna burn one, its on me [Wink] . This will only make you stronger man, just keep your head on straight and I promise everything will work out for the best. Right now you probably have a fuck the world attitude and I don't blame you, but ya need to turn the negative energy into something positive. I know it's easier said than done, but it works. Don't focus on anything right now besides getting an job and getting back on your feet, after move onto the next step. One step at a time. Stay up man. [patriot]

[ October 18, 2005, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: CLEEN 50 ]
Posted by venomized93 (Member # 55) on :
First of all, FUCK THE BITCH! Have her skank ass move in and help pay the rent in the mean time. Instead of you paying it all. Don't waste a second looking for a job. Start applying everywhere, even if its a job you dont really want to work at. Just something to make some income, while you can still look for a better job in the meantime while making some little cash.

Then you gotta try your best to not show any emotion and just go with the flow. Even though you may have feelings for her or want to fight the dude. Everyone hates it when a person doesn't show emotion towards something, that they want to see from. We've all been there before, whether its being broken up in a relationship or showing off your car or whatever. When you show no emotion towards her/them and the situation. You will have her thinking/guessing as to why your so cool about it.

[ October 18, 2005, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: venomized93 ]
Posted by 2stangs69-91 (Member # 1951) on :
Take it from a real old guy(older than even 30 LOL) Don't hang around or even think of sharing a apartment with a EX. It will turn out way Bad. If your parents will help you out gor for it and get on your feet than when your ready get back in the game. The same thing happens all the time to other people and they get through it fine good luck.
Posted by JohnB (Member # 969) on :
If you can, move back in with your parents. Rooming with an Ex spells trouble. It ain't worth it. [Frown]
Posted by RixSikCobra (Member # 5058) on :
Originally posted by JohnB:
If you can, move back in with your parents. Rooming with an Ex spells trouble. It ain't worth it. [Frown]


Good luck Glenn, sorry to hear all that. Keep everything in perspective, bro. [patriot]
Posted by BLOWN 4.6 (Member # 4789) on :
hang in there bro,ull get threw this.
Posted by Dag302 (Member # 4682) on :
Let me get this straight she wants to move back in to the apartment you guys shared? I agree move back home and get eveything straight. Good thing you are only 20 moving back home should be no big deal.
Posted by 89 FAKE SNAKE (Member # 4531) on :
damn glenn sorry to hear...but ya move out soon u can...and if that guy even wants to stay there make sure he pays YOU rent to stay there..
Posted by Bizob (Member # 3768) on :
Hey bro I know how you feel. It sucks when someone you care for breaks up with you and throws all this shit at you too. But like someone said earlier you have to turn that negative energy in to poisitive energy. For instance when my ex broke up with me I started hitting the gym hard to let me fustration out. Not only did I vent my fustration and anger in a poistive way, ive never been in such great shape either because it just became a good habbit for me. So you just have to find something to focus that negative energy on. Plus all things get better with time, i know it sucks right now but trust me when your down the only place to go is up.

I also agree that you should move back in with your parents. If you live with your ex things can get ugly pretty quick. Move back in with your parents and just pull your weight around the house and im sure they'll be cool with it, save up some money and move in with some of your friends or something after that. I hope everything turns out okay [patriot]
Posted by 94gt (Member # 3060) on :
You should focus on getting a job asap... rent, insurance, car payment, bills, cell... they all add up quickly man!!!

if you are on a lease, is she on it? if she is... thats gonna be a though one... if she's not, tell her to kick rocks. If its a month to month, tell her that you are moving out, and if she pays you the deposit she can have it.

but get a job asap man!

and cheer up... things always look the darkest before they get better.
Posted by Fostang (Member # 3752) on :
If all else fails you can move in with me big boy. [Razz]

You'll have to park in the street cuzz the driveway is mine bitch. [Smile]

If you touch any of my shit you die. [Mad]

Other than that I have an empty room which is actually beigger than my bedroom.

Unless your scared of Stockton. [Eek!]
Posted by Blue88lx (Member # 5919) on :
When I was 21 I had a problem like yours but worse!
I broke up with my girl(She broke up with me).

I worked for her Dad so I got fired.

We live in one of his rental so I was Ass Out.

He financed my car and I was making payments to
him. He kept my car because I couldn't pay him
off(it was in his name until I paid him off).

Start looking for a job Wednesday morning and move in with your parents. Good luck and don't do something crazy that you can't undo [Frown]
Posted by 1Sicgt (Member # 714) on :
Glen if shit get's too bad, hit me up. I got a spare bedroom with bed, We could work out a deal on rent, but try to avoid being in that situation. How long do you have on your lease? She is on it too correct? If so, she hasn't been living there for how long? Was she paying rent still? If not go talk to your landlord, try to have the lease cancelled. Explain the cituation, and how she is trying to force you out. If anything it would make her have to reapply with her new bf, and possibly get denied. Also gives you a chance to duck and run for the hills.
Posted by Camaro Kid Z/28 (Member # 3100) on :
Glen I am sorry for the shit you're going throuh. back in 96 i had the same thing happen to me....

1) my g/f left me
2) i get aressted 3 days later coming home from work.
3) spend about 2 weeks in jail
4) she hears about and goes to my camaro and breaks into it and takes her radio out(and lies about it,then tells me 6 months later she did it)
5) i lose my job
6) i had my license taken away
7) i had too wait for 6 months AND had to get an SR41 too drive again

but i got all shit fixed and came back better than ever and loved again. So I completely understand what you're feeling. whatever you not keep it all in,everyday will seem like forever until you meet someone else or it doesn't hurt anymore...but it will happen. I remember back then and how much pain i was in.....but I got through it and can laugh about it now! Remember theres always someone worse off than you! Keep on posting...we (Ca Fords) got your back! [patriot]
Posted by 9Roush8 (Member # 2472) on :
Damn glenn that sucks, keep your head up...
Posted by Norcal95050 (Member # 2941) on :
Just remember it could be worse, like being a drug addict, or a involved in some kinda jail time. My thoughts keep your system clean of drugs (incase a prospective employer wants to drug test you) and dont get yourself into trouble with the law like a DUI.... go work out, listen to some music (anything but country) refocus your goals and priorities. Youll get passed this its just a speed bump on the path of life.
Posted by HaulinAssMaro (Member # 541) on :
Originally posted by 91 5.0 5speed:

p.s Your ex girlfriend sounds like she is a total slut! maybe you can slide me her # [Big Grin]

HOLY SHIT,now thats just fukkin wrong [Eek!]
Posted by sharkattack (Member # 645) on :
20 years old? Dude you are so young. Want good advise? Go see a Recruiter (pick a branch) that will turn your life around. Doesn't even have to be that hard. I'd pick the Coast Guard myself. I was already a Marine.

No shit, leave all this shit behind and start fresh. No better way to get away. Ask some of the members on this board who have served or are serving right now. My 4 years in the Corps were the best thing for me, no doubt.

Posted by Dyrti Byrd 2k2 (Member # 2860) on :
sup man... I don't know you, but I would say that your troubles now could be paving your way to a much better lifestyle.

so you broke up with your gf for 2 1/2 years and she has the nerve to move back in to the apartment you've both shared AND wants your key?!? It looks like you got out of a relationship with a broad that has a pretty bitchy attitude. I don't see any type of compassion or respect when she demands such things.

Losing your job is tough, but finding a new job AND being single just seems so refreshing. Kinda like a new start. Find a part-time gig ASAP, but focus on finding a job that you'll enjoy. Don't trip about the hours you'll be working (unless you're in school) because you're single now. You don't need to set time aside for the GF.

Moving in with your parents is a good idea, but that could get depressing. If you have siblings that you get along with, that might help. If Fostang is serious about you movin' in with him, maybe you should consider it.

Take this opportunity to push for a better lifestle. Again, think positive. Eat Healthy and hit the gym. These are key to feeling better about yourself.

I was pretty much in the same boat that you're in around the same age. I looked at everything that went wrong in my relationship (jealousy, over-protective, etc.) and thought about how I could move forward and kill all of my "young-minded" thinking. A year after that relationship, I got into a new one and that new relationship is going on 6 years and still strong.

At your age, this is a good time to mature, grow up, pick your head up and face everything like a man.


[ October 19, 2005, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Dyrti Byrd 2k2 ]
Posted by Spitfiremk24 (Member # 5698) on :
Hey, its things like this that show everyone how much we take for granted. Everybody is guilty of this! Believe it or not, things could be worse. I know thats not what you want to hear right now, but try look at what you still have and be grateful, dont take things for granted, look on the bright side and count your blessings everyday.
Posted by Red00GT (Member # 5653) on :
yes this does suck major ass! but she IS also on the lease not just me..and i told her that if she moves back in and HE is going to be there to take me off the lease and put his ass on there. im just stressed out like crazy. plus i sprained a muscle around my shoulder..and it fuckin hurts hella bad..and now i need therapy for it...fuck..whatever..things will get better as long as i got you guys! [Big Grin] [Razz]
Posted by Red00GT (Member # 5653) on :
Originally posted by 91 5.0 5speed:

p.s Your ex girlfriend sounds like she is a total slut! maybe you can slide me her # [Big Grin]

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by 03SVTPower (Member # 518) on :
Should of took the fuckin piss test for the company and abide by thier policies, maybe then youd still have a job. Taco Bell is hiring [Razz]
Posted by boostin1.8 (Member # 868) on :
Originally posted by Red00GT:
Originally posted by 91 5.0 5speed:

p.s Your ex girlfriend sounds like she is a total slut! maybe you can slide me her # [Big Grin]

[Roll Eyes]
I agree thats a pritty fucked up statement to make after the shit youve gone through...
Posted by Red00GT (Member # 5653) on :
Originally posted by 03SVTPower:
Should of took the fuckin piss test for the company and abide by thier policies, maybe then youd still have a job. Taco Bell is hiring [Razz]

i NEVER refused to take the company said "ok thats fine...its ok..well send someone to get him" exact words! if they wanted me to stay and take the test they shoulda said "no you have to stay that is our policy that you have to take the test"...

yea taco bell is hiring over here too [Razz]
Posted by 94gt (Member # 3060) on :
Originally posted by Red00GT:
Originally posted by 03SVTPower:
Should of took the fuckin piss test for the company and abide by thier policies, maybe then youd still have a job. Taco Bell is hiring [Razz]

i NEVER refused to take the company said "ok thats fine...its ok..well send someone to get him" exact words! if they wanted me to stay and take the test they shoulda said "no you have to stay that is our policy that you have to take the test"...

yea taco bell is hiring over here too [Razz]

so, exactly why did you get fired? for not taking a piss test when they asked you? Or was it becasue of something drug related? more details plz
Posted by Chris C. (Member # 1949) on :
If you need any advice about your lease, and your apt. PM the details, Im a leasing Agent and have been one for almost 4 years, Im sure i can help ya out a bit. [patriot]
Posted by bunchmyfunky (Member # 360) on :
Originally posted by sharkattack:
20 years old? Dude you are so young. Want good advise? Go see a Recruiter (pick a branch) that will turn your life around. Doesn't even have to be that hard. I'd pick the Coast Guard myself. I was already a Marine.

No shit, leave all this shit behind and start fresh. No better way to get away. Ask some of the members on this board who have served or are serving right now. My 4 years in the Corps were the best thing for me, no doubt.


Best advice [patriot]
Posted by 94gt (Member # 3060) on :
Originally posted by bunchmyfunky:
Originally posted by sharkattack:
20 years old? Dude you are so young. Want good advise? Go see a Recruiter (pick a branch) that will turn your life around. Doesn't even have to be that hard. I'd pick the Coast Guard myself. I was already a Marine.

No shit, leave all this shit behind and start fresh. No better way to get away. Ask some of the members on this board who have served or are serving right now. My 4 years in the Corps were the best thing for me, no doubt.


Best advice [patriot]
[patriot] I agree, its a great life... but go USAF [Wink] (I'm biased)
Posted by NorCalRydaz (Member # 3233) on :
damn that sounds like drama. U should try to get away from that girl as soon as possible. The longer u stick around the more its gonna hurt.. Hit up the clubs N find urself a good ho.
Posted by 65 custom (Member # 3173) on :
hey whats up man i know what u mean my girl broke up with me after about a year in a half. but i cant really blame her i am kinda far living in germany and all so if u like to travel than join the usaf. pretty cool. man like i went to romania and let me tell u that is an untapped resoruse right there oh my god. but any ways back on track hang in there it will get better. and just get out and do something sitting around sucks cause u just think about it. later

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